DISCLAIMERS: See Chapter One for disclaimers, etc.

TITLE: Picking Up The Pieces-Chapter Seven

AUTHOR: Cindy (RkieFan1960@AOL.com

SUMMARY: Decisions are about to be made by several different people.

Los Angeles-Monday, September 17, 2001

It was the morning before Shelby was due to be admitted to the hospital. In the past several days Jill had spoken to both her supervisor in San Antonio and her housekeeper, keeping them abreast of what was going on. She was sitting in the living room watching Shelby at play after putting Michael on the school bus and wondering what to do with her son the next day. She'd spoken to Mike the night before and he wasn't sure when they'd be wrapping things up in New Orleans. Trap was working on a cheating spouse case of his own, so he was also gone a great deal of the time. Jill knew she'd be spending a good part of Tuesday and Wednesday at the hospital with Shelby. The surgery being performed Wednesday would take a minimum of five hours and probably longer than that.

She decided to take a chance and call someone she'd once considered a good friend. The phone was answered on the third ring. "Jennifer, it's Jill Danko. I was wondering if I could come over and talk to you about something," Jill implored in a desperate voice, praying that Jennifer wouldn't hang up on her.

On the other end of the phone, Jennifer was surprised to be hearing from Jill. She knew from Willie that Jill was in town with the children, but she also knew how her husband now felt about his former friend. "Yeah, come on over. I'll put some coffee on," Jennifer replied.

Jill dressed Shelby and drove over to the once familiar house in Burbank. She didn't recognize the neighborhood anymore. Even Willie and Jen's house was different. It took Jill a few minutes to realize that they'd extended the front porch and added a swing and some potted plants. Jennifer answered the door before Jill even had a chance to ring the doorbell. Jill tentatively smiled as Jennifer reached out and embraced her.

"I was afraid you were going to hang up on me," Jill admitted in a relieved voice as she put Shelby on the floor.

"Willie might have, but not me. Come in here. What's going on?" Jennifer asked over her shoulder as Jill took Shelby's hand and followed her to the kitchen.

"I was hoping that the guys would be back from New Orleans by now. I have to admit Shelby to the hospital tomorrow and I really need someone to meet Michael when he gets off the school bus tomorrow and Wednesday. Michelle works such crazy hours that I knew I couldn't call her. I was wondering if you could help me out," Jill almost begged as Jennifer took coffee cups from the cupboard.

"Sure, I'd be happy to. In fact, if you think it would make it easier, he could just stay over here and stay in Thomas' old room," Jennifer offered.

"I'm not sure Willie would like that," Jill pointed out as Jennifer handed her a cup.

"Jill, Willie's problem has never been the children. You know, sometimes I have a hard time remembering just why he's so angry. Thomas and I never wanted to chose sides. You were my friend and so was Mike. I didn't feel like I should have to choose. I told him a long time ago that I wouldn't. I think that's one reason Natalie moved to North Carolina. She didn't want to choose sides, either," Jennifer admitted sadly.

"Sometimes I think that's why Mary Kathryn stays in New York. If none of us are there, then she doesn't have to deal with the yelling and screaming. I miss her, but I think she's happy," Jill smiled.

"She's definitely successful," Jen agreed. "I was reading something in The Times about her about a month ago. They said she was playing Albert Hall. I'd love to go to Europe," she ended wistfully.

"I think she was more excited about getting to actually use her passport than she was about playing in London. I've talked to her every day since 9/11 and she really wants to come home. But she said that Patrick's threatening to sue her if she breaks her contract. He's upset because he's had to cancel several weeks worth of concerts because of what happened last week. So, how is Natalie?" Jill asked abruptly, changing the subject to her goddaughter.

"Busy. She's doing her residency in pediatric medicine, and that's one of the busier specialties. She was thinking about working in the emergency room. I can give you her email address. She keeps asking me about Shelby," Jennifer told Jill.

