A Love Foretold
by Kimberly Wright

Chapters Six to Ten

Chapter 6

O'Neill, Nebraska Territory - March 1851

After a long hard two-days ride, Breanna finally reaches the town where her mother and father had met so long ago. She could barely wait for the stagecoach to stop so that she could get out of the stuffy wagon, but with Mrs. Jacobs there to effectively put a stop to that, Breanna decided to ditch her plan of action. So, with a deep calming breath, she waited for the wagon to come to a complete standstill before rising from her seat. Then, as soon as the door opened, she was out and spinning herself in a full circle to see if her mother was waiting for her. Then she heard it…a voice she hadn't heard in a very long time. Breanna spun towards the sound, tears in her eyes and upon seeing her mother; she rushed headfirst into her mother's open arms.

"Mommy. Oh mommy, I have missed you so much."

"My sweet little girl,” Elizabeth sobbed. “I have missed you too. Now let's get your things and head home. Your father will b…where is your Uncle Tom?"

Breanna shook her head, fresh tears coursing down her cheeks. She closed her eyes so tight that they started to hurt as the vision of her dead Uncle swam behind her eyelids. She couldn’t tell her mother about that…not just yet.

"You will tell us later?"

"Yes," she replied in a whisper.

After Elizabeth thanked the Jacobs for seeing her daughter safely home, she picks up the bags, putting them and Breanna on a horse then swings up into the saddle of her own horse. They rode in silence, mother and daughter, each with their thoughts on things that worried them. Elizabeth’s thoughts were of how sad her daughter looked when she mentioned Man of Many Smiles and Breanna’s thoughts were of the sad news she would have to tell her parents whenever they reached where-ever they were going. The silence became almost too unbearable when they finally reached the edge of a village. Men and young children immediately surround them while several older children and the women looked on from a distance. They rode in a little further until they come to a stop in front of the one dwelling that had the most markings on it.


"Hush little one,” Elizabeth replied. “Patience is a virtue among our people."

As they waited, a handsome looking man emerged from the dwelling followed by two younger men. They were clad in barely a stitch of clothing, just like her Kiowa friends had been and she wondered about what Red Bear had said about the incident he’d had with her father. Then she looked to her mother.

"Which one is father?"

"The one with the long feather head-dress. The others are your brothers…Coyote Eyes and Little Pup."

When the men approached her and her mother, the one who her mother said was her father looks at her doubtfully then looks over to her mother and begins to speak in a language she didn't understand. As they conversed, he kept stealing little glances in her direction, making her stomach tie up in knots that had her praying she wouldn’t do something embarrassing…like loosing her lunch. 

"Mommy, what did he say?" she asked when the two adults finally stopped talking.

"He asks if you are truly his daughter and I told him you were."

Father and daughter just stare at each other while Breanna continued to sit stiffly in the saddle. Then she jumped off and stood toe to toe with the man who was her father. He held out his arms. She looked to her mother, who nodded and gave her an encouraging smile. With the ok from her mother, Breanna looks back at her father, hesitates momentarily then runs into his embrace.

"It is good to meet you father," she barely whispered.

"It is good to meet you too my daughter."

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The people of the village cheered as their Chief and his long lost daughter hug each other fiercely then they went back to what they were doing before the Chief’s wife and daughter approached the village. Wolf, Elizabeth and Breanna enter their lodge and sit around the small fire to have a family talk session all the while Wolf couldn't stop gazing at his daughter. 

"Just like her mother", he thinks. Then aloud, he says, "Flaming Hair, I did not see Man of many Smiles as you rode in. Why was he not with our daughter?"

"I don't know,” she answered. “Breanna said she would tell us when we returned to the village."

"Daughter…what has happened to my friend?"

The tears pooled in her eyes once more then Breanna relates the story of the attack and how Uncle Tom had told her to keep down.

"When he didn't call for me, I looked up, but didn't see him. Then I heard Miss Sarah walking around the wagon. I ran to her and asked if she'd seen him. She told me that…that he was killed. I didn’t believe her so I went looking for him.

“Did you find him?”



“Beneath one of the sheets that,” she took a deep breath, “I guess, Miss Sarah and the other survivors placed over those who were dead. The next day, some Kiowa's were kind enough to help us. But Daddy…can you promise me something?”


“Send some of your men to bring my Uncle home and…uhm…don't fight with Mr. Red Bear anymore…ok."

