Part Five

            “Let me drive.”



             “I said no!”

             “Ma-ax,” Serena whined.  “Lemme drive!”

             “No, dammit.  You’re not driving my car.  The last thing I need is for it to end up with Bob!”

             Serena arched an eyebrow.  “Bob?”

             Max nodded sheepishly.  “My old Jeep.  We kinda blew it up.”

             “Oh yeah, I feel totally safe with you behind the wheel now,” Serena muttered sarcastically.

             Max glared at his wife and muttered, “Besides, we’ll be in Roswell in half an hour.”

             “Exactly! How could letting me drive for half an hour freak you out so much? I’m a good driver!”

             Max sighed and pulled off to the side of the highway.  Serena looked at him quizzically.

             “Do you want to drive or not?” he exclaimed.

             Serena grinned and crawled into the driver’s seat.

             “God, I hope I won’t regret this,” Max mumbled to himself.


             30 minutes later at the Weather Balloon Inn…

             “Never again! You will never be allowed in the driver’s seat of my car ever again!”

             “It wasn’t that bad,” Serena pouted.

             Max whirled around to look at her incredulously.  “Not that bad? You were going 80 in a 50 and got pulled over, yet I have to pay for the ticket since it’s my car and I was letting my ‘little sister’ practice her driving! How is that not bad?”

            Serena just smirked.  “Last time it was 90 in a 40 and Zan had to pay for it so be glad that it wasn’t as bad.”

            Max just shook his head and opened the door to their room…their room with only one bed.  “Fuck! I asked for two beds!”

             “There’s no way in hell I’m sleeping on the floor,” Serena said with her hands on her hips.

             “I can so see why you were made royalty.  Fine, I’ll take the floor.  Sleep well, your Majesty.” Max bowed and flopped onto the floor.

             Serena went into the bathroom and came out wearing a pair of Zan’s boxers and a tight white tank top.  Max had to admit that she looked damn good, but she wasn’t his type.  She reminded him too much of Michael and Maria, plus there was the fact that he loved Liz with his whole heart. 

             “Good night, Max,” Serena whispered in a small voice as she drifted off.   

            Max smiled and went to sleep as well.

            ~Serena’s dream~

             “How do we operate the Granilith?” Nicholas demanded.

             Serena stared straight ahead, pretending not to hear the little twerp.

             “Answer me, bitch!” he growled as he shot electricity through her small body.

             Serena bit her lip, but that was the only reaction she allowed Nicholas to see.  She glanced over in the direction of her son and sent a wave of comfort, knowing that her pain upset the baby.  Her head shot up when the door flew open and a badly beaten Tess walked into the room.  Serena looked at her nemesis and smirked.

             “Tess, it’s been awhile.  Where ya been?” she asked in a raw voice.

             Tess glared and slapped Serena across her face.  “That damn boyfriend of yours nearly killed me after I left Roswell.  I’ve been running from him ever since.  You have no idea what a pleasure it will be to kill him.  After I have him, that is.”

             “Dream on, slut.  You’ll never have him, just like you never had Max.”

             Tess’ eyes flashed as she slashed her fake nails across Serena’s porcelain skin. Serena bit her lip again and resumed her emotionless expression.  Tess sighed in disgust and turned to her partner in crime.

             “Has she told you how to operate that damn machine of hers yet?”

             Nicholas shook his head.  “Nope.  The most she’s said is what she just said to you.”

             With that, he shot several more jolts coursing through her body, still inciting no reaction.

             “You gotta admit, she has amazing stamina,” Tess said as she sent piercing pain through Serena’s head.

             Serena took a deep breath and sent another reassuring wave to her tiny son that she had only been able to hold once in his short life.  She then focused on images of Zan’s face with his adorable half smile to ease the pain.  Then another burst of pain hit her as Nicholas began his sixth mind rape.  Her whole face scrunched up as she concentrated on blocking all information involving the Granilith from the evil boy.

             Nicholas dropped the connection and cursed under his breath.  “She’s too strong for us,” he muttered and hit the Queen with yet another electric jolt.

             “Maybe its time for more serious measures,” Tess said darkly, holding up several wicked looking blades.

             Serena’s eyes widened momentarily before they resumed their blankness.  Tess walked up to her superior with a scalpel and smiled her fake, flashy smile.  Without a moment’s hesitation, the blonde bitch sliced a gash across Serena’s stomach and one across her right forearm.  The young Queen whimpered quietly as she watched blood begin to pour from her body.

             “Talk, bitch,” Tess hissed.

             Serena just met her gaze and croaked, “Never.”

             Nicholas winced as the gerbil continued to slash at the regal girl chained to the wall.  He finally grabbed Tess and pulled her away, murmuring that enough was enough.  The two left the room and Serena glanced down at her mutilated body.  She knew that there were at least twelve stab wounds on her body.  Zane’s cries brought her back to consciousness. She smiled weakly and sent her son all of the love she could muster.  “I love you baby,” she whispered hoarsely.  “Max, please take care of him,” she murmured to a man she didn’t even remember sleeping with.  Then she waited for death to take her.

             Max shot up and glanced up at Serena was sleeping restlessly.  He had somehow seen into her dreams.  He already knew that Nicholas was evil and that Tess was capable of murder, but he hadn’t realized how truly evil she was until he saw what she had done to his sweet, innocent Serena.  Crawling over to Serena’s side, Max started to examine her body for signs of Tess’ vicious attack.  He discovered a scar along her jaw line that he hadn’t noticed before, a well hidden scar that ran from her right shoulder to the middle of her forearm, and one that ran from one side of her stomach to the other.  He found several others, but those were the worst.  Max closed his eyes as a single tear slid down his cheek, and then pressed a soft kiss to the strongest woman he had ever met’s forehead.  He lay back down and vowed, “You’ll pay for this Tess.  With your life.”

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