Deadly Secrets
by Miss Raye

Chapters Eleven to Fourteen

Chapter Eleven

Metal scraped against rust as a key was forced into the lock of the weather beaten old door. Kid shut his eyes... preparing for the blinding light of the afternoon sun. As the door scuffed open against the floor the first thing that touched his senses was the amazing smell of stew. 

"I thought you'd be hungry.... the boys just told me this morning that they'd forgotten to feed you."

Wincing at the pain in his head, Kid looked up at the figure that slipped in the door, "Why is it I'mnot surprised that you'd be behind this?"

"Surprised? I can't believe you had two intelligent thoughts rattling around in your head to begin with... but then again.. you were always willing to believe the worst of me." The door closed and Kid's stomach grumbled loudly. A vapid giggle forced his stomach to settle down. There was no way he'd give her the satisfaction.

"Look, how long are you gonna keep me here, I don't know anything-" 

"Don't think that makes a bit of difference," She set the stew bowl on a nearby table and paced the length of the tiny cabin, stirrin' up dust as she moved. "I can still use you."

His heart sunk as he could hear the joy in her voice, this was more than what she was tellin' him. "Why do you want him? What could he have that-"

"It's not the fact that he's your father.... He just happens to be the most trusted advisor of Jefferson Davis. Having him in my possession would exact some measure of pain and retribution on the South."

"That's what this is all about? I've got to get home-"

"That's enough talk..." she stared out the window... the shadows of night moved closer. "I have a meeting to get to-" 

"Just how do you plan to use me?"

"Oh no! Don't you use that voice with me!" Her eyes flashed in anger. "I hold your life in my hands-"

Days of hunger and fear made him too bold for his own good. "What does Jimmy say about all of this?"

"Damn you!" The bowl shattered on the floor next to him. Brown gravy splattered his shirt and the dusty floor. "Don't you ever mention his name to me.. don't you ever..."

Kid looked up at her face and fear spread through his blood. There was something manic about her expression... a certain.. desperate quality to her gestures.

"Now look what you made me do!" She chided him like a little child, "I guess you can handle another day without food. You've made it this far... and you certainly don't look like this has been a strain for you."

Kid doubted her description. It had been days since he'd washed and the only thing that kept him feeling remotely human was the deep and abiding hate growing inside of him. 

"Now if you'll excuse me... I have to get into town before night fall."

She swung the door open and stepped into the deepening shadows, leaving Kid staring at the ruined food covering his clothes. He knew everything would come to a head in the next few days... he could feel the approaching conflict in his bones. He just hoped they all lived through Rosemary's sick little game. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Rosemary stood in the corner of the meeting room fervently goin' over her notes. In actuality, it was the back room of the mercantile, boxes and barrels shoved aside just for the meeting. The room was just startin' to fill and she found it hard to concentrate with all the noise the other abolitionist leaders were makin'. 'I've half a mind to tell them all to hush up.'

Someone grabbed her arm and she looked up - spittin' mad. "Quince! What the hell are you doin' here. If Jimmy sees you-"

"I ain't that stupid Rosemary, 'sides I got someone waiting outside... watchin' for your 'Wild Bill'!"

"Your incompetant little shadow? What good is he?"

"What you should be askin' is what I've got for you?"

Rosemary shoved her notes into her pocket and grabbed the paper from Quince's hand. The face in the picture turned her stomach and she shoved it back at him, "I don't need this!" 

"Stupid woman... you're so jealous you can't see the gold for the damn sparkle. If that boy knows anythin,' he'll tell you... if he thinks that pretty little wife of his is gonna get hurt."

Rosemary stared hard at the floor, considerin' his words. She snatched the picture from his greedy hands and shoved it into her pocket. "You better get on out of here before Jimmy comes."

Quince took a step back and glared at Rosemary, "Damn Hickok and the horse he rode in on... I've been with you and Isaiah longer than him.. and I care about the cause. You'll be sorry... he'll play you for a fool yet."

"Bite your tongue Quince... now get, I've got a meetin' to run!"

He left the room faster than he came in... his shadow wondered if he'd had another run in with Rosemary. The two were like oil and flame... each trying' to burn each other out first.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Every abolitionist leader in two territories was gathered that night. Most had shown out of respect for Isaiah Burke... they didn't come to hear his widow, and as soon as they could they'd send her to bed and begin the real meetin'. 