It was so relaxing sitting and talking to Jen like they'd often done in the past. Before Willie had married Jennifer, Jill hadn't had many close women friends. Her life had always revolved around Mike and the guys. She hadn't realized how much fun it was to sit over a pot of coffee and gossip about husbands. For a short time after the tragedy they'd remained close. That was before things had gotten ugly and Willie had started making it so uncomfortable for Jill to even set foot in their home.

Jill took Shelby to McDonald's for ice cream before driving back to Laurel Canyon. Pulling into the driveway, she was surprised to see Eddie's car in the car port. The guys were back earlier than she'd expected. She unbuckled the very sticky Shelby from her car seat and carried her into the house. Eddie smiled at her from the kitchen where he was fixing himself something to eat.

"Airline food is terrible," he grinned as he walked over to kiss first her and then Shelby.

"She's a little sticky. Let me get her cleaned up," Jill apologized as she took Shelby to the bathroom to wash her face and hands. "Where's Mike and Willie?" She called out as she wiped Shelby's face.

"I think they went to talk to Trap. They should be back in a few minutes," came the muffled answer as Jill dried Shelby's face and hands and put her on the floor, instructing her to go play.

"I didn't think you were going to be back, so I made arrangements for Michael for tomorrow and Wednesday," Jill said as she walked back toward the kitchen.

"What arrangements?" Eddie wanted to know as the door opened and the two guys walked in.

"Jen's going to pick him up tomorrow afternoon and he's going to stay the night at their house. I was going to pick him up either Wednesday evening or Thursday morning," Jill continued as she saw Willie's face redden from the corner of her eye.

"You took it upon yourself to call my wife?" Willie demanded.

"I had to do something. Trap's working a case of his own and I wasn't about to let Michael stay here by himself," Jill explained in a reasonable voice.

"Yeah, well, you can make other arrangements. I won't have you using my wife for your convenience," Willie snapped.

"Willie, do you really hate me so much that you're willing to transfer that hate over to my son? " Jill questioned in a shaky voice before she burst into tears and bolted from the room.

"She's right, you know," Mike told Willie after Jill had left.

"About what?" Willie demanded.

"I'm the one that's responsible for everything that's happened, not her," Mike sighed as he sat down on the sofa with Eddie and Willie staring at him.

"Mike, Savannah's death wasn't your fault! You weren't the one driving the car," Willie reminded him for the thousandth time.

"No, I wasn't driving the car, but I should've told her that I knew Savannah was still seeing him. I should've supported her when she wanted to adopt Shelby. But most of all, I should've supported her when my best friend started attacking her," he stared pointedly at Willie. "All she was trying to do was defend herself and her son from the beast that had once been her husband. Now, like it or not, Michael is going to be staying at your house for a few days so that I can be at the hospital with her while my granddaughter fights for her life. If you don't like it, then we have nothing more to say to one another, ever."

"I'll take him to our house after he gets off of the bus tomorrow," Willie said quietly as Mike nodded in agreement. "I'd better get home."

Jill was standing on the dock when she saw Willie drive off. A few minutes later she walked back into the house and observed that Mike was sitting on the floor with Shelby, who was holding several brightly colored strings of beads. The little girl ran over to show the beads to Jill.

"I brought her some Mardi Gras beads from New Orleans," Mike explained.

Shelby put the strings over Jill's head. "They're shiny," she signed.

They were sitting there in silence watching Shelby play with the beads when there was a knock on the front door. "Willie probably forgot something and is too afraid to just walk into the house," Mike smiled as he got up to answer the door. When he opened the door, he just stood there in stunned disbelief.

"Daddy, aren't you going to say something?" Mary Kathryn asked.

Jill jumped off of the sofa and rushed past Mike to wrap her daughter in a massive bear hug.

"Mom, you're cutting my oxygen off!" Mary Kathryn complained with a laugh.

"What're you doing here?" Jill asked as she finally let her daughter go. "How did you get here?"

"I figured if daddy could get on a plane the first day they reopened the airports then I could get back on a plane, too. Can I come in or do I have to stand here all day?" She asked.

