Deadly Secrets
by Miss Raye

Chapters Five to Ten

Chapter Five

The first thing he saw when the fog lifted was a cracked pane of black glass. Outside, glowing trees shone against a dark sky. 

Kid shook his head and blinked his eyes rapidly tryin' to clear his mind. The next time his eyes opened the colors had reversed themselves.

"Where?" he thought back. He'd been at the telegraph office when it had happened. He'd been sucker punched enough to know that he'd been knocked out on purpose... he never had a chance to send that telegram, "Lou-ise." 

The voice he heard grating in his ears couldn't have been his...ah.. but it was. He estimated by the parched feelin' in his mouth and throat that he's been out for more than a day. Lou would be worried by now. Part of him hoped she ride right out and find him, but the strongest side of him wished she'd stay at home...safe.

A wry smile cracked across his lips, "Louise... stay home? They must've hit me harder than I thought." 

It was the last bright thought he'd have for a long time.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

When Malone arrived at the Rock Creek telegraph office the next morning he was surprised to see Louise there already behind the counter. "Louise? It's not even dawn."


"It's really early-"

"I need you take over the office for a few days."

"I'm not ready for this... I don't know nearly enough-"

"Sure you do."

"But I can't-" Louise set a paper in front of him, "What's this?"

"Your test... I need you to send this to St. Jo."

Malone looked down at the paper, reading through the message. He turned and stared at his lady boss, "Is this who I think it is?"

Had this been any other time, Louise would have laughed at his expression. Half in awe and half in fear he peered at her through his bottle bottom glasses. "Yes and no.... don't believe half the stories they write about him...he's much different." She turned him back to the desk, "Now.. send the message."

Malone faced her across the counter and set his hand on the knob and took a deep breath. With one more look at the paper clutched in his hand he began to tap out code across the miles.

To: James Butler Hickok
Jimmy need your help stop
meet me in Seneca stop
old waystation full stop

"What's this about Louise? How do you know Wild Bill?"

Louise cringed, "He always hated that name - we're old friends."

Malone's eyes widened, "Somehow... that doesn't surprise me - I've always thought you're an amazin' woman. Seems right somehow, that you'd be friends with a man like Hickok."

Lou smiled a bit. "You know what to do," she pulled a saddlebag from behind her desk, "you'll be fine, just use your head." She moved toward the door dressed in a boy's suit of clothes.

Malone stared at her, finally taking in her appearance, "What's goin' on?"

"My husband's missing and I need to find him."

"But, the clothes-"

Lou wanted to choke him for all the infernal questions, "I'll explain when I get back." She turned back towards the door.

"Aren't you gonna wait for a reply, what if he can't get there?"

Louise turned back to her apprentice, "He'll come," it would be just like old times, "He'll come."

Chapter Six

Something dug into his back. Kid shifted trying to move away from the leg of the bed. During the night, one of the ropes binding his wrists had loosened. Twisting his wrists around, he tried to work the knots again. "Dammit!" He'd lost most of the feelin' in his fingers, bloodflow was a priviledge, not a guarantee.

The midmorning sun warmed his back, causing sweat on the back of his neck to drip into his collar. Kid tried to keep his mind off of the discomfort he was dealin' with and on the matter at hand. Flexing and stretching his fingers, Kid tried to force blood through his fingers. Hearing noise in the other room, he tried one last time to get the ropes off. The skin under the ropes was chaffed and raw, but thankfully the same problem that kept him from untyin' the ropes was also savin' him the pain of tryin'. Feelin' it start to give Kid pushed himself closer to the bed, needin' the room to work. The door came open with a pop and Kid looked up quickly, willin' the desperate look off his face.

"You've had time to think... your answer?"

"I don't have one-"

The tone was a warning of things to come, "Playing these games-"

"I'm not playing anything. The two I had for company last night said a whole lot of nothing, but what I said is the truth."

