Cordelia: Is Mr.
I'm-the-lead-singer-I'm-so-great-I-don't-have-to-show- up-for-my-date-or-even-call gonna
be there?
Oz: Yeah, y'know, he's just going by 'Devon' now.
Buffy: Tada. Just little old
20th-century me.
Angel: Sure you're okay?
Buffy: I'll live.
Angel: I don't get it, Buffy. Why'd you think I'd like you better dressed that way?
Buffy: I just wanted to be a real girl for once. The kind of fancy girl you liked
when you were my age.
Angel: Oh, ho.
Buffy: What?
Angel: I hated the girls back then. Especially the noble women.
Buffy: You did.
Angel: They were just incredibly dull. Simpering morons, the lot of them. I always
wished I could meet someone... exciting. Interesting.
Buffy: Really? Interesting how?
Angel: You know how.
Buffy: Still, I had a really hard day. You should probably tell me.
Angel: You're right. I should.
Buffy: Definitely.
Giles: "I'll have you
know that I have very, um, many relaxing hobbies."
Buffy: "Such as?"
Giles: "Well, um...I enjoy cross-referencing."
Buffy: "Do you stuff your own shirts or do you send 'em out?"
Willow: "But, this
just isn't me."
Buffy: "And that's the point. Look, Halloween is the night that not
you is you,
but not you. You know?"
Oz: "Who is that girl?"
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