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Buffy: "Spike! Spike wants me -- how obscene is that?"
Giles: "Well, it is very strange, I can't imagine what he's thinking. Not that you're not attractive!"

Xander: "You ever think maybe the reason you haven't found a great relationship on the Hellmouth is because it's a Hellmouth?"

Buffy: "I might like it more than the others. Can you spin around again?"
Dawn: "Ooh, I'm not sure. Once more."
Buffy: "Now could you go the other way?"
Joyce: "You're messing with me."
Buffy: "We just wanted to see how many times we could get you to do it."
Dawn: "Was that five or four-and-a-half?"

Joyce: "What time is it?"
Buffy: "4:23. You have lots of time until 7:00. Vast acres of time in which you could plant crops."

Joyce: "What time is it now?"
Buffy: "4:24."

Anya: "I'm thinking about buying something very expensive. Maybe an antelope."

Buffy: "What's that?"
Ben: "Oh, yeah, my phone number. I was gonna try to subtly work it into the conversation, but it didn't pan out, and I thought I should try to give it to you before you see me dance."

Spike: "Bloody hell. You threw me through a window! What's that about?"
April: "You cannot make those suggestions to me. I have a boyfriend. Warren is my boyfriend."
Spike: "You know what? My bleeding sympathies to Warren."

Buffy: "What did she make you do?"
Giles: "Well, we listened to aggressively cheerful music sung by people chosen for their ability to dance. Then we ate cookie dough and talked about boys."

Buffy: "I didn't even see a good-night kiss. It all looked pretty tame to me."
Joyce: "I suppose, by your standards, it could seem pretty... Oh, dear."
Buffy: "What?"
Joyce: "I left my bra in his car."
Buffy: "Mother!"
Joyce: "I'm joking."
Buffy: "Good god, that's horrible. Don't do that."
Joyce: "I left it in the restaurant."
Buffy: "No more! No more! No more!"
Joyce: "On the dessert cart."
Buffy: "I can't hear you!"

Spike: "I'm placing an order."
Warren: "Oh, no, I'm not making any more girls."
Spike: "Sure you are. Here's your specs."

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