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Xander: I don't know. I was going for ferocious-scary, but it's coming out more dryly sardonic.
Willow: It does appear to be mocking you with its eye holes.
Oz: Yeah, it's nose hole seems sad and full of self-loathing.

Xander: Well, that's the funny thing about me. I tend to hear the actual words people say and accept them at face value.
Anya: That's stupid!
Xander: I accept that.

Xander: "You'll need a costume."
Anya: "A costume?"
Xander: "Dress up. You know, something scary."
Anya: "Scary? scary how?"
Xander: "Anya, you, ex-demon, terrorized mankind for centuries. I'm sure you'll come up with something."

Buffy: Thank the Lord.
Oz: You're welcome.

Buffy: "Oh... my god."
Giles: "It's a sombrero."
Buffy: "And it's on your head."
Giles: "It seemed festive."

Willow: "We have to make sure she has fun. We have to force fun upon her. Yeah, and if Parker shows up, we'll just ax-murder him. That's halloweenie."

Xander: "I got better things to do than tag along to some fraternity."
Willow: "You can come."
Xander: "'Kay. But only because I lied about having better things to do."
Oz: "Laughs will be had by all."

Buffy: Conjuring? Will, let's be realistic here, okay? Your basic spells are usually only about 50-50.
Willow: Oh yeah?! Well... so's your face.
Buffy: What?

Buffy: There's no problem that cannot be solved by chocolate.
Willow: I think I'm gonna barf.
Buffy: Except that.

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