Mike opened the door and stepped aside as Mary Kathryn walked into the house.

"Michael's going to be thrilled to see you," Jill informed her daughter.

"I can't wait to see him, too. Are you and Shelby staying here? I thought you were staying at Terry's," Mary Kathryn told her mother.

"We were staying there while your dad was out of town. I'll be taking her back over there tonight since it's closer to the hospital. Let me go get her," Jill suddenly said as she went to go find Shelby.

"I had to come, daddy. I couldn't let her face Shelby's surgery alone," Mary Kathryn told her father once they were alone.

"I thought Patrick was threatening to sue you if you broke your contract," Mike reminded her.

"Well, he was threatening to take my first-born son, but he gave that up when I explained to him how that was never going to happen. I told him I had to see my family, but I will be returning to New York," she explained as she looked around the room. She smiled when Jill walked into the room leading Shelby by the hand.

Shelby was happy to see Mary Kathryn, since her appearance usually meant presents of some kind. She sat on the floor and tried to open Mary Kathryn's suitcase in search of loot.

Mary Kathryn opened her purse and handed her a small package.

Opening it, Shelby found a small piano-shaped music box. "It looks like your piano," Shelby pointed out.

"I know she can't hear it, but I thought she might like it anyway," Mary Kathryn explained to her parents. "When you wind it up, the keys move like a real piano."

Mike surprised everybody by inviting Terry, Willie, Michelle and Thomas over for dinner and to visit with Mary Kathryn. Willie declined but everybody else accepted, which surprised Jill. She hadn't expected her other daughter to show up. As expected, Michael was thrilled to see Mary Kathryn and even happier to have both of his sisters together for the first time in a long time.

They sat around after supper laughing and talking. Mary Kathryn told them several amusing stories about her travels and even more amusing stories about her manager. "Mary Kathryn, I still bet that you're the only person I know who used 'American Pie' as part of her essay to get into college," Terry reminded her.

"I think the judging committee at Juiliard were probably surprised that I knew the words to a twenty year old song, much less what I thought it meant," Mary Kate chuckled. "But, hey, if it could work for 12th Grade English Lit, I figured it could work for college. I just thank God I've never had to play it in concert. I'd much rather stick to Chopin and Mozart."

"Is it bad in New York?" Thomas suddenly asked as the table went quiet.

"Yeah, it's real bad. Everywhere you look there's posters of people who went to work one morning and then were never heard from again. I still can't get into my apartment. Trevor said there's no power. He's staying with a friend and Jasmine's staying with her mom. I've been staying with Pete but he's never there. Either he's at the WTC site or getting ready to attend another funeral," she concluded sadly.

"Maybe we should talk about this later," Jill cautioned as she looked over to where Michael was hanging onto every word his sister was saying.

Mike found Terry standing on the dock later staring out at the lake in the fading daylight. "I got into it with Willie this afternoon," he said as Terry looked at him.

"About what?" Terry asked.

"This whole stupid argument that's been going on for four years. It was like a light went off in my brain this afternoon. I've been thinking about it for a long time. I'm crazy about her, Terry. None of this was Jill's fault,". Mike sighed as he rubbed his hands over his face.

"I don't know. I've read where the death of a child can tear the parent's apart, but I don't think there's any mention of what it does to long-time friends. Mike, there's a lot of complicated issues at work here. I don't think things would've gone as far as they did if it hadn't been for Jill adopting Shelby. It was like everybody had a separate say in the matter and I think she felt like she'd been backed against a wall. But, I do know this. Jill adores that baby. And so does Michael, even thought he'd be the last to admit it because he thinks you won't like it if he tells you how he feels about her. I've watched you with her tonight, Mike. Given half the chance, she'd have you as wrapped around her finger as Mary Kathryn and Michelle do," Terry told his friend.

"All I know is I have to think of a way to get my family back together. Are you game?" He asked.

