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Giles: "I'll research all the possibilities, ghosts included.  Xander, if you're not doing anything, would you like to help me?"
Xander: "What, there's homework now?  When did that happen?"
Buffy: "It's all part of the glamorous world of vampire slaying."

Xander: "Oh, hey, do you want to come to our place for dinner? Mom's making her famous phone call to the Chinese place."
Willow: "Xander, do you guys even have a stove?"

Buffy: "I think I speak for everyone when I say, 'Huh?'"

Cordelia: "I am of course, having my dress specially made.  Off the rack gives me hives."

Cordelia: "Being this popular is not just my right, but my responsibility, and I want you to know I take it very seriously."

Giles: "Do you know, I don't recall ever seeing you here before."
Cordelia: "Oh, no.  I have a life."

Cordelia: "But, you should have seen him lying there, all black and blue. How's he gonna' look in our prom pictures? How am I ever gonna' be able to show them to anyone?"
Harmony: "Well, they can do wonderful things with airbrushes these days."

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