"You think I'd believe that! Your father travels over half way across the country to see you... and you have no idea where."

"We're not close and I don't want to see hi-" Kid felt a crack in his neck as his captor backhanded him. Streaks of light crossed his vision. "How- how can I give you information I don't have."

"You think we'll just let you walk out of here, because you say you don't know anything?"

"It's the truth!"

A laugh turned his stomach, "Like that matters in the real world KID. I'll get the information from you.. one way or another."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Clutching the telegram in her hand, Rosemary stood quietly by the window as Jimmy packed his bag - when he was done, he flipped the top flap over the opening and buttoned it shut.

She still hadn't moved from the window. She watched the dusk settle on the grass outside. She worked hard to shut her emotions behind the door in her mind. Losin' her temper now would only hurt what they had started buildin' between them.

"Rosemary? What's goin' on inside?" She shook her head, she couldn't say anything. He moved closer and slid the backs of his fingers across her cheek. "Tell me-"

Jealousy flew fast and free before she could lock it away. "One word from her and you go running! I just don't understand what hold she has on you... a telegram... a few words typed on paper.. and you leave me." She sobbed into her hands, shamed that she had shown her real feelings. She hadn't meant to sound so needy.

Jimmy took her in his arms, "I'm not leavin' you-" he looked up as he held her, whispering word of comfort, "I'll be back." He wondered as he said it if there wasn't some truth to what she said.

She used her outburst to her advantage. Stepping back a bit she looked up into his eyes, her expression schooled once again. "Oh, you don't have to say anything James, I know you boys all love her like a sister."

It had been quite sometime since he'd felt 'brotherly' toward Lou, and he didn't feel like he wanted Rosemary pokin' around in that part of his heart. "She's family," he said simply.

Rosemary looked into his eyes and felt her anger well up behind her carefully constructed barriers... 'I thought we were going to be family?' was the thought that echoed in her mind.

She forced herself to smile, and even she thought how weak it must look to him. She bit back her retorts and Jimmy settled his pack over his shoulder and walked out the door, "I'll be back.. you'll see."

And then he was gone.

Chapter Seven

Louise rode into Ashport and straight over to the waystation. She called a quick greeting to the stationmaster. He confirmed that Kid had not passed through. They'd been looking for him. "Can't say we're overly worried Louise... but it's just not like the Kid to be late like this."

"I know Cal, I'm about sick with worry.... you heard anything else.. anything that could help..."

Cal shook his head as Johnny Vex came out of the bunkhouse. "Hey Louise - y'er lookin' better all the time! Pretty as ever... hey Cal you gonna tell Louise about the old couple?"

Louise turned back to Cal, "What couple?"

Cal shuffled his feet in the dirt... "I don't know how I could forget them... They came breezin' through here this morning... askin' 'bout Kid... they had a picture of you too... they wanted to find where he lived. They showed the picture around askin' if someone knew who you were."

"And you told them-?"

"Nothin' Louise... you know we all guard each other's backs, this is NO exception."

"Where did they go?"

"They'll heading to Rock Creek... some blabbermouth in town told them that much."

"Yeah," agreed Johnny "I got to 'em right after they told. Somepeople just don't understand about keepin' quiet."

"Thanks... really, thank you... I'll be going soon. I want to get to Seneca before night fall."

Cal looked at her with a discerning eye, "You better take care of yourself... I doubt you got half a wink of sleep last night." 

Lou nodded, "I'll be fine... once I find Kid."

Later, in Rock Creek:
Malone squinted up into the sunlight as the tiny bell above the door danced a jig. "Good Morning!" The mature couple that entered the office looked as if they'd ridden through a dust storm on the back of a cast iron pony. They both hobbled as if each step was a tender victory. The woman composed herself and stood at the desk waiting for the gentleman. 

Malone tried not to smile as the gentleman searched frantically through his pockets. The woman beside him delicately rolled her eyes and took a picture from his valise. "Really Henry!" She reached across the counter putting the picture into his hands.