"A conspiracy? Count me in," Terry grinned as the two men shook hands before finally embracing each other as friends once again.

Tuesday-September 18, 2001

Michelle was in the middle of rounds on the Pediatric Unit of UCLA Children's Hospital. The doctor, Dr. Reese, was leading the group of surgical residents through the Pediatric Cardiology Ward. They would be asked questions about the patients and would be required to keep detailed notes. Michelle was taken slightly aback when they stopped in front of Shelby's bed. "Patient is a four-year-old female, admitted this morning for surgery to repair a congenital heart defect known as Transposition of the Great Arteries. Can anyone tell me how this condition presents itself? Miss Danko?"

"The newborn infant will appear cyanotic at birth due to poor mixing of oxygenated and non-oxygenated blood. There will often be a secondary defect involving either the atriums or ventricles of the upper or lower chambers of the heart," Michelle recited in a monotone as she felt her face and neck grow hot.

"And what is done to correct the defect?" Dr. Reese prodded.

"A temporary fix is performed when the affected child is an infant and when the child reaches early school age. A procedure is performed to put the reversed vessels into their proper position by placing the child on a heart-lung machine," Michelle continued.

"Very good, Miss Danko. And what is the prognosis of a child born with this condition?" He asked.

"After the vessels are properly reversed, the prognosis is normally excellent and most children are able to live normal lives," Michelle told her captive audience.

"Excellent. Let's move on, shall we?" Dr. Reese ordered.

Michelle was walking down the hall when Dr. Reese stopped her. "Miss Danko, I was very impressed with your answers during rounds. I mentioned this to Dr. Sajay and he asked if you'd be interested in being on the surgical team tomorrow morning for the TGA surgery," Dr. Reese inquired.

"There'd be a conflict if I were part of the surgical team," Michelle informed the doctor.

"I'm afraid I don't understand," he said, looking suitably puzzled.

"The 'four-year-old female' as you referred to her during rounds is my niece. I think it's against hospital policy for me to operate on family members," Michelle pointed out peevishly.

"I didn't know you had any nieces. Where are her parents?" The doctor asked as Michelle glared at him.

"One night in January 1997 my 16-year-old sister and her 19-year-old boyfriend got into an argument in a car while my sister was driving. She was declared brain dead and was removed from life support three days later. Her boyfriend is basically a cucumber and he gets watered daily at a residential facility near here. Does that tell you everything you need to know?" Michelle asked in an icy voice.

"I'm sorry, Miss Danko. Please forgive me," he mumbled in embarrassment as he hurriedly walked off.

Michelle continued walking down the hall when she spotted Thomas walking toward her. "What're you doing here?" She asked.

"I needed to talk to you," he said as he kissed her and then matched her pace. "Can we sit down somewhere?"

"Thomas, I'm really busy. I'm due in surgery in half an hour. Can't it wait until tonight?" She pleaded.

"Yeah, I guess it probably could," he agreed sullenly. "I'm going to go to my mom and dad's for dinner, so I guess I'll see you when you get home," he told her woodenly, kissing her as he walked away.


Jennifer was putting the finishing touches on dinner when Thomas walked in the front door with his father and younger brother. She smiled as she watched the three most important men in her life walk into the dining room. She only wished that Willie would forget his stubborn pride and patch things up with Mike.

Thomas had told his mother that he had important news. Jen had important news of her own that she wanted to share with her husband and sons. She finished setting the table and called them in to dinner. She noticed that her older son was extremely quiet and he just picked at his meal.

"You told me over the phone that you had news. What's going on?" Jen asked as she poured salad dressing on her salad.

"Maybe it should wait until after dinner," Thomas suggested.

"Why? Is it going to ruin our appetites?" Willie teased.

"It might," Thomas replied cryptically..

"Is everything okay with you and Michelle?" Jen asked.

"It might not be after tonight," Thomas shrugged. "I went this morning and took my induction physical," he began.

"Induction physical for what?" She asked in a neutral voice as she froze, afraid to hear his answer.

