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Tara: "Also, you can tell it's not gonna have a happy ending when the main guy's all bumpy."
Willow: "What did you think, Buffy?"
Buffy: "Test isn't until tomorrow, right? I don't have an opinion till then."
Willow: "But you read it, right?"
Buffy: "Kind of not. I rented the movie."
Tara: "Oh, with Charles Laughton?"
Buffy: "I don't know. Was he one of the singing gargoyles?"
Willow: "Oh, boy."
Buffy: "I'm kidding!"

Spike: "They're just trying to keep you safe, I expect."
Dawn: "I feel safe with you."
Spike: "Take that back!"

Buffy: "Yeah, let's hear the story Spike is telling my little sister."
Spike: "Right. Yeah. So, uh, I knew the girl was in the coal bin. And I rip it open, very violently, and haul her out of there. And then I gave her to a good family, in a nice home, where they're never, ever mean to her and didn't lock her in a coal bin."

Buffy: "You cannot have a crush on something that is dead and evil and a vampire."

Buffy: "Eww."
Spike: "It's not blood, it's bourbon."
Buffy: "Eww."

Buffy: "The late night stake-out, the bogus suspects, the flask... is this a date?"
Spike: "A... please! A date! You are completely off your bird! I mean-- do you want it to be?"

Joyce: "Honey, did you, somehow, unintentionally, lead him on in any way? Send him signals?"
Buffy: "Well, I do beat him up a lot. For Spike, that's like third base."

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