In 1998-1999, WB and New Line produced a TV series based upon the video games and movies of MORTAL KOMBAT. The series starred Paolo Montalban as Kung Lao, Daniel Bernhardt as Siro, Kristanna Loken as Taja and featured Tracy Douglas as Vorpax, Bruce Locke as Shang Tsung, Jeffrey Meek as Lord Rayden and Shao Kahn, Angelica Bridges as Omegis, Brooke Burns as Lori, Chris Casamassa as Scorpion, Adoni Maropis as Quan Chi, Jaime Pressly as Mika, Dana Hee as Siann, Renee Tenison as Sora and JJ Perry as Sub-Zero.
Dorian played the same barmaid in both episodes, but they changed her appearance. Her character was also given the name Magda and was murdered in this episode. Here are video captures of Dorian from "Twisted Truth."