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Buffy: "Giles, to every generation is born one who must run the annual talentless show. You cannot escape your destiny."
Giles: "If you had any shred of decency, you would have participated, or at least helped."
Buffy: "Nah! I think I'll take on your traditional role, and watch."
Xander: "And mock."
Willow: "And laugh."

Buffy: "What am I gonna do, slay vampires on stage?"
Willow: "Maybe in a funny way."

Buffy: "Whoever's out there, I'm going to hurt you! Badly! If you'll just give me a minute."

Willow: "I think dummies are cute. You don't?"
Buffy: "Eww. They give me the wig. Ever since I was little."
Willow: "What happened?"
Buffy: "I saw a dummy, it gave me the wig. There really wasn't a story there."

Buffy: "This means whatever's out there still needs a healthy, intelligent brain."
Xander: "In other words, I'm safe!"

Principal Snyder: "There are things I will not tolerate: Student's loitering on campus after school, horrible murders with hearts being removed, and also smoking."

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