"I joined the Marines," Thomas answered as he stared at his plate.

"Please tell me you're joking," Willie sputtered in disbelief.

"I thought you'd be proud of me, pop," Thomas replied with a slight shake of his head. "I know your generation had Vietnam and a lot of you ran off to Canada. They attacked my country, pop. I can't just sit here and do nothing," Thomas explained as Jen tried to recover her senses.

"I don't expect you to sit here and do nothing, but couldn't you have thought this through?" Willie finally asked.

"I have thought it through. I report in 90 days to Camp LeJuene, North Carolina, for six weeks of boot camp. I don't know where I'll go after that," he informed his still stunned parents.

"Have you even talked to Michelle about this?" Jen asked in a monotone.

"Why? So she could talk me out of it?," he snapped in a bitter voice. "She's so wrapped up with her surgical career that she doesn't even know I'm there half the time. Every time we talk about getting married something always comes up and she gets cold feet."

"At least you're going into a cool branch of the service. Everybody knows that Marines kick ass," Eric grinned.

"Eric, please watch your language," she admonished him with a glare as he looked back toward his plate.

"Can I ask you one question?" Willie asked in a sharp voice. "Did Mike have anything to do with this?"

"Mr. G.I. Joe? Are you kidding? He doesn't know anything about this," Thomas promised his father as Willie nodded. "I just know we're heading for war and I figured it would be better if I enlisted before they called me up."

"So you HAVE been talking to Mike?," Willie fumed. "That's exactly what he told me about going to Vietnam."

"Pop, Mike didn't have anything to do with this! I'm 26 years old! I can make my own decisions," Thomas reminded his father.

"Natalie called today. She's going to come home for Thanksgiving," Jen told her family as she desperately tried to change the subject.

"It's about time," Willie grumbled as he got up and took his plate to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, mom. I thought he'd take the news a little better than this," Thomas apologized to his mother.

"It's okay. Let me get the table cleaned off," she said as she stood up and started to remove the dishes from the table.

Later that night she was lying in bed while Willie was in the shower. Their daughter hadn't been home in almost three years. She'd told her mother after her last visit home that she couldn't stand the hostilities anymore and if things didn't change she wouldn't come back. Jennifer didn't blame her. Jill was Natalie's godmother and Savannah had been her best friend. Natalie had tried on several occasions to warn Jill about Savannah, but she'd always been told by her father to stay out of it and that it wasn't any of her business. Jen didn't understand how Willie could possibly think that. The Danko children were in their home as often as they were at their own. Jen felt that every aspect of their lives was her business. She'd like to think that Mike and Jill would feel the same about her children.

The bathroom door opened amid a cloud of steam and Willie walked into the room, wearing boxers and an old t-shirt. He turned back his side of the bed and crawled under the covers.

"Why didn't you ever want Natalie to tell Jill about Savannah?" Jen suddenly asked as Willie was preparing to turn off the lamp.

"Why are you bringing this up now?" He asked as he looked at his wife.

"Because I have to know now. Why didn't you want Natalie to tell Jill?" She repeated.

"Because it wouldn't have changed anything. Nothing would've changed anything that happened that night!" He insisted in a sharp voice. " I don't know why everybody thinks that by Jill knowing that things would've turned out differently. Savannah still would've gotten into that car that night and she still would've driven it into a telephone pole."

"Let me ask you this, then," Jen pressed. "Did you start your verbal attacks on Jill because it was something that Mike was doing? He didn't want her to adopt Shelby so you decided you didn't like the idea, either. I mean everything he didn't like, you were right in step with him. I was beginning to think that the two of you were joined at the hip. You're the one who made it uncomfortable for your own daughter to remain in this house. She wasn't allowed to grieve for Savannah. She wasn't even allowed to mention her name. Why is that, Willie? Were you feeling guilty because you didn't betray your best friend and tell his wife that her daughter's life might be in danger?"