"Ma'am?" He looked up at the two before him. Peering suspiciously through the thick lenses before his eyes, he tried to measure them up. 

"We need to find this woman... we were told that she lives in Rock Creek with her husband."

"Really?" He nodded, raising an eyebrow and pursing his lips together. "Well- I'm so sorry.. but I can't help you. She doesn't look at all familiar." Malone felt every bit proud of himself. He knew how private Louise was... and he felt that this was a chance to help her, just like she'd helped him.

The older gentleman looked crestfallen. 

His companion was anything but satisfied, "Young man... I don't suppose you understand the gravity of the situation. We are old acquaintances of the man you know as 'the KID'. He's missing and we think the young lady in the picture can help us find him."

She watched as her words made their way through his adled brain. "Well... in that case-"

"Speak up man, we don't have until the turn of the century... let's get a move on."

Henry watched his wife in awe... she should have been a general, she had the most amazing ability bend people to her will. The best thing was... she was the nicest person he had ever known.

Chapter Eight

The ride was uneventful for once... and Jimmy had sometime away from Rosemary's constant presence to think.

The last few months had been hard. Without the Pony Express to keep him busy, he'd worked in town as a deputy marshal and spent much of his free time at the house. He'd lost contact with the other riders, Rosemary always seemed to feel so uncomfortable with any mention of the others. Jimmy figured it was because she still felt guilty about Noah's death. 

Isaiah had been dead for almost a year, but he'd made no move to make his relationship with Rosemary a permanent one. He knew that she wanted more... but he still felt Isaiah's presence in the work she did. 

Jimmy took a moment and shook his head. He was lyin' to himself if he thought that was the only thing stoppin' him. He thought back to Kid and Lou's wedding, the one he had almost missed. When he fought with Kid there had been more to it than the comment about Isaiah. Kid was takin' a step Jimmy had only dreamed of, had only begun to taste the night he kissed Lou by the fire.

They had never discussed that night again and Jimmy felt like he should have said something...anything...but the outcome remained, he had stayed silent and Lou and Kid were happily married.

He thought back to what Rosemary said before he left. "I just don't understand what hold she has on you... " He'd dismissed it as a silly thought, but now he could see how she felt. 

He'd played second fiddle too many times in his life, and so had Rosemary. He'd told her that Isaiah needed to put her first...and now he was doin' the same thing to her. Instead of Isaiah and his cause, Jimmy had placed another person between them. 

Even as he drew closer to the station he felt a new resolve growin' in him. When we returned to St. Jo, he'd put her first and set aside his worries. He'd put his attentions on her... give their love a chance.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Lou's horse was tethered at the rail. Jimmy couldn't have been more surprized.. even at top speed Lou should never have been able to beat him there. Lightning looked no worse for the wear.. horse and rider must have been inspired.

Jimmy walked his mount closer and slid of Sundance's back, "Lou?"

"Oh God Jimmy!" She launched herself into his arms. He held her close and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Feelin' her in his arms did him a world of good.

"What are you doin' out here Lou? Word has it that you're running the new telegraph office in Rock Creek?'' She whispered her reply into his neck and Jimmy set her away from him. "Say again Lou?"

"He's gone!"

"Gone? Kid?"

"Disappeared - I know something's happened to him."

"Are you sure Lou? He's been late from a run before.. you know that!"

"It's not that Jimmy-"

"I mean he always had half a mind to go back to Virginia."

"No!" She shoved him away. "He didn't."

"Lou.. are you sure you know where he was goin'?"

Lou took a step back... "What's with you Jimmy?"

His eyes darkened at her tone, "What's with Me?"

"You've changed Jimmy-"

"Has Kid? You know how he feels about Virginia." He spat out the last word like it was laced with poison.

Louise stared opened mouthed at him... this wasn't the same man she'd shared her secrets with. "He promised me... he wouldn't." She considered the subject closed.

