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Buffy: "Someone with a soul did this?"
: "Yes, I'm afraid so."
: "Okay. then while you're looking for the meaning of that symbol thingy, could you also find a loophole in that 'Slayers don't kill people' rule?"

Joyce: "Are you embarrassed to be hanging out with your mother? I didn't
hug you."
Buffy: "No, it's just... this hall is about school, and you're about
home. Mix them, my world dissolves."

Buffy: "Is Willow around?"
Xander: "How can I convince you people that it's over? You assume because
I'm here, she's here, that I somehow mysteriously know where she is."
Buffy: "Those her books?"
Xander: "Yeah, she's in the bathroom."

Buffy: "What is this?"
Willow: "A doodle. I do doodle. You too. You do doodle, too."

Snyder: "This is a glorious day for Principals everywhere. No pathetic
whining about students' rights. Just a long row of lockers, and
a man with a key."

Willow: "I have stuff in my locker. Henbane, hellebore, mandrake root."
Xander: "Excuse me. Playboys. Can we turn the sympathy this way?"

Giles: "They're confiscating my books."
Buffy: "Giles, we need those books."
Giles: "Believe me, I tried to tell that to the nice man with the big gun."

Snyder: "Just remember, lift a finger against me, and you'll have to answer to MOO."
Buffy: "Answer to Moo? Did that sentence just make some sense that I'm not in on?"
Snyder: "Mothers Opposed to the Occult. A powerful new group."
Buffy: "And who came up with that lame name?"
Snyder: "That would be the founder. I believe you call her Mom."

Shelia Rosenberg: "I don't want you hanging out with those friends of yours. It's clear where this little obsession came from. You will not speak to Bunny Summers again."

Buffy: I have to go on one of my pointless patrols and react to some vampires. If that's all right with MOO. And nice acronym Mom.

Cordelia: "I came over here to tell Buffy to stop this craziness, and
found you all unconscious--again. How many times have you been
knocked out, anyway? I swear, one of these times, you're going
to wake up in a coma."
Giles: "Wake up in a...? Oh, never mind. We need to save Buffy from
Hansel and Gretel."
Cordelia: "Now, let's be clear. The brain damage happened before I hit you."

Buffy: "Mom, dead people are talking to you. Do the math."

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