"Red Bear?"

"Uh-huh. He said you and he were friends, but when you first met you fought and have scars from the fight. Can I see?"

"Maybe later,” he replied with a sad smile. “But first I’ll send those warriors to bring your uncle home."

Later that evening at the large central fire, Breanna sits between her parents while her brother's stand behind them. The village storyteller, Red Eagle, begins to tell them a story of a certain special child living among them. 

"This child has already met their true mate and the bond between them will bring peace to our two tribes.” He looks over at Breanna and says, "You are this child." Then he motions her to step closer, to step beyond the protection of her family.

Unsure of what to expect, she slowly approaches the wise man. As she neared, he reaches for her right shoulder and begins to expose it. Her mother surges to her feet upon seeing this action but is stopped by her husband as they, and all who gathered around for the story; see the marking that decorated the back of Breanna’s shoulder.

"This is the sign that this child and that of another tribe will be bonded."

"And what tribe does this warrior belong to?" asks her father.

"Kiowa," Red Eagle answered.

"Running Buck," Breanna softly gasped.

Then Red Eagle returns to his dwelling, leaving a stunned Breanna standing where he’d left her. When her mother came up behind her, she turns around and whispers, "Will this really happen?"

"If Red Eagle says it will happen…it will. Now come, we must get some rest. In the morning I will show you what you are to do."

Chapter 7

April 1860

"But mother, I don't want to leave my people."

"Moon Flower, you heard what Red Eagle said at the fires last week and besides your friend Miss Applebee will be expecting you."

"But mo…"

"No buts daughter…now lets get going or you'll miss the stage to Sweet Water".

Breanna was still none too pleased at the prospect of leaving her family, but kept quiet till they arrive at the stage office in O'Neill just before noon. They find out that the next stage to Sweet Water would be arriving in two hours so, with the next two hours free, mother and daughter walk to the general store to get some snacks for Breanna for the long ride ahead. Of course Breanna tries to argue with her mother about staying at the village, but she was only wasting her breath and she knew it. When they made their way back to the stage office Breanna just sat on the bench, a small stubborn pout on her face and arms folded across her chest while they waited in silence those last few minutes. As the stage arrives, Breanna gave her mother a final desperate hug as tears pooled in her eyes. Then she climbed aboard and sat stiffly in the seat, unsure of what to expect when she arrived in Sweet Water. She closes her eyes, clutching her own blue stone necklace as she thought about what Red Eagle had said the week prior to this moment. When the image of a 10-year old Buck crossed her mind, her heart beat faster and a tingling of “butterflies” floated across her belly. "Wonder what he looks like now?" she thought.

A scant few moments later as she’s being jostled around, she hears someone say, "Excuse me, but aren't you the little girl that came this way about nine years ago?"

Breanna slowly opens her eyes to see who was asking. Upon recognizing the person, she whispers, "Mrs. Jacob?"

"My Lord…it is you. What a fine young lady you've grown into." 

Then the two women, one barely a woman…the other a grandmother, catch up on things that have been happening in their lives for the past nine years.

"So, you have family in Sweet Water?"

"No. I'm going to stay with Miss Applebee for a while".

"Oh, that nice young lady you were clinging to in Hays?"

"Yes ma’am.”

They reach the town Sweet Water safely after a semi-rough ride, some 28 hours later. Then Breanna and Mrs. Jacob say their farewells as she picks up her bag. When she stepped inside the stage office, she noticed the lone clerk at the counter and wondered if he would know where Miss Sarah lived.

“Excuse me sir, but could you tell me where a Miss Applebee lives?” 

"Miss Sarah Applebee?" the clerk asked when he looked up.

"Yes sir."

"My Aunt lives at the end of town…blue house with the white fence around it,” he replied. “Who are you?"

"I'm Breanna Nic…"

"Oh, so you're the girl I've heard so much about. She should be home. Turn left as you head out the door and…welcome to Sweet Water."

Breanna headed out the door after saying thank you and makes her way down the walkways all the while keeping her head high and smiling at those whom she passes. As she is just going past one of the many shops along the walkway, one of the patrons were exiting the shops and bumps into her.

"Excuse me," she apologized, hoping the gentleman wouldn’t get all angry-like and start yelling at her.

"Ma’am it weren’t your fault, it was my fault entirely. I didn't see you coming."

"Well of course not,” she replied. “You were walking backwards."

