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Xander: "You going home?"
Willow: "I'm gonna stop by my mom's first. I've been doing that a lot lately."
Xander: "Yeah, I actually might stop by your mom's too. Well, I'm not going to my place. Those people are scary."

Giles: "Then useful you shall be! We can always use a hand."
Anya: "But you have a hand. A paid hand. A hand that isn't the hand of the illegal child labor."
Giles: "Anya..."
Anya: "But of course it's wonderful that you find doing my job so distracting! I am unthreatened. Proceed."

Buffy: It's going to be light soon.
Angel: I can stay in town. As long as you want me.
Buffy: How's forever? Is forever good for you?

Buffy: You have to stop it, reverse it.
Dawn: No!
Buffy: Dawn. You know this is wrong. You know you can't let this happen. Not to Mom.
Dawn: But I need her. I don't care if she's… I'm not like you, Buffy, I don't have anybody-
Buffy: What? Of course you do. You have me-
Dawn: I don't! You won't even look at me! It's so obvious you don't want me around-
Buffy: That's - that's not true-
Dawn: It is! And the way you've been acting! Mom died and it's like you don't even care!
Buffy: God - of course I care. Of course I do. How can you think that?
Dawn: How can I not? You haven't even cried! You've just been running around like it's all been some big chore - cleaning up after mom's mess-
Buffy: I've been working - I've been busy, because I have to… be…
Dawn: You don't. You're avoiding me-
Buffy: I'm not. I have to do these things, 'cause… 'cause when I stop, then she's really… gone. And I'm trying, really trying to take care of things… But I don't even know what I'm doing… Mom, she always knew-
Dawn: Nobody's asking you to be Mom.
Buffy: Well, who's going to be if I'm not? Huh, Dawn? Have you thought about that? Who's going to make things better? Who's going to take care of us?
Dawn: Buffy-
Buffy: I didn't mean to push you away… I didn't… I just didn't want you to see me… I mean… Oh, God… What are we going to do, Dawny? I'm so scared-

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