Deadly Secrets

by Miss Raye

St. Jo, Missouri
October 4, 1861

Kid shut the door to the hotel behind him. The day was nearly over and the deep blue sky was drifting away in favor of night. He nodded to a lady passin' by and wished that Lou was with him. It only seemed fitting that she finish out the Express runs. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

The telegraph lines had gone up and the mail volume had nearly dried up. Russell, Majors & Waddell had sent word down the line that November 20th would be the last day of their employ. Lou had been tempted to ride again... she'd missed the thrill of it all, but she also enjoyed the time at home. She'd actually picked up hours at the telegraph office. She had a good head for figures and picked up the code quicker that anyone else. They had joked over dinner one night that Lou was only replacing herself in the job market.

She had stayed behind to train one of the new telegraph operators. Training someone else turned out to pay better than doin' it yourself, and they could use the money. There were no concrete plans made about their future and right now they were both concerned about what they would do.

Kid walked across the street to a restaurant. They'd eaten there before and it made him feel better, with the familiar surroundings and memories of the days when she rode with him on the express. The door opened before he touched the handle and a well dressed woman stepped into the open doorway.

Kid tipped his hat, "Excuse me ma'am."

The elegant woman stared wide-eyed, her hand covered her mouth as it gaped open in surprise. She stepped to the side as Kid entered the restaurant.

Moments later her husband joined her. "Maude? You left your sweet sense in the restaurant, darlin'?"

"Henry... look.. look throught that window!"

Her gloved hand pointed at the window adjacent to the main door. Henry Taylor shook his head and moved to the window to humor his wife. "Darlin' I don't see what-"

She moved closer to his side and pointed an elegant finger at the glass. "Henry Carlton Taylor... you take one good look at that young man in the corner.. and then we'll discuss who lost their senses." 

He stood close to the glass and squinted into the dark interior. "Henry! Put your spectacles on!"  Maude reached into his pocket and handed her husband his wire rimmed glasses. 

He took them from her and gruffed, "Women!" He glared into the relection of the window and once again peered into the darkness. His wife stood by twisting a curl around her finger... she waited for the epiphany. She was rewarded quickly as Henry's jaw fell open. "Oh my lord! Maude?" He turned and grasped his wife by the  shoulders. With one look back at Kid, as he handed the waiter his menu, he stammered out, "Do you realize who that is?"

"Yes dear, we've found him. We found your God-son."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Chapter One

In moments Henry was over the initial shock. He slipped in the door and grabbed a hold of the waiter. "That man, the one you just took an order from, who is he?"

The boy looked at him in surprise, "I can't tell you that sir, it wouldn't be-"

Henry reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a $10 eagle coin. "-and if I were to somehow.... drop this into your pocket for your trouble?"

The boy watched carefully as the gold coin descended into his coat pocket. He licked his lips as he looked around the room. "Well sir, all I can tell you is that they call him 'the KID'. He rides for the express and comes in here every other week. He stays across the street at the hotel."

Henry nodded and set his hand roughly on the boy's shoulder.. "that's good ... do you, ah, know if he's alone?"

The boy looked at him like he was struck dumb, "Sir?"

"Is there someone stayin' with him?"

Shakin' his head the boy took a step back, "I really need to take his order to the kitchen..."

Henry nodded, "Fine, fine... thank you." He took another coin and threw it at the young man... "If you can find out how long he'll be in town, leave word at the hotel desk for Henry Taylor, I'll match that $5.00," he pointed at the second coin he threw. 

Pickin' it up the waiter shut his gaping mouth and placed it in his pocket, "Henry Taylor, yes sir."

Henry walked back into the cool evening air strutting like a peacock. "My dear Maude, it seems we have indeed found him... and as providence would have it... he is staying at our hotel!"

She wiped at the corner of her eye with her embroidered handkerchief, "It seems to strange that he'd come this far west."

Her husband shrugged his shoulders, "All that matters is that we've found him."

Nodding she peered down into his dancing grey eyes, "Now what my dear? Do we leave word for him at the desk?"

Henry chuckled, "No ma'am... you and I need to head straight to the telegraph office. His father would want to know right away."