Nathan tied his horse to a rail outside and pressed his way through the others blockin' the door. He found an open area on the side and took his place as Rosemary called for the doors to close. It took a minute for the room to quiet down, but Rosemary was in a rush. She'd begun before they could hear a thing. They laughed as she had to reorder her notes and begin again. Her fingers punched holes in the well worn paper... they wouldn't be laughin' for long!

"Well... get on with it girl... or let the men take the reins of the meetin'!"

"We are on the verge of our chance to make our mark on this country... up 'til now we've been hiding behind Isaiah's dreams and his vision. It's time for us to step out from behind his shadow and make a name for ourselves... show the slavers and their traitorous government what we can do!"

Many of the men in the room stared open mouthed at the strength of her words. She'd never said more than a greeting to any of them when Isaiah was alive... now she was the one steppin' out of his shadow. And some of the men there didn't like it one bit.

Nathan watched in open curiosity...this wasn't the same Rosemary that followed Isaiah from town to town.. never questioning. He didn't know who it was standing before the hall. There was an edge to her character now... one that could cut you like a razor if you didn't keep your distance. He looked around the gathered crowd.... where was Jimmy?

"We fight the holy fight - the righteous fight. God is behind us - he knows the suffering that we've had to endure to continue his work.... He will be by our side as the jaws of the Southern Snake closes it's jaws around us."

Several men shifted in their seats. Nathan could see one man watching her intently. He knew this man by his description... and the power that seemed to eminate from him like a beacon. The man in the second row on the end.. was unmistakeably Quantrill.

"There is only one way to fight the devil... Blow by blow matching his machinations. We can not let any action go unanswered!" She looked around, confused. The men hardly showed a reaction. No one offered their support. She'd worked so hard to bring Isaiah's oratory style to fit her own... and now... had it all been worth it?

An older gentleman stood and addressed her, "My dear girl - what exactly do you propose... 'out and out war'?"

"If that's what God wants to have happen... then I am willing to do his will."

Another, standing near Nathan, stepped forward, "I can't cotton to takin' a step towards war... seems to me that we should let them Slaveowners start it.. then we can't be blamed."

"As I've said... we are the Righteous in this matter... we answer to God.. not the government!"

The crowd grumbled it's dissension.

Nathan watched as Quantrill leaned over to the man next to him and whispered in his ear. The man stood, "Somethin' tells me that you've already put something into action miss.. care to explain what you've involved us in?"

"You?" She could hardly keep herself from laughing, "What makes you think you can take credit for my plan?" She stared out at the crowd... "You want to know what I've begun? Who has the ear of Jefferson Davis... who knows his every move... advises him on every decision?"

"Wes Travers... of course!" The answer came from several men.

"Yes.. and Wes Travers is on his way here-"

"You're addled! He'd never show his face this far north!"

"That's where you're wrong! His son was here, and was recognized by Travers' friends. They've sent word to him and he is coming here! When he arrives... I'll be waiting. Davis will have to listen to us... when we hold his trusted advisor for ransom."

Several men walked out of the meeting. Rosemary's anger grew. "Will none of you stand with me? Take your place at the helm of a new power - join us and cripple the south!"

More walked out. Quantrill stayed in his seat and Nathan stayed against the wall. Rosemary was on the verge of losin' her mind.

"Fine! Leave.. I'll do this without you!"

The room cleared in mere minutes leaving Rosemary staring at the approaching darkness with fear and anger. Nathan moved to her side, "Rosemary?" 

She looked up startled, "Nathan? Where is Celinda?"

"Home.. pregnant again... and happy. You?"

"How do you think I am? They all turned their backs on the cause."

"Do you honestly think that?" 

She threw her papers on the floor, "What else could it be?"

He thought it was obvious, "You scare them... you have all this fire inside... and it makes you reckless."

"Reckless? No... impassioned, just like Isaiah!"

They stood there looking away at the floor. "What does Jimmy say about this plan of yours?"

"He doesn't take part in what I do."

"Why not... he believes in the cause."

"Yes, but there are somethings I can't even tell him..."

"Hey there Rosemary... I hitched Sundance to the wagon and - Nathan!" Jimmy grabbed his brother-in-law into a bear hug, "When did you get in? How are Celinda and the baby?"

The two men laughed together as they talked... Rosemary moved in against Jimmy's side. He dropped an arm over her shoulder and held her against him. She leaned up, "It's gettin' late." Jimmy looked down... "I'm sorry Rosemary... Nathan and I wanted - "

"Jimmy ... please take me home... it's gettin' real dark."