He responded with a laugh, "Yeah…true.” Then added as he tipped his hat, “William F. Cody at your service ma'am.”

She returned the smile and began to reply as she held out her hand. Then she noticed a quite good-looking, grown up Running Buck exiting the same store. Breanna could hardly breath. There he was…in the flesh and staring at her like there was no tomorrow.

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Buck just stared into a pair of green eyes…eyes he'd thought he'd never see again in his lifetime. Then Breanna was mumbling another apology and takes off, running as fast as she could, down the walkway.

"Now see what you done went and did Buck," Cody complained as he watched the young woman running away. "You done gone and scared her."

Buck was still staring, watching Breanna's fleeing backside, her coppery sun-kissed hair flowing in the breeze. He was definitely not paying attention to anything Cody had just said. Then Jimmy walked out of the store, looked at his two friends and questioned, "What're you two just standing around for? You know Emma's going to be mad if we're late again with the supplies."

“Jimmy,” Cody started to say. “Buck just scared away the most pret…ow. Darn-it Buck, why'd…"

"You stay away from her Cody. All of you just stay away from her." Then he took off in the direction that she had run. He was going to find out what she was doing here and why…even if it took him all day to do so.

"Well, well, well. If that don't beat all.” Jimmy replied with a smile as they watch Buck run after Breanna. “Looks like our friend has found a lady love. Come on Cody, let’s get these supplies to Emma."

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Breanna was totally out of breath when she reached the blue house at the end of the street. Then she started banging on the door and, hoping it was the right one, calls out for Miss Applebee. She only had to wait a few minutes before her friend opened the door.

“Brean – “

Breanna rushed in, drops her bag to the floor and goes over to the window to see if Buck followed her.

 “ – na Nicole O’Neil, what has gotten into you?”

She quickly shook her head, intending to let Miss Sarah know why she was acting peculiar when she had time to calm down. Then she saw Buck running towards the house and ducked to the floor, praying that he didn’t see her. A moment later, she slowly peered over the window seal just in time to see him turning in all directions…as if he were looking to where she could’ve gone.

Meanwhile, Sarah had walked over to where Breanna hid behind the curtains and took a peek out the window herself. “Breanna, will you tell me what is going on?” When she noticed Buck just standing in the street looking like he’s lost something she laughs as it dawned on her why her young friend would be acting so strangely. “Oh Bre…its just Buck. You can’t be afraid of him. Remember how the two of you had chased and teased each other that day on the plains to Hays?”

“How can I forget?” Breanna questioned. Then she added in a whisper, “But we were children then and…now he’s…he’s a,” she paused to take a deep breath, “well he’s a man.”

“Yes, that he is. And a fine looking one if I do say so myself,” Sarah replied. “Besides, didn’t I tell you he was good to look at?” Then she laughed again, “Come on, let’s get you settled. You can tell me more over dinner.”

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Walking in the woods, she stops when she spots the deer standing in the stream. Slowly she makes her way towards him so as not to startle him and tentatively reaches her hand out. 

“Hello there little one,” she whispers.

The deer just stands there and when she starts to touch his neck, the deer slowly fades into the form of a man.


Startled awake, Breanna sits up. With tears in her eyes and shaking like a leaf being blown in the wind she wraps her arms around herself then goes to stand by the window. “What kind of dream was that,” she wondered as she gazed out the glass pane; watching the night sky fade from black to purple, then blue to pink. “Why would I even dream such a thing?”

The next few days are blessed without the sighting of one Running Buck and she’s immensely relieved at not running into him while doing errands in town. But, unbeknownst to her, that was not to last for much longer. Several more days pass, then as she and Miss Sarah were heading home one sunny afternoon, supplies for the house and new clothing for her, she catches a glimpse of him standing near the barbershop with Cody and a few other guys. Breanna closed her eyes briefly, hoping…praying that he didn’t see her and just about dies when Cody shouts out Miss Sarah’s name.

“Hey Miss Apple…” Cody started to say. Then Buck started to walk across the street to where the women sat in the buckboard. “Well darn-it…there he goes again.” 

Jimmy, who was standing next to Cody, explains to the others what had happened the last time they were in town to pick up supplies. Then they all erupted in laughter while Cody complained a little more.

Chapter 8

“Afternoon Buck,” Miss Applebee said as she stopped the buckboard. “What can we do for you?”