"I never thought Savannah was in danger and neither did Mike," Willie replied as his face flushed in anger. "If he thought for one minute that Troy would hurt her, he would've told Jill himself," Willie told his wife as she shook her head.

"Willie, he was a drunk! Nineteen years old and he was already an alcoholic! I'm surprised Shelby wasn't born with more health problems! I don't see how the two of you couldn't see that her life was in danger! But, worse than that, I don't see how you could stand by later and watch what Mike was doing to Jill. She'd been your friend for more than twenty years and you stood by and did nothing while he ripped her apart," Jen's voice started rising as Willie tried to hush her.

"Have you felt this way the whole time?" He asked in stunned surprise.

"Yes! So have your children. Maybe Mike's right. Maybe this does need to end. You, Mike and Terry were so close at one time. When we were still living in Ohio I used to love your stories of your exploits with them. I was thrilled the first time I met them and even more thrilled when they included me in their circle. We've seen each other through some pretty tough times. I think we need to go up to the hospital tomorrow and support Jill while that little girl undergoes surgery. Because that's what families do," she concluded with an air of finality.


North Hollywood-later that same night

Thomas was sitting up nursing a beer when he heard the front door unlock and Michelle entered the room. She was instantly greeted by the dogs. "How was your day?" He asked as she greeted the dogs.

"Busy. What was it you wanted to talk about this afternoon?" She asked as she put her purse on the kitchen table and sat on the sofa next to him.

"I joined the Marines," he just spit the news out.

"Did you just say that you joined the Marines?" She asked in disbelief, certain that she'd heard him wrong.

"I report in ninety days," he said wearily as he waited for the explosion.

"And just what am I supposed to do while you're off playing soldier?" She demanded.

"I don't know, Michelle! I was kind of hoping maybe we could get married and you'd be willing to have my kids!" He shouted as he stood up.

"I told you a long time ago that I was never going to have a baby," she reminded him.

"Michelle, when are you going to realize that you're not your birth parents? I can never see you ever abusing a child. Hell, sometimes I think you love these animals more than you love me. The only time I feel that you really care for me is when we're in bed. I don't know why you're so angry. I don't even think that you do. I think the only reason that you're a doctor is because it was something that Savannah wanted to be. I want a wife and I want a family," he told her.

"I'm scared to have a baby, Thomas," she admitted in a quiet voice. "I'm not only scared that I might lose my temper and hurt it, but I'm scared of going through what my mother's going through right now with Shelby. I don't see how she does it."

"She does it because it's what she has to do," he explained in a tender voice as he sat back beside her again. "I want to give my parents grandchildren. I want to give a child the kind of life that I had growing up. Hell, I'd like to see what the combination of you and me would look like in a kid," he grinned.

"He'd probably have your looks and my personality," she warned.

"Outspoken isn't always bad," he told her.

"How did your parents take the news? I know that you told them first," she guessed.

He nodded. "My pop didn't like it. He thought your dad had something to do with it. I grew up listening to Mike tell war stories, but this was my decision," he insisted.

"I need time to absorb all of this, Thomas. But, I guess if you're going to leave in ninety days, we'd better plan a wedding," she forced a smile.

Thomas grinned happily.


UCLA Children's Hospital-That same night

Jill had gone down to the cafeteria before it closed to get something to eat. Shelby had been asleep for a little over an hour so Jill didn't foresee her waking up before the next morning. When she returned half an hour later, she was surprised to find Mike sitting in the hard chair beside the iron-barred crib with Shelby cradled in his arms. Both of them were sound asleep. He opened his eyes when he felt Jill removing the child from his arms.

"What're you doing here?" She asked as she placed Shelby back in the crib and covered her.

"I came to look for you. When I walked in, she looked like she was preparing to stage a jail break," he smiled.

"Come on, let's take a walk," she suggested with a chuckle as she held her hand out to him.

They stepped out into the hallway where they watched the night shift nurses going about their routines. "Have you given any thought to coming back here?" Mike asked out of the clear blue sky.