He nodded at her, "Nathan, you gonna be in town awhile?" Nathan nodded, "Then stop on by the house tomorrow and we'll talk." They shook hands and Rosemary led Jimmy outside.

The whole ride home Rosemary stayed almost silent, a lot on her mind. The picture was burning a hole in her pocket and she had to find a way to hide it when they got back. 

Jimmy sat beside her on the buckboard watching her. He had carried on a one sided conversation from the meetin' hall. She hadn't said a thing or reacted to anything since he'd set her on the seat. He shook his head as they neared the house. She stared straight ahead at the door of the two room cabin.

He reined in the horses just outside the door, "Rosemary.. I wanted to talk to you about -"

"Hold on Jimmy-" She jumped to the ground.. nearly fallin' to her knees as she went. She dashed into the house.. headin' straight for the bedroom. Jimmy put the horses up and entered the house. "What's goin' on Rosemary?"

She wrapped her arms around him... lookin' straight up into his eyes. "I just missed you... glad to have you home. Can't we just talk....tomorrow?"

Chapter Twelve

The next morning Louise had more questions for the Taylors and found herself standin' outside their hotel room, her hand an inch away from the door. She'd kept Mrs. Taylor up until the wee hours of the morning while her husband slept from the laudanum the doctor gave him. 

Pain welled up inside as she remembered Mrs. Taylor's story of Ki- Wesley's christening. She'd eagerly absorbed the details of the moment and now as she thought back, she fought the feelin' that she'd never have the chance to make another memory with him.

She shook off the feelin' and wrapped on the door. It opened under her hand and Mrs. Taylor gasped, "Louise! Come in... come in.... there's someone you should meet." 

Louise entered and crossed to the bed, "Doctor? How is -"

The man seated near the bed turned and Louise had the shock of her life. She stared into the clear blue eyes of Kid's father.

Mrs. Taylor grabbed her elbow as Louise nearly lost her footing. "Oh dear... this must be quite a shock. Wes... stand up and introduce yourself to your daughter-in-law."

He smiled and Lou felt her knees buckle.. his eyes... his smile...Kid! "Maude, I'm afraid if I come any closer she'll bolt."

"Wes!" Maude was enjoying every moment. This for her was a dream come true... if only the boy was here.

Two steps and Wes Travers took her hand. He tried not to laugh at her horrified expression. "I'm not going to bite you... my dear girl... I assure you.. you can close your mouth if you'd like."

Louise shut her mouth and found herself searching out his face. Looking for more and more of Kid in his features. "Why? When? I don't underst-"

Henry stirred on the bed and Maude turned her attention to her husband. 

Wes lowered his voice, "Maude, my dear, for Henry's sake I'll take Louise to the restaurant for our talk. Louise?"

She tore her worried gaze from Mr. Taylor and nodded wordlessly. Wes took her elbow and the two walked from the room.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Jimmy settled back against the pillows and watched as Rosemary took great care in picking out her clothes, "You goin' somewhere special?"

Rosemary shut the drawer quickly nearly catching her fingers in her haste, "James! Don't scare me like that!" She laughed... shrill and high... "You know that I have families to care for. The slaves we freed, they have needs - food and clothing. I see them almost everyday, you know that."

He watched her reaction and was concerned. She was more and more 'jumpy' every day. He worried about her. "Rosemary... why don't you stay home today. 

"If you'll excuse me..." she took her clothes into the next room to change.

When he was sure that she had closed the door, he threw back the covers and made his way across the cold wooden floor. There in the seam of the drawer a piece of fabric was caught. He pulled it open and settled the fabric. Under the camisole a piece of paper caught his eye. He disentangled it from the lace and batiste and held it up in the morning sunlight.

Something in him died as he read the writing on the paper:
KID- my gift to you. 
No matter where you go... 
I'll be with you. 
Love Always, Lou 

He turned the paper over and felt his heart catch in his throat, Louise stared back at him. Her smile strangling his breath. It all seemed unreal... a walking dream. There would only be one reason Rosemary would have this photo. If he was right, that reason would kill him.

Rosemary's footsteps could be heard just beyond the door and Jimmy slipped the picture back into her clothes. He made his way back to the bed and sat down drawing the blanket across his lap as she opened the door.

His anger kept in check he watched the drawer, "Let me go with you."

"What?" Rosemary turned to face him, near panic glazed her features.

"I know how much the cause means to you... and it's time for me to take an interest in what you do."