Maude took the arm he offered and they walked toward the Telegraph office a few doors down. Neither noticed that they had picked up two shadows.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

The man who took the order asked no questions, but accepted the fee and immediately began to tap out code. Maude loved to watch as the operator's frantic movements sent their message winging cross country to Richmond.

As soon as the couple left the office, one of their shadows slipped into the back room of the office. The operator, unaware of his guest, went about closing for the night. He had already closed once, but when a man offers you a $20 double eagle coin to send one message, you do it.

"Jonas," the operator said to himself, "this is your lucky day!"

"Funny-" said a voice behind him, "I was thinking this was my lucky day!"

The operator jumped a foot in the air,"Quince? What the hell are you doin' in here! You nearly turned my hair white!"

Quince came out of the shadows and stood toe to toe with Jonas, "Well brother, is that any kind of greeting?"

"It is for someone skulking around in my back room! You know it is n't good for your health if one of the army officers finds you anywhere near town."

"Well, this is a bit more important - I want to know what message that old man just sent."

Jonas shook his head, "No, all messages and any information on the receiver is confidential."

"Don't give me that bull! Just let me read it, or if you're feelin' like you want to play a game," He drew a pistol from it's holster and spun the barrel, "I can work with that too!"

Jonas bit off a sigh of disgust, "Fine! You've turned into a fine criminal, you have. Mother would be so pleased..."

"Shut up and give me the message!"

The operator adjusted his sleeve, tucking it into the sleeve garter on his upper arm. Reaching in to the file box, Jonas withdrew the last card. Quince yanked it from his grasp and after a quick glance nodded back at his older brother, "Thank you... and I'm sure that when the reply comes-?"

He was already spittin' mad, "I'll bring you the message!"

Quince left the way he came, slippin' out the back door. In the back alley he was joined by his partner. Together they read through the message.

To: The Honorable Wesley V. Travers 

found Jed's brother stop
alive and well stop
need you in St. Jo full stop

They both let out low whistles, "This is better'n we thought Quince! We need to tell the boss."Quince nodded, "Things are definately lookin' up my friend."

Chapter Two

The next mornin' Kid awoke early. The sun was still below the horizon, but a soft sweet glow was slidin' across the heavens. He paused before the window and imagined Lou waking in their own bed. Kid could almost hear her sweet sigh as she stretched, kicking off the blankets.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Henry felt himself dozing off in the chair by the door. Maude was sittin' beside him, her head pillowed on his shoulder. He had lost feelin' in that arm 10 minutes ago.. but couldn't bring himself to wake her.. What a dear woman.. She'd woken him up before the dawn... so they wouldn't miss the chance to talk to the boy.

He reached over with his other hand and grasped her fingers. She'd been his angel through this whole ordeal.. and even when he had to leave the south... she'd been right by his side. Henry's eyes drifted closed again as he worried that he wouldn't get a response in time.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

He washed his face in the basin by the window. The water had been chilled by the night air and bit pain across his tender skin. Shavin' never had been a favorite thing to do.. but he knew how Lou liked a smooth face to cuddle up to. 

Kid finished buttoning his shirt and stepped into the hallway. The lamps in the hall still glowed from the night before.. the clerk hadn't yet made his rounds to douse the flames. His room was at the top of the stairs and it was a short walk to the lobby. 

Coffee was the only thing on his mind.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

The clerk saw him on the stairs first. He circled around the desk and moved to the settee near the door. With a quick shake, he felt the older man shudder and stir. "What the blazes-"

"Sir... he's here! The Express Rider-"

Henry shot upright, "Maude.. wake up darlin'...."

Maude's silvery eyes blinked open, "Oh dear! How long have I been sleeping?"

Henry pushed on her elbow and tried to gain his own feet.

Kid had reached the last step on the stairs and was lookin' around the lobby. He noticed the clerk givin' him a strange starin' look. "Hey," he called out, "Is there somewhere I can get coffee this early?"

"Young man?" A new voice from the doorway called out and grasped his attention. "If I may be so bold-"

Kid recognized the woman from the restaurant last night, "Ma'am."