“Ma’am,” he answers with a tip of his hat. “I was just wondering if I could have a word with Breanna and maybe invite her to Emma’s for lunch?”

Breanna closed her eyes again, wishing that the earth would swallow her up. Then she hears Miss Applebee’s reply and nearly groans. 

“Breanna he’s not disappearing if that’s what you’re wishing for.”

She slowly opened her eyes, gives Miss Applebee a glaring look and replied, “I have nothing to say to him.” But upon receiving a stern look from her friend, she huffs, “Oh…very well.” Then she turns toward Buck, notices that he’s waiting patiently with his hand held out to help her down. So she places her hand in his and steps down from the wagon, mumbling something unintelligible and definitely unladylike. As they walked over to where the others were standing, she gave Cody the “evil” eye for opening his big mouth in the first place.

Buck waited again, for her to face him then he said, “Breanna, I’d like for you to meet some of my friends. This is Jimmy, Lou and Ike. You’ve already met Cody and you can meet the others when we get to the station.”


“Yeah,” Jimmy replied with his ready smile. “We ride for the Pony Express and…uhm…” He stuttered to a stop when he received the same evil eye from Buck, that Breanna had just given Cody. “Well, guess we’d best be heading on back to the house. You coming with us Miss Breanna?”

“I suppose so,” she answered glumly. “After all, he did invite me to lunch,” she said with a nod in Buck's direction.

Buck was a little surprised that she wouldn’t want to share lunch with him; at least there would be a handful of chaperones so that his hormones wouldn’t get the best of him.

“Breanna, I just want to find out how you’ve been doing.

Cody just snorted and said, “Yeah right. We know what y…”

Breanna turned to face Buck again and sees him glaring at Cody. Then with a finger poking his chest, she tells him, “You’d best not be thinking about hurting anybody and…and…don’t you be turning those eyes on me Running Buck!”  Then she starts to walk in the direction of Miss Applebee's place when Buck stops her with a whisper in her ear.

"Please…I just want to talk."

"Whatever," she answered with a shrug of her shoulder. 

"Well Running Buck,” Jimmy simply stated. “Looks like you got yourself a little package of dynamite…" Then he stops saying any more when he receives the same glare that Cody received. 

Buck, then, gets himself settled onto the buckboard seat and glares at his friends one more time before flicking the reigns to get the horses going. With that, he and Breanna head towards the station.

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Not wanting to speak to Buck, Breanna starts thinking about what Red Eagle said several nights after the story he’d told on her first night at the village. "If he is to be the one…why do I feel so frustrated around him? He doesn't even seem to like that his friends tease him about me or even talk to me."  As she continued to ponder the possibilities, she never noticed the quick glances that Buck stole at her. By the time they reached the station, she had worked herself into a minor headache that made her want to just head back to town. But she knew that would take a miracle so she kept her mouth quiet and her hands firmly in her lap. When they finally stop in front of a somewhat rustic looking house, Breanna notices several things. “Charming,” she thought. “A little fence, a little garden…what else? Barn, corral, tack-room and a…bunkhouse?” Then she noticed the woman nearing the wagon.

“Where are the others?” the woman had asked when she stopped at the side of the wagon.

Buck didn’t answer and Breanna didn’t know who the woman was. For all she knew, the woman could be Buck’s mother or his someone special…although the woman looked to be more than 30 years of age, but who could tell? Certainly not her, since most women she’d encountered in her 17 years of life all looked young for their age.

The woman spoke up again.

"Buck…aren't you going to introduce the young lady?"


"That's Breanna," replied Cody, who heard the question as he rode up next to the buckboard. "She belongs to him 'cause he told us to stay away from her."

“He told you to stay away from me,” Breanna questioned.

“Yes ma’am.”

“How dare he,” she thought as her anger started to rise. Then she punches him in the shoulder and jumps from the buckboard. Upon landing on her feet with a soft thud she turned to face him. Surprise showed in his eyes, but she didn’t pay attention to that, she was angry with him for telling his friends to stay away from her.

"How dare you! We are not dating. We’re not even that close and you tell them to leave me alone? I don't belong to nobody…least of all you!" Then she took off running, just like she had on the walkway, all the way back to Sweetwater if she had to. As she runs from the hurt look in the drowning pools that were Buck’s eyes, Breanna tries to make sense of all the emotions that bombard her from every corner of her being…from what Red Eagle had told her the week before she left the village. 