"Really James, this would bore you." She reached behind her skirts and slipped the picture into the back of her waistband. "You should stay here... I'll be back later."

A kiss and she was gone.

Jimmy didn't waste a minute.. he got dressed and grabbed his jacket. As he closed the front door Nathan rode up, "Jimmy!"

"Not now Nathan, I've gotta go." Jimmy saddled Sundance. 

"Jimmy, you need to listen to me."

"Not now Nathan!" He swung up into the saddle, "Get outta my way!"

"Let me guess, you're headin' off to follow Rosemary."

Jimmy sat up in his saddle and bit out a sigh. "What about it?"

"We need to talk... now." Nathan took the reins and Jimmy slid off Sundance's back and walked into the house. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Nathan left less than twenty minutes later. Jimmy found Sundance grazing beneath a tree. He took her reins and led her into the open. Nathan's words still rang in his ears. Something about Wesley Travers... that name stuck in his mind. Why? He'd never heard it before... had he?

First things first, he turned Sundance toward town. He knew that he had to find Lou. Whatever happened to Kid, Rosemary had a hand in it somehow. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

By now Kid had counted the number of boards in each of the four walls and the floor, several times. He knew the number of leaves on the tree outside the window and that when the wind blew from a certain direction, it would howl through his mind.

Being with out food or water for several days had taken its toll. He tried to wet his lips and gritted his teeth as his tongue dragged across the painful cracks that had opened. 

A shadow swept past the window and Kid struggled to sit up.


He turned his head away as Rosemary slipped inside the cabin.

"No smile for me? Even though I brought you something to drink?"

Kid looked up into her smiling eyes and resisted the urge to tell her to go to hell. One glance at the mug full of water and his throat cried out. "What do you want?"

"Nothing... I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I have an important guest coming to see you in a day or so. You don't want to miss it."

"I want to leave."

"Now Kid, you know the answer to that... I can't let you go... not until your father has walked right into my hands."

Kid looked away so she wouldn't see the hate in his eyes. He knew that even after she'd captured his father, he'd never be able to go home. There had to be another way out of this. "Can I ..... can I have the water now?"

"Oh... I'm sorry... are you thirsty?"

"Yes........please?" She held the cup to his lips and was surprised when he moved away, "Can I hold it?"

She pressed the cup to his lips and water coursed down his chin, "You drink it like this...I'm not goin' to give you an opportunity to get away. You should know me better than that."

He swallowed his pride along with the water.

"You really should stop trying to escape, if I don't get what I want... you'll regret it."

"The only thing I'll regret is that I didn't do it sooner. You don't scare me!"

Rosemary took the picture out from her skirt, dropping the picture on the floor in front of him. "You may not care about yourself... but what about 'dear little Louise?' She'll lose you and maybe her own life if this doesn't work."

"Don't you touch her!"

She smiled, "Dear boy.. do you think I'd dirty my hands like that? Quince is more than willing to take care of Louise. Don't you worry-" she shut the door behind her and turned the key in the lock. Kid jerked on the rope tyin' his hands to the leg of the bed. Pain shot through his shoulder... if he wasn't careful he'd dislocate it soon. Now, he didn't care what happened, but he was sure of one thing. He'd survive this if only for the chance to wring Rosemary's lily white neck!

Chapter Thirteen

The restaurant wasn't busy at this time of day... the noon day rush wouldn't be for another hour or so and they were shown a table in the back of the restaurant at Mr. Travers request. 

He moved to pull out her chair, but Louise beat him to it. She slid into her chair without a backwards glance. He noticed her snub and shrugged it off. He doubted that Wes talked about him much and whatever it was... it probably wasn't flattering.

He pulled out the chair next to her and seated himself. He looked at her, her face buried in the menu that she wasn't reading. "I guess congratulations are in order..."

Louise looked up at him. "Sir?"

He laughed at her expression. "The wedding... Maude told me Wesley was married."

She tried to stifle the laugh that sprang to her lips... it didn't work. "I still can't get over his name!"

He looked confused, "His name?"

Louise felt sorry for him... there was so much he didn't know. "I never knew his name until yesterday when Mrs. Taylor told me. He's gone by the name 'KID' for years now. It's what Jed used to call him." She took a sip of water, "What was Jed's name again?"

He sighed and looked at the tablecloth, "Jedediah Leslie Travers." He balled up his napkin in his hand, "He didn't use his name either?"

"As far as Kid told me.. it was just Jed."

