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Buffy: I don't think we've been properly introduced.  I'm Buffy and you're...history."

Buffy: A cranky Slayer is a careless Slayer."

Giles: "Two more of the Brethren were here.  They came after me, but I was more than a match for them."
Buffy: "Meaning?"
Giles: "I hid."

Giles: "All right, I'll just drop in my time machine, go back to the twelfth century, and ask the vampires to postpone their ancient prophecy for a few days while you take in dinner and a show."
Buffy: "Okay, at this point, you're abusing sarcasm."

Giles: "Buffy, maintaining a normal social life when you're a Slayer is problematic at best."
Buffy: "This is the '90s! The 1990's, in point of fact, and can do both. Clark Kent has a job. I just wanna go on a date."

Buffy: If the apocolypse comes, beep me.

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