She flushed and nodded in response, "Such impeccable manners," she whispered to her husband.

Henry continued, "My wife and I were just about to go to the restaurant across the street and have our mornin' meal. We would be delighted to have you join us."

Kid looked away and smiled, "I don't feel right impossin'-"

"Nonsense," Maude scolded, "you'll come with us.. won't you?"

He stifled a laugh, she reminded him of a lady Teaspoon. She was goin' to get her way sooner or later... and Kid wanted to get home sooner. "Sure.. and thank you Mrs. -" 

"Mrs. Taylor, and this is my husband Henry Taylor."

Kid and Henry shook hands, "They call me the Kid."

Over breakfast, Maude and Henry tried to glean as much information about his life as they could. Henry had to admit a grand respect for the boy. Maude was a very persuasive woman... but 'KID' had managed to evade the majority of her questions.

The same waiter that Henry had been so generous with the last evening came bustling over to the table. He bent down and whispered something into his ear. 

Maude feigned indifference, but still she sat up as Henry excused himself to go to the door. There he stood in conference with a man Kid recognized only by his uniform. The dark purple visor and arm garters indicated that he worked for the telegraph office. He handed just such a telegram to Mr. Taylor and after receiving a large tip for his trouble, ran back towards the office.

Kid took another long sip of his coffee and looked to the clock at the front of the room. He should be leaving soon if he wanted to make good time. He wiped at his mouth with his napkin and set it down on the table top. "Mrs. Taylor, it's been a pleasure. I really should be gettin' on home."

She sat up abruptly and set her own coffee cup down on its saucer with a clatter. "You're leaving! Oh my dear," she stood as he did, "Please don't rush off... ah..."

Kid noticed her discomfort, a woman like Mrs. Taylor was not flustered easily, "Is there something wrong?"

Henry rushed over, "Maude.. it came!"

Kid just stared as the two almost seemed to dance over the news. He shook his head, 'To each their own' he thought.

Henry saw that Kid was about to take his leave. "My boy, my boy.. this is a happy day indeed."

He grasped Kid's shoulder and sat him down again. Maude regained her seat and Henry moved his seat closer to Kid's. Another look to his wife for courage, and Henry leaned forward, "I've heard from your father."

Chapter Three

Jonas ran across town. Leaving the telegraph office unattended could get him fired, and this was the best job he'd ever had. He had one more street to cross and as he stepped off the walkway he felt the heavy coin in his pocket.

The office was quiet and Jonas slipped his key in the lock and turned it, feeling the familiar click as the bolt slid free from the door. He stepped in and turned the sign around in the window. "You open for business Jonas?"

Jonas turned, defeat already written across his features, "I had a delivery-"

Quince stood and approached the desk, "We know, that's why we came." He flipped open the file box and started rummaging through the file cards.

"Put them down Quince.. that's my job you're messin' with."

"You're holdin' out on me..."

"I was comin'..."


Jonas shoved him out of the way and shut the box. He reached into his breast pocket and with drew the card his brother was lookin' for. "Just take this and leave me alone."

Satisfied for a moment, Quince snatched the card from his hand and read it to his quiet co-hort sittin' in the corner.

To: Henry Carlton Taylor
arrive in seven days stop
you know where full stop

"Where's the rest?"

"The rest?" Jonas feigned ignorance to prick his temper.

Quince backhanded his brother, sending him crashing to the floor over a chair. "This ain't no game."

Rubbing his head where it had struck the floor, Jonas glared up at his tormentor, "You have the whole thing... that's all there is... Full stop means just that...."

The third man piped up, "So what are we gonna do..."

"Well it looks like the old man knows where, we'll just ask him." 

Jonas felt an instant worry for the southern gentleman, Quince was a dangerous man when he got that gleam in his eye. He'd seen the glare everytime Jonas had taken a fancy to beatin' him. He prayed Mr. Taylor would hand over the information quickly. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Maude excused herself to go to the ladies powder room. Kid and Henry stood and watched her go. As they sat back down even Henry noticed how Kid changed. He seemed extremely uncomfortable as if his collar was choking him.

In a way it was. Kid felt this man expected too much of him. "I wish you wouldn't call me by that name."