He nodded, "I guess I can understand, I wasn't much of an influence while they were growing up."

Louise watched the door carefully, she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. She felt comfortable around Mrs. Taylor, but Mr. Travers left her feelin' a mite scared. There was no tellin' what could happen.

Noticing her discomfort he leaned back in his chair, "What has Wesley told you about me?"


He chuckled at her tone. She looked up at him surprised, but his smile caught her heart. So very much like his son... it was still strange to see Kid's features in this man's face. Wes Travers had a full mustache and beard, while bein' well cared for and trimmed it just seemed odd. Those eyes were so very much like Kid. Louise pushed aside the ache in her heart as he spoke, "It's sweet really... that you'd be so outraged on his behalf."

"He's my husband!"

He looked at the waiter that brought them coffee and nodded his thanks. He picked up his cup and looked at her over the rim, "I know... and I'd like to explain to you -"

"You don't need to-"

"Yes.. Yes.. I do. I left them.. and their mother, because I was told it was the only way to protect them. I worked for years to build the strength of the south when word started coming in that the north was goin' to take away our rights. Joining the states together was neverending work... and it didn't earn me a lot of friends. I had power yes... but people wanted me to stop, saying I was causing trouble. My wife was threatened more than once and I couldn't afford to hire people to protect her and the boys. We decided that I would leave, make it seem like I didn't care for them. Maybe they would be safe. We argued, publicly on more than one occasion."

He took a long gulp of his coffee and set it back on the table, "We tried to explain to the boys... Jed understood more, he was older and knew how much I loved them. He wanted to go with me... to serve the cause." He smiled at a memory. "Wes on the other hand was still too young... still holdin' onto his mama's skirts. He only remembered the fights and her tears. Can't say I blamed him... it had to be tough on the three of them. They had to move constantly... there were still threats. I didn't hear about it until after she died, and I didn't know that half the time I sent them money... it never 
got there."

Travers called for a whiskey.

Louise sat there watchin' him. She had always seen him through Kid's eyes. It had never crossed her mind that there was another side to the story. Even though she would always remember what Kid told her, it was nice to know that Kid's father wasn't the callous man she thought he was.

"You see, after Jed died, I finally got word about what had happened and I realized how I'd failed them. I wanted to spend the rest of my days making it up to Wes."

"What about the war that's comin'?"

"I'd leave it all behind if he wanted me too. I've grown up since I left. Wes needs a family-"

"He has one, me, the other riders... we're his family!"

He sighed, suddenly very tired and aged beyond his years, "I can see that."

She hung her head, "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have snapped at you."

"You have everyright to... it's because of me that he's in danger."

Louise looked up a bit... she hadn't wanted to say it... but that's what she'd been thinkin'. "It's because someone thinks they can gain something from this... and I'm goin' to stop them."

"You?" He shook his head at her expression, "I understand you love him, but one woman-"

In an instant a derringer was slapped on the table, "One woman.... who had a gun on you the entire time we've been at this table. One woman who has her back to the wall because she doesn't know you from the man on the street... and one woman who used to ride for the Pony Express and watched Kid's back. There's a lot you don't understand... but I'm willing to work with you to save him. That's all I'm gonna say about your judgements. If you have a problem with the fact that I'm a woman... get over it."

He stared at her, "I stand corrected."

She smiled at her own thoughts, "He's a lot like you .... there was a time in our relationship when Kid would've wanted to hog tie me to keep me out of trouble. All because he couldn't see that I could watch out for myself."

They sat there is silence, both lost in their thoughts.

"I would leave my work... if only it would save his life. That is if he's still al-"

"Don't talk like that - don't you dare... He's alive."

"I'm sorry... I"

She sat up in her chair as the restaurant door swung open, "Oh my, Jimmy?"

Chapter Fourteen

Nathan rode his horse over every imaginable inch of ground surrounding the town. He was about to give up when a small cabin caught his eye. Tucked in behind a copse of trees, it was almost invisible...

"Just right," Nathan chanted to himself as he edged his mount closer. Staying out of sight, peerin' into the windows, he worried what he might find.

Voices around back caught his attention. Two males... and a woman. Nathan leaned into the wind and toward the voices. Fear circled him like a vulture... there was no mistakin' that voice. The same one that struck fear at the meeting... the same one that would haunt his dreams for months to come... Rosemary.

"He'll be arriving in two days.. and we can't even figure out where the meeting is!"