"Mike, I've got a life in San Antonio now," she reminded him with a strange look. "Coming back here would be so complicated. I'd have to sell the house and try to transfer back here. I know you miss Michael, but you can see him as often as you want."

"It's not just Michael that I miss. Maybe this isn't the right time to be talking about this, but I've been thinking about everything. I miss us," he confessed.

Jill looked at the floor, unable to look him in the eye. "Mike, I'd love to continue this conversation, but I have enough to think about just getting Shelby through tomorrow. Can we put this on hold until I get her out of here?" She begged.

"But we will talk about this?" He asked.

She nodded.

Wednesday-September 19, 2001 (7 a.m.)

The next morning at 7 a.m. the anesthesiologist came in to give Shelby her pre-op shot. He told Jill that she would be able to carry her to the operating room. He told her that it was less traumatic for the child than bringing a gurney in for them.

Just past 8 o'clock Jill was told to bring Shelby to the operating room. She lowered the rail on the crib with shaking fingers and picked the drowsy child up in her arms. The walk to the operating room was the longest walk Jill felt she'd ever taken. Tears were running down her face when she was forced to relinquish Shelby to the waiting arms of one of the nurses.

"We'll keep you posted," the nurse promised Jill as the double doors to the operating room closed.

Jill entered the waiting area where she was surprised to find Eddie, Trap, and Terry already waiting. Eddie walked over and pulled her close as she sobbed out her fears and frustrations.

"She's going to be okay," Eddie whispered reassuringly.

A short time later, Mike arrived with Mary Kathryn. They sat down on either side of Jill and began the long waiting process. Terry was surprised yet pleased to find Mike holding tightly onto his ex-wife's hand. He was even more surprised when Willie and Jennifer showed up shortly before noon.

"Any word?" Willie asked as Jill shook her head.

"They came out a couple of hours ago to let us know she was on bypass, but we haven't heard anything since then," Jill told him.

"Have you talked to Michelle today?" Willie asked as he and Jen took seats. "My son informed us last night that he joined the Marines."

"He did what?" Jill asked in a high pitched voice as everybody else in the room turned to stare at Willie.

"That's kind of what we said," Willie forced a smile.

Jill got up to go outside for some air. She was standing outside when Jennifer materialized beside her. "Things might change. I had a talk with Willie last night and I think I finally was able to knock some sense into his thick skull."

"Mike told me last night that he missed us. How strange is this trip getting to be?" Jill sighed in a shaky voice.

"So are you going to try to work things out?" She asked.

"I don't know, Jen. The papers have already been signed and things got so ugly. I mean, both of us said things that can never be taken back. But I love him, Jen. I feel like I grew up with him. He's the father of my children and he knows me better than I know myself. I guess we'll just have to see what happens," she concluded as she turned to go back inside.

September 19, 2001-3:27 p.m.

It had been more than eight hours since Jill had taken Shelby to the operating room. It was almost 3:30 when she looked up to see Dr. Sajay exiting the elevator. She walked toward him as he entered the waiting room.

"We did everything that needed to be done. We had a slight problem removing her from bypass, but it was resolved and the rest of the surgery proceeded as scheduled. She's in recovery and we'll be moving her to the PICU in about 45 minutes. We'll let you see her as soon as she's moved," he promised as he turned to leave the room.

It was almost another hour before Jill was permitted into the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) to see Shelby. She was connected to thousands of wires and monitors but Jill began to weep as she examined her nail beds. They were a color they'd never been in four and a half years-pink. The little girl forced her eyes open and smiled at her grandmother.

"Hi, sweetie. You go back to sleep and I'll see you in a little while," Jill promised as Shelby's eyes fluttered closed once again.

She left the PICU and leaned against the wall, gradually sliding down it as tears consumed her.

Mike ran over to her and helped her off the floor as he held her against him. "What's wrong?"

"She's pink, Mike! She's never been pink in her life!" She continued crying as Mike laughed.

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