Kid cringed, "That name. I haven't used it in years." He hoped that this man would pick up on the hint.

"But I was there when they gave that name to you. You are my god-son."

Kid looked into his eyes and bit back a sharp comment. He didn't mean any harm... it was plain to see. "That may be... but that's all behind me. I've got a life now."

"You've put your name behind you? Son, its a fine Southern name.. one of the best. Your father could give you-"

"I never wanted anything from him. Not then, not now.. and certainly not his name!"

Henry shook his head, "Well you certainly have his temper-"

Kid looked like he had been slapped, " I do not!"

Mr. Taylor looked contrite, "Now.. Kid," he made it a point to use that awful moniker. "I don't know what made you hate your father like this... but he has been searching for you. Ever since he heard of Jed's death, he's been frantic with worry."

"Well tell him I'm fine, you've seen me. He doesn't need to-"

"He's on his way."


"Lower your voice..."

"It doesn't matter, does it?"

"What doesn't Wesl-"

"My feelin's in this..." Kid set his hands on the table, settin' the silverware jinglin'. "I'm not goin' to see him."

"But he is travelin' a great distance-"

"I don't care if he flew here like a bird. The answer is no."

"He's your father."

"He's nothing to me. I have to get back to my wi-" Kid stopped. He had already told this man too much.

"A wife? He'll be beside himself.. any children?"

Kid shook his head, his eyes steel blue and impassive.

"Well, there's still plenty of time for that."

Maude rejoined them and could instantly feel the tension at the table, "Henry-" she chided her husband. "What have you been pesterin' the boy about?"

Henry smiled as his wife. "Nothing dear.. just quarreling about the weather.. it seems young Mr. Tra- Kid here believes that the climate in Missouri is much more agreeable than our own Virginia."

She looked over her cup of tea at her husband. "Now dear, you know you were never much of a liar." Kid almost smiled at the comment. She turned to him. "I know little of what transpired between you and your father dear, but you might reconsider mending the bridge.. what with all the possibilities for this conflict between the states."

Her manner was so comforting Kid found himself nodding in agreement. Henry leaned closer and whispered. "If not for the money or for the future he could give you.. then perhaps for my wife.. she so would like for you to meet with him once more."

Four eyes trained on the exchange. "Do you think he knows?"

"He's noddin.' "

"Can't you hear anyting?"

"Not with your yappin,'"

"What are we goin' to tell the boss?"

"That the man knows where the meeting is.. we should just take care of it now."

Chapter Four

Jimmy awoke that morning with the sun in his eyes. The curtain had been left open and he flung his arm over his eyes to shut out the burning light. His other arm reached out and felt he empty bed beside him. 

He rolled over and looked around the room. There was no sign of her... then the smell of bacon reached him. His stomach growled at him for takin' the time to pull on a shirt. 

The walk down the short hall was rewarded with a welcomin' sight. "Mornin'."

Her tired smile was his reply.

"Where did you go last night?" Jimmy set a kiss on her cheek and his hands moved along her arms warmin' her cold skin.

"Go?" She gave a nervous little laugh, "I didn't go anywhere."

"You left the room for a 'moment' last night... and you never came back."

She avoided his gaze and focused on the pan before her. She took another egg in her hand and was set to crack it on the edge of the pan.

"You know how I hate secrets... just tell me what happened."

"Jimmy, I -" she brought her hand down on the edge of the pan, seemingly a mistake. Pain seered through her hand.

"My God Rosemary.. you should be more careful!"

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Kid felt like kickin' himself. He should be on his way home to Louise, not waiting around for information about his father. Father, the word had an odd ring to it. His own had never had much of hand in his memories...the good ones anyway.

Although he wasn't quite convinced that a meeting with him was worth the effort, there was a naggin' little voice in his mind sayin' that one day he'd be a father and this would all come to mean somethin'.  He was set to meet with the Taylor's again. They wouldn't give him the details until the meeting was closer, but Mrs. Taylor wanted to spend some time gettin' to know the young man who had touched her life so long ago.