"Well... I doubt he's ridin' in Rosemary... it'll be the stage. We can pick him up when he gets off the stage-"

"Sure.. in the middle of town... why don't we just announce ourselves and run to the marshal begging for leg irons."

"You don't have to be such a -"

"Go ahead, say it..."

"Forget it."

So far he'd only heard two voices....

"Damn it Quince! We are so close... don't ruin this for me!"

"What are we doin' with the son after..." finally the third voice came into play.

"After? Quince haven't you ever informed your shadow...there is no after. Kid is just our insurance. After Travers is ours Kid is gone. The cabin doesn't have room for two."

Nathan turned his mount back to town. He'd never get Kid out alone... he needed to get Jimmy.  Near the edge of the trees his mount side stepped a rock and landed one newly shod hoof on a brittle branch. In the clear air of the afternoon the crack sounded for miles.

Shouting reached his ears... followed by hoof beats...before he reached town, he'd have to shake Quince... "Dammit!"

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Jimmy walked straight to her table, ignoring the man who sat beside her. "Lou... we have to talk."

"Jimmy, I -"

"It's about Kid."

"Jimmy, I -"

"You're right- about Kid, about.."

Lou was around the table in a moment, her hand coverin' his mouth, "Jimmy hold up a minute. This ain't the time or place for this conversation."

"What do you mean?"

"We need to get back to the hotel. Come with us and talk."


"Jimmy ... meet Wesley Travers - Kid's father."

Jimmy finally took a good look at the man sittin' at the table and felt himself fallin' through time, "I know you!"

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Jimmy's startled admission had all but been forgotten. Louise had other things on her mind as they made their way to the hotel. She had acquired the room at the end of the hall, just a few doors down from the Taylor's room and right next to Mr. Travers room. 'Mr. Travers' she laughed to herself, she didn't know what to call him. 'I guess it all depends on Kid.' 

Every time she thought of him it felt like someone squeezed her heart in their hands, keepin' her from gettin' a decent breath. She opened the door to her room and sat down on the bed. She looked up at the two men watching each other and sighed, "Jimmy?"

He turned towards her, "Lou... I had to find you. I - I found something in Rosemary's things." He hung his head, this was the hardest thing he ever had to say. "A picture... your picture."

A hand flew to her cheek, "I knew ... I knew something was wrong when I couldn't find it... he'd never go somewhere without the picture. Not on his own." The truth dawned on her with a slap of reality. "Rosemary's things? She had it?" She looked at him with pure horror in her eyes. Disbelief coated her heart.

"I can't excuse it Lou... I don't know how I didn't see it. How she kept it all a secret from me... but"

She didn't want to think about it, "Well, the secret is out and I need to find him. Where Jimmy?"

"Nathan's out tryin' to find them... I came into town to get you."

"We should saddle up and wait for word, I want to be able to move as soon as we hear anything." Louise stood and started redoin' the bed covers. She did more harm than not... nearly tying the sheets together.

Jimmy turned to Travers a plea in his eyes. He understood this young man's need to fix her pain. He'd only known her for a few hours, but he'd already fallen under her spell. "I'll need some things from my room. I'll return shortly."

The door shut behind him and Jimmy froze. Across the room Lou replaced the pillows for the third time. "Lou?"

Her shoulders tensed and a sob escaped her control, "Dammit! I need to hold it together... I need-"

"I'm so sorry Lou."

"I know Jimmy, I don't blame you... you couldn't have known." 

Silence hung between them as Louise fingered the lace on the edge of the pillow, desperately tryin' to keep her thoughts together. Jimmy had to know... had to see if he was right. "Lou...is that the same Wes Travers.. the one who-"

"Works with Jefferson Davis? Yes... he is."


"How what? I don't care what he does... or who he does it with. That would make a difference if Kid was here in the room with us, but he's not. You know how I feel about slavery... the same way you do. Even Kid is against it, but I can set it aside for a moment. Until I get him back."

"We'll get him back Lou... we will."

"I know we will Jimmy. We have to... I can't go on without - I need him. I need him back... Oh God Jimmy!"

He took her into his arms and held her tight against him. "I'm here Lou... you know there's nothing we can't do when we're together. We're family.. and we'll always be there for you."

She shook against him and turned her head to the side. Her cheek pressed against his chest and his heart beat furiously against his ribs. She always had that affect on him, but this time it was an ache that wouldn't go away. He knew in that moment that no matter what else happened there was one thing that would always be true, he'd never refuse her anything again.

Continue to Conclusion