Meanwhile back at the station, Buck just stares after her in disbelief while rubbing the arm she had punched. He wondered if she had been so strong when she’d been the little girl he once knew. Then he remembered the day she beat on his chest and smiled. “Guess so,” he thought. “She’s still got a bit of a…” His thoughts trailed off when he is startled out of them.

"Buck, I think you'd best go after her before she gets lost or hurt."

While his befuddled mind clears some more, he takes a look at his friends, their faces all a-grinning then he jumps from the wagon and runs after Breanna. He caught up with her, took hold of her arm and quickly pulls her into his arms as he apologizes for his words. Then he comes to realize that she is trembling like a young tree in a stiff breeze. He lifts her chin so that she had to look at him and when he sees the tears clinging to her lashes, the tiny quiver of her chin, he says, "Don't cry Little Fire. Please."

Still angry with him, Breanna pushed him away and snaps, "Don't call me that. My name is Breanna and…and…oh just go away." When he doesn't move, she adds; "Cody's right you know…about me belonging to you. You've invaded my dreams ever since the day we met and Red Eagle told me that we were going to be together." Then she glances back up at him and the tears spill over onto her cheeks. She was lost…she knew it. His eyes were beckoning her into their liquid chocolate so quickly that she could swear the world tilted. So she spun back around, only this time running towards the station, leaving him even more confused than before. When she reaches the door to the house, she takes a deep breath and knocks. As it opens, the woman, whose name she still didn’t know, raises a brow in question. Breanna said a brief prayer then asked, "Would it be ok for me to borrow a horse so that I may head back to Miss Applebee's?"

"You could,” the woman replied, “but seeing that it's already lunch time, why don't you stay?"

"I don't know," Breanna answered as she glanced over her shoulder to see if Buck had returned.

"Don't you worry none 'bout him. Now come on in and I'll fix you some tea…by the way,” she added, “I'm Emma Shannon, mistress of this here weigh station."

"Pleased to meet you Miss Shannon."

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At they sat down to lunch, Emma introduces her to Mr. Teaspoon Hunter, who she always calls Mr. Spoon and re-introduced her to the others.

"You'll meet the Kid later when he returns from his run."

"Run? Oh yeah…the mail."

"So Miss Breanna,” Teaspoon asked, “what brings you to Sweet Water?"

Before she answered, she risked a glance toward Buck and noticed he was staring at his food. Then she smiled and tells them how she came to be in Sweet Water.

"Well Buck,” Jimmy stated, “how come you never told us 'bout Breanna? I mean you did know her all those years ago"

Breanna looked, through lowered lashes, at Buck again and waited for him to answer Jimmy’s question. When he doesn't, she asks Miss Emma if she could get a ride back into town.

"Not a problem,” Emma replied. “I'll have…"

"I'll take her home," Buck answered quietly.

They are silent once again as they head, this time, towards town. Both occupants are brooding in their own thoughts. Breanna’s thought about the why’s of all that is currently happening and Buck’s were on the why’s of his turbulent feelings for the girl that was Little Fire…a girl that has definitely grown into a beautiful young woman. They reach Miss Applebee's place within the space of twenty minutes and he helps her from the buckboard, but doesn't release her right away. Then he makes the mistake of looking down into her upturned wide, innocent green eyes.

“What?” Breanna barely whispers as she begins to drown again in his eyes.

"Nothing," he says aloud, while thinking 'I am lost'. He then places a tender kiss upon her forehead, gets in the buckboard. As he heads back to the station alone, his erratic thoughts jump back and forth between the time he had first met her to the time he walked out of the general store to find her standing in front of Cody. His pulse had tripled its rhythm then, just as it was doing at this time. Then he realized he’d never really found out what she was doing in Sweet Water. “Yeah,” he thought, “only because Cody and Jimmy couldn’t keep their eyes off of her.” Then his thoughts trailed onto more intimate things. Knowing that that was dangerous territory, Buck clenched his fists around the reigns and flicked them again to make the horses go faster while he swore under his breath.

Chapter 9

May 1860

Breanna was smiling as she took her daily walk around town. Then she notices Buck, Kid and Marshal Cain exiting the sheriff’s office. They seemed to be in a deep discussion about something that had her wondering what they were talking about. So she headed in their direction to find out if there was anything that she could do to help…if they needed. As she neared, she said her good mornings to them then gave Buck a quick hug.

"What's going on?"