He did see it that way, "Now Lou.. I can't just go runnin' off cause you think Kid's missin'."

"I don't just think it... he was due back two days ago.. I've talked to every telegraph office from Rock Creek to St. Joe.. and he hasn't been through anywhere."

"Then I think it's time you open your eyes and consider that he may be headin' EAST." 

The way he drawled out the last word made her want to spit in his face. "I think it's time you open your eyes, and see what's happened to you. I don't even recognize you." She stalked past him and unwound Lightning's reins from the rail.

"I'm the same man I've always been."

"No you're not... you're not my Jimmy anymore." She mounted up and tried to move around him.

He smirked at her as he blocked her path, "Hell Lou... I was never your anything."

She reached down and pet Lightning's shoulder, tryin' to calm the nervous horse, "You were my friend." With a click of her tongue the horse siddled around him and raced off in the direction of St. Jo.

Chapter Nine

She felt more alone than ever.

Louise rode into St Jo a much more reserved and quiet person. As much as she hated to admit it, all of her plans hinged on Jimmy's help. She was alone and she had better get used to it. Kid was waiting for her... and there was no way she was goin' to let him down.

She wound Lightning's reins on a rail in front of the telegraph office. Quickly she sent a message to Malone, but instead of waiting for an answer she headed off to the livery. Jonas was alone on duty and searched through the simple records they kept. Katy was gone during the night... and since no one else came... they thought Kid had taken her.

Jonas pointed her to the hotel and as she made her way through town she had to stop beneath the cool shade of some trees. She watched the people walking by ... who should she ask... who should she talk to. There were so many people that could know something. 'Well you'll never find anything hidin' under a tree!' Wiping her tears on the cuff of her jacket, she made her way through the crowds and into the hotel lobby.

Minutes later Lou stood at the counter waiting. "Well here they are ma'am."

Louise looked up at the clerk, new hope brightening her features.

"Ma'am? Are you alright?"

Louise nodded rapidly... almost giddy with relief. "He'd never have left his bags... never. At least not on purpose." New resolve took hold. She untied the bags and rifled through them. A frown furrowed across her brow, "Where is it?"

"Ma'am? Where is what?"

"A picture.. My husband always keeps a picture of me in his bags... it's not here."

The clerk cleared his throat, nervous.. his past indiscretions coming back to haunt him, "Perhaps they kept it."


"The older couple.. said they're friends of his. I let them up into his room to look around."

Louise looked at him with a sharp gaze. "What did they look like?"

A few minutes later, the description of the couple etched in her memory, Louise turned to leave,"Ma'am?"


"The bags?"

"Oh, the bags-" Louise surprised him with an impish grin, "Hold onto them, my husband will be back to claim them before you know it." 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

On any given day, nearly the entire poplulation of St. Jo could be seen passing in front of the restaurant, or at least that's what the maitre d' liked to boast. Lou hadn't wasted any time changing clothes... opting to spend her time finding some clue to go on. The noon meal rush had yet to start and Lou had a chance to question him.. quietly. 

He was more than happy to talk to her...especially when he heard who she was looking for. Based on the description that Lou gave him, he easily identified the Taylors. 

Her interest perked when he mentioned where they were from, "Did they say they were from Virginia?"

"No sir, with an accent like that...well, it's fairly obvious." Looking past 'his' shoulder, Perkins, the maitre d', caught sight of the them in the street. "There! Near the dress shop-"

He pointed out an elegantly dressed couple walking arm in arm through the growing throng of people littering the street.

Thanking Perkins, Lou nearly ran out the door after them. 

Chapter Ten

The Taylors found themselves wandering the streets, biding their time until Wes would be in town.

"I just don't know how to explain this-"

"He'll understand."

"Darlin', I don't understand... I have this sinking feeling that we've brought this on the boy's shoulders." 

