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Xander: "Yeah, I like to look at the stars, you know? Feel the whole nature vibe."
Cordelia: "I thought you slept outside to avoid your family's drunken Christmas fights."
Xander: "Yes, and that was a confidence I was hoping you would share with everyone."

Cordelia: "Well, I'll be in Aspen. Skiing. With actual snow."
Buffy: "I hear that helps."

Xander: "That's the Christmas spirit."
Willow: "Hello, still Jewish. Chanukah spirit, I believe that was?"

Oz: "You ever have that dream where you're in a play, and it's the middle of the play, and you really don't know your lines, and you kind of don't know the plot?"

Buffy: You are not staying here, I won't let you...
Angel: Am I a thing worth saving? Am I a righteous man? The world wants me gone.
Buffy: What about me? I love you so much. And I tried to make you go away. I killed you and that didn't help. And I hate it. I hate that it's so hard. And that you can hurt me so much. I know everything that you did because you did it to me. God... I wished that I wished you dead. You know, I can't.
Angel: Buffy, please. Just this once, let me be strong.
Buffy: Strong is fighting. It's hard and it's painful and it's everyday. It's what we have to do and we can do it together. But if you're too much of a coward for that, then burn. If I can't convince you that you belong in this world, I don't know what can. But do not expect me to watch, and don't expect me to mourn for you because...

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