The three men, who had been discussing the recent murders that took place at one of the outposts for the Pony Express, looked at each other for a moment then Buck gently took her by the arm. They walk a short distance away from the other two. Then he began to explain the situation.

“You’ve heard of the Shaughnessey’s, right?”

"The Shaughnessey's? Sure…I’ve heard of them,” she said. “Are they ok?”

"Afraid not.” Then he motioned for her to sit down on the bench near one of the windows before he continued. “They’ve been murdered. Kid just brought in a Souix Warrior he’d found out at their place. He and I were heading back out there so I could take a look around…maybe figure out who was actually behind the attacks."

"No. Don't go," she whispered in fear for his safety.

"I need to,” he answered just as softly. “I’ll be ok, so don't worry. Nothing’s going to happen…least not with Kid being there with me."

"You sure? Remember the trial that Ike had to testify in? You were…"

Breanna’s eyes began to tear up. Buck sat next to her, gave her a re-assuring hug and gently brushed away the tears that fell to her cheeks. Someday he was going to have to let her know how much her tears affected him, but today was not the day. So he just held her a little longer till Kid said they had to get going.

"You shouldn’t let what happened last time be a black cloud over this situation because this is entirely different.”

“Is it?”

“Yes. Now Kid and I have to go. We'll be back soon."

When Buck and Kid were no longer in sight, Breanna decided to go take a look at the prisoner…this Souix Warrior that Kid had brought in. She knew of many Souix’s and wondered if he was someone she knew personally. As she walked into the office, she tried to get a glimpse of the prisoner but Sam’s warning stopped her in her tracks.

"No you don’t young lady. Buck will have my hide if I let you near the prisoner."

"Well Buck ain't here.” She teasingly sassed. “Besides what would it hurt for me to have a teeny-tiny look?"

Sam debated with himself on continuing to argue with her or have Buck’s wrath come down on his head. The more he thought about it, the more he decided that any argument with Buck would be the lesser of two evils so he nodded his head ever so slightly and said, "Not too close alright."

"Yes Sam," Breanna replied with a smile before she took the few steps that would place her in front of the cell where the Warrior was being held. She peered through the bars to get a good look at the man. He was definitely a Souix Warrior…sitting there with his head bowed, legs to his chest and arms folded around them. When he slowly lifted his head as she continued to stare, she is absolutely stunned at who he was.


"Do I know you?"

"You don't remember?” When he shook his head, she replied; “It was at the talk session between our people a few summers past."

Now Sam, being the Marshal that he is, heard this and got up from his desk asking, "Breanna…you know this fellow?" 

She nodded her head while Curly shook his, as he thought about the talk session he had attended three summers ago. Then his face lit up as recognition registers in his brain. He jumps up from the floor, edged closer to the bars and whispers, "Moon Flower?"

"The one and only," she replied as Sam, feeling a bit relieved that the Warrior knew Breanna, heads back to his desk as the old friends do some catching up. "So what kind of trouble did you get your self into this time?"

"No trouble…just wrong place at wrong time." Then with the quirky grin of his, one she remembered well, he asked, "You belong to the Kiowa?"

"No," she replies as she spares Sam a quick glance. Then she turned back to face Curly and whispered surreptitiously, "Not yet."

Curly erupted in laughter as he sat back down on the floor, "So Coyote Eyes spoke truth about your Warrior."

"What truth?” she demanded. “Just what did my brother say to you Curly?"

"You ask him…I tell nothing," Curly replied. He laughs again when her face turned pink like the dawning of a new sky and his laughter continued as she turned away, stormed past a startled Sam and stomped out the door.

"Just wait till I get my hands on you dear brother of mine," she mumbled to herself as she made her way back to Sarah’s place.

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Curly was swinging onto his horse’s back, ready to say farewell to his new friends when saw Breanna riding into the aftermath of the melee that had just occurred. He glanced over at the Kiowa and smiled. Then he edged his horse over to Breanna’s and said, "You are good mate for him."

Upon hearing this, Buck went over to where they were and asked, "Mate…Breanna? Whose mate is she?”

Breanna slid from her horse and went to stand in front of Buck. She smiled a secret little smile then crooked her finger at him. When he leaned forward she whispered, "You. Thought you would’ve figured that out by now." Then she steps back, is back on her horse and riding up the small hill before Buck could return a reply.