Near to the time they were to meet for dinner, Kid realized that he should have been ridin' home right now. He looked at the clock in the hotel lobby, 'I can still make it to the telegraph office.' It would disappoint her, to wait another day or so, before he was home. At least he should let her know that he was held up... that he missed her.

The streets were near empty and he soon found himself outside of the telegraph office. The operator he had seen the day before was behind the counter. Kid waved as he walked closer. The telegraph operator rushed for the door as Kid touched the knob. 

Shoes sliding on the floor, the man quickly turned the sign around in the window. CLOSED.

Kid looked at it twice and tried to the pull the door open, "Hey, you're not supposed to close yet!"

The operator pulled on the other side of the door, "I have to close... I-" Kid watched as the man stopped tryin' to pull the door shut.. he was lookin' off to the side as he backed away from the door. Kid pulled the door open and walked inside, "I just came to send a wire to my wife. I'm gonna be stayin' for a few-"

*****the world blacked out*****

"Now what do we do?"

"Take him to the cabin... wait for the boss to show." Quince shook his head, "I swear you never listen to a single thing we tell you."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

The Taylors waited at the restaurant for over an hour before they called for the the waiter to bring their bill. "Sir? You're leavin' so soon?"

"Our dinner guest must have been delayed."

Maude stood and waved her fan frantically in front of her face, "We should hurry Henry...maybe he's left the hotel already."

The waiter nodded, "I'm sure we can settle the bill tomorrow, please... take your wife back to the hotel.. she looks a bit peaked."

Henry took her elbow and steered her around the table, "Thank you kindly young man... we will most certainly be back tomorrow... I'm sure everyth-"

"Henry! Don't dawdle! Wesley could be in trouble!" Henry nodded at the waiter and led Maude outside. "Henry.. I am so sorry... I-"

Henry stopped their journey across the street, "Sweetheart, it's understandable.. I feel the same way."

Moments later they reached the hotel desk. Henry rapped on the desk and caught the attention of the night clerk, "Yes sir?"

"There is a man stayin' here by the name of Kid? Would you be able to tell me if he has checked out of his room?"

"Sir, we are not allo-" The sight of a $10 gold coin changed policy immediately. A quick look at the register was all that was needed, "Mr. Kid is still here according to our book."

Relief flooded through them, "Would you be so kind as to let us have a look around?" Another coin found it's way into the hand of the clerk before a protest could be made.

"Right this way..."

The room was clean, but two saddle bags sat packed beside the bed. "Would you like some time alone sir?"

Henry nodded absently to the clerk, "Yes.. thank you."

The clerk backed out of the door, drawin' it nearly closed. 

Maude watched as Henry bent to lift the bags onto the bed, "Mr. Taylor! What are you doing?"

"I'm looking through his bags.. what does it look like?"

Hours went by and Maude leaned her head against the wall, "He's not coming Henry.... what could have happened?"

He looked up from his perch in the chair, "I don't know sweetheart, but we need to look into this. Wes is coming here in 5 days.. and I refuse to tell him something's happened to his last child."

Maude wiped at her eyes, "What of the woman?"

Henry squinted at the daguerrotype photo. The oil lamp near the bed did little to illuminate the image, "He said he had a wife... I can only assume this would be her."

"He never told us the last name he's using, how will we find him?"

"He rides for the Express. We could go to the waystations and ask. They'd know about him... since the telegraph went up there aren't that many pony boys left."

Maude nodded, her head growin' heavy, "Should we-" she indicated the door. Henry closed up the saddle bag, but kept the picture.


The telegraph came alive and Lou sat up in her chair... She picked up the pencil in one hand... and with the earpiece held up against her skin.. she began to write furiously. 

Had someone been watchin' they would've seen Louise's spirit sag. As she finished the message she typed it up and set it aside for pick up. 

Tears unbidden fell on her cheeks.. she wiped them away angrily, "What's wrong with me?" she asked outloud. "I'm gettin' to be as bad as Kid!" Laughter warred with her tears. 'He should have been home by now.' The station was at the end of town.. but she knew that the moment he got in.. 
he'd come to the office to see her. She repeated the same phrase again and again...'He'll be here... he'll be here.'

Continue to Chapter Five