She set a gloved hand on his cheek, "Don't do this Henry, you didn't know this would happen... it's a miracle we found him at all!"

"When does Wes get into town?"

A small smile crept across his features, "He's due in on the - " The last word shook loose from his tongue. Two men appeared out of the crowd and grabbed them by their arms, pushing them toward an alley off the main street

"Who are you?"

Quince shoved Henry up against the brick wall, "Shut up old man... I'm the one askin' the questions today." He reached into the front of Henry's coat.. searching for the picture they'd seen earlier. He felt the thick paper between his fingers and pulled it out of its hiding place.

"Hey there... give that back!" Henry was frantic.. he was about to lose the one good lead they had. He made a grab for the photo and Quince back handed him.

"Henry!" Maude struggled against her captor... trying to reach her husband.

Quince drew a gun and settled it against Henry's temple, "I've said it once.. now shut yer mouth!"

She clasped her lips together as her eyes stared at her husband, willing him to be strong.

"Good... now that we're listening... I want to know where you're supposed to meet Mr. Travers and when." Henry looked at the man before him, but kept him mouth shut. For his defiance...Quince pistol whipped him with the butt of the gun.

"Oh Henry," Maude pleaded, "Just tell them.. it's not worth this."


The second man spoke up, "You don't have to get hurt... We just want information. Listen to your wife."

Henry looked at his wife as she pleaded silently with him. It killed him to see her so upset. He hoped in the long run she'd understand, "Sweet pea... you know I can't-" Another hit with the gun and Henry's vision was blurred.

"Oh Sweet God!"

"Stop it Qui-" a look silenced him. "The boss don't want him dead!"

"What the boss wants and what the boss gets is up to ME."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

A crowd was gathering near the alley. All were close enough to help, and yet not a single soul did a thing. The rider pushed through the crowd looking for the older couple. A wayward comment caught the rider's ear, "I don't know what Quince wants.. but if the old man wants to walk away from this... he'll give it over."

A quick glance around made it easy to tell where they were.

"Henry! No! Please don't hurt him-" Lou launched herself through the crowd.

"Stop it... please tell them!"

"Maude, run-" He could barely utter his plea as blood seeped from between his lips.

"Good Lord. Henry! Someone... .please HEL-"

Quince dropped the unconcious man and tossed his gun to his accomplice. He wrapped his hands around the elegant length of Mrs. Taylor's throat and squeezed hard. She watched in shock as her husband's body slumped against the bricks....sliding down the length of the wall.

Maude was close to losing her breath, his fingers slowly choking the life out of her, "LET GO OF HER!"

Quince chuckled and half turned, "Who the hell are you to order me around?"

Leather sang as a second gun left it's holster. "Back away!" One gun in each hand, the shootist advanced. To his credit, Quince pulled his hands away and stepped back.

Maude pushed away and ran to her husband.

Quince stared at the two Colts pointed at him, "Wait...wait now... hold on a minute! You don't understand-"

"I understand that you've nearly beaten that man to death... what you need to understand is that I have control and you will give me the information I need."

He backed up.. stepping past the couple huddled in the alley. Maude stood to glare at him, momentarily distracting the young man holding the colts. Quince grabbed Mrs. Taylor and pulled her in front of him.

Guns drawn, but ineffectual, danced as they tried in vain to find a target. The smaller man took his cue and ran. A single bullet fired and winged him but he continued on.

Taking his chance, Quince threw the woman at his adversary. Maude moved out of the way as quickly as she could... but the men had taken advantage of the distraction and were swallowed up by the densely packed buildings surrounding the alley.

Maude moved back toward her husband, and away from the smaller gentleman, "My goodness! How fortunate to have you come to our aid."

Colts slid home, "Fortune has nothing to do with it Mrs. Taylor, I've been looking for you." Their savior pushed back the brim of 'his' hat and Mrs. Taylor gasped. 

"It's you! The woman in the picture!"

Continue to Chapter Eleven