A Week Later

Breanna was cutting the pattern for a customer's dress trying to keep her mind off of Buck, which had been quite impossible to do the last several days. Then the needle slipped and jammed into her finger. She let out a quick silent curse while she brought the injured finger to her lips as her mind went back to the day of the Founders Day Race. It had been a pleasant day to begin with, but that had been before she knew about one Kathleen Devlin. The woman was a witch…she was sure of it. "Yeah, just as she is probably sure you’re a little baby and not good enough for Buck. God, it still hurts since she… Don’t go there Bre,” she silently scolded herself. Just remember that she's her father’s daughter and someday all her bad deeds will come back to haunt her. I just hope Buck will be ok."

"Breanna…are you back there?"

"Yes Tanya, I'm here. What is it?"

"Time to close for the day. By the way, I really appreciate all the hard work you've been doing, but if you keep this up your fingers are going to hurt like the devil."

“No more than usual,” she replied with a smile. "I'm glad you decided to let me work with you Tanya. I just had to keep my mind and hands occupied or I'd be liable to do something stupid."

"Having trouble with your man?"

"He's not mine,” she answered glumly. “Don't think he wants even to be, at least not while that…that witch…I mean Kathleen is in town."

August 1860

Breanna slowly opened her eyes as the sun streamed through the window then she noticed Miss Applebee standing in the doorway and smiles.

"Good morning Miss Sarah."

"Morning to you too dear. Come on down when you're ready. “Oh by the way, before I forget, there's a young man wishing to speak with you. He’s waiting in the parlor."

With a deep sigh Breanna nodded. Then after dressing, she headed downstairs to see which young man was waiting for her…not wanting it to be Buck, but sort of hoping it was. When she entered the parlor, her heart soared and started to beat erratically…like a tom-tom drum. 

"It should be illegal for a man to look so handsome," she thought as she took another step into the parlor. Then she asked him what it was that he wanted, but upon not receiving a reply, she stated; “Well then, I guess I have nothing to say either." 

They stood where they were, this man and woman, staring at each other like many a lost love had done so before and not speaking to one another. But when Breanna felt herself being sucked into Buck’s eyes…his twin pools of liquid night, she took a calming breath, made her way around him and over to the bookcase to look for something to read. Then she is startled when he comes to stand right behind her as she is deciding which book to choose.

"Little Fire…Breanna, I just want you to kn…"

She spun around to face him; still a little perturbed that he would call her by the name given to her so long ago and hissed,  "Don't call me by that name!"

In one swift swoop, Buck had her pinned to the bookcase with just a single glance of his chocolate brown eyes. His eyes peered into hers; he closed the space between them a little more and began to lower his lips to hers. When she had sunk further into the bookcase, he knew he had to get his hormones in check. So with a frustrated breath, he backed away…just slightly and said; "Look Bre, I know I've been acting like a horse’s backside lately and that Kathleen had just used me to get even with her father, but…" He stopped when Breanna turns her face away from his soul searing eyes. Then he gently cupped her chin and continued. "But I'm here to apologize for my behavior."

"Go away," she whispers as she closes her eyes. "Please…just go away."

When she feels the barest whisper of a kiss, her eyes quickly open and widen in surprise. 

"I am not going anywhere Little Fire, at least not until we talk." 

Chapter 10

It was another beautiful day in Sweet Water. Breanna and Tanya had just closed the store and were on their way to their respective living quarters when Tanya reminded her about the surprise party for Miss Sarah’s birthday.

“Remember to make sure you take your time in coming back from your ride.”

“I will,” Breanna smiled. Then she headed for the blue house at the end of the street…a house that has been her home since arriving in Sweet Water some five months ago. “Only five months?” she thought. “Seems it should be more than that.” Then with a sigh she enters the foyer of Miss Sarah’s place, her face lighting up upon seeing Buck sitting carefully on the dainty flower-covered sofa, looking completely out of place in the feminine room.

“Afternoon Buck,” she said. “What brings you by this time?”

He stood up so quickly that she had to hide a smile. So she turned away from him for just a moment, to put her hat and gloves on the end table then she faced him once again. His eyes caught her off guard and she felt herself falling into their depths. Then he gently cupped her face with his large caring hands and answered; "Would you care to join us at the station for dinner?"

She couldn’t answer, but knew she had to look away before she fell any deeper into the chocolate brown depths of his eyes. So she quickly glanced at Miss Applebee, who smiled and nodded her approval. Breanna felt a tremor course through her soul when she looked back up into the waiting twin pools of liquid night. 

