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Cordelia: "Don't let me interrupt. Wait, let me interrupt. I'm in a hurry."
Giles: "What do you need?"
Cordelia: "Psych class. Freud and Jung. Book me."
Giles: "Happily."
Cordelia: "Check out Giles, the next generation. What's your deal?"
Wesley: "Uh, I, uh, well... I'm, uh..."
Faith: "New Watcher."
Cordelia: "Oh."
Wesley: "Does everybody know about you?"
Buffy: "She's a friend."
Cordelia: "Let's not exaggerate."

Cordelia: "So... you're the new Watcher."
Wesley: "Wesley Wyndam-Pryce."
Cordelia: "I like a man with two last names. I'm Cordelia."
Wesley: "And you teach Psychology."
Cordelia: "I take psychology."
Giles: "She's a student."
Wesley: "Oh, well. I... yes."

Buffy: "Just look at you, Faith. Less than 24 hours ago you killed a man. And now it's all zip-a-dee-doo-dah?"

Buffy: "I need to talk to you."
Willow: "Good. 'Cause I've been letting things fester. And I don't like it. I want to be fester-free."

Faith: "Finally decided to tie me up, huh? I always knew you weren't really a one-Slayer guy."
Angel: "Sorry about the chains. It's not that I don't trust you, it's... Actually, it is that I don't trust you."

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