"I'd love too,” she barely managed to whisper. “Just give me a few minutes to freshen up." 
While Breanna rushed upstairs to gather her wits together and to change into a clean dress, she silently gave herself a lecture about falling apart and tumbling into Buck’s eyes. As she was doing this, Buck was pacing in front of the staircase and giving himself a similar lecture. Then, just as he turned toward the stairs again, he saw Breanna standing at the top. He wasn’t sure how much more of just seeing her he could take because she quite literally stole his breath away. She wore her hair down now, tied back in a silky blue ribbon to match the blue in her calico dress. They stared at each other as she made her way down the steps, one by one, then as she stood on the last step, he held out his hand.


“Yes…sir,” she breathed.

They each gave Sarah a hug before they made their way out the door and walked to the buckboard that waited just outside the fence that surrounded Sarah’s home. Buck then helped her up onto the seat of the wagon before gathering the reigns and getting into the seat himself.

Several silent moments later as they approached the station, Breanna notices a different woman emerging from the house.

"Who's that?” she asked as they came to a stop in front of the corral. “Where's the elderly lady I saw last time?"

"We had to fire her…” he began to explain.

“Fire her? Why?”

“Well…because…well, she slept most the time and we were getting tired of Jimmy’s cooking.”

“But she was an elder,” Breanna stated as the new housemother walked toward them. “Sometimes I think you boys just miss your own mothers.”

Before Buck could reply, the woman was standing before them and held out her hand.

"Hello. You must be Breanna."

"Yes ma'am."

Rachel noticed the glances that passed between the youngsters. Then she replied, "It's good to meet you Breanna."

"Good to meet you too Miss…"

"Rachel,” she said. “Rachel Dunne. Now that that's settled, let's get something to eat…if there’s any left,” she laughed. “I’m sure Cody will take the rest of it if we don’t get to the bunkhouse before he returns from his ride.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

After dinner of pot roast, potatoes and apple pie, Buck and Breanna take a stroll along the perimeter of the station. Then they walk over to the corral to watch Warrior’s Pride and the newest addition to the herd.  

"Buck?" Breanna sighed as she watched the young foal keep up with his father.


"There's something I've been meaning to tell you," she softly said as she pulled her blue stone necklace from beneath her dress. When she opens her hand, Buck surprises her by gripping his hand around hers.

"Where'd you get this?"

She didn’t like the accusing tone in his voice. So she took a few back, trying to take her hand from his while wondering why he would react in such a way since it was her necklace and had nothing to do with him.

“Let me go,” she whispered.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that,” he apologized. “Tell me, where did you get this?”


"It's just…when I was a boy, the village Shaman told us a story about a sacred blue stone. And as he was telling this story, I felt like he was staring straight at me. When I asked about it, he just smiled and said that I would learn soon enough. Now I think I understand what he was trying to tell me."


Buck slowly took her hand in his again and held her close as he softly replied, "That we were meant to together."

A week later, Buck and Breanna were riding on Warrior’s Pride bare back. As they rode, his free hand slowly started inching up towards the firm mound of her breast. He was trying hard to retain control of the need to tumble her to the ground and ground his teeth when she sighed a woman’s sigh.

“Bu…ck,” she moaned as she leaned her head on his wide shoulder. “Buck, please stop. You’re making me crazy with wanting you.”

His brow arched then he replied; “All right, I’ll behave. But I got to tell you my Little Fire…it’s getting harder to do so.”

They came to a stop near a small stream. Buck then slid from Warrior’s Pride’s back and helped his lady down. Hand in hand, they walked silently along the stream, no need to say anything for they knew what the other felt. When they stopped at a grove of trees, Breanna turned to face him.

“It’s so pretty here.”

“Yeah, I think so too,” he said. “But you’re much prettier.”

She smiled and looked up into his eyes. “Big mistake”, she thought as she began to be pulled into their magic. Then she backs up when his eyes darken with the unmistakable emotion of desire and something else…something she’s only seen pass between her mother and father.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she whispered as she tried to turn away.

“Like what?”

“Like…like…” she stammered. “Like a husband would do. I’m not sure if I’m ready for something like that.”

Buck pulled her gently back into his arms and replied, “I can be a very patient man, but know this…someday we will be as one.”

Continue to Chapter Eleven
