This is the third and final episode about Odin and the Valks.
First,the music,very Wagner-like,was haunting and well-done. The
costuming was good and most of the problems got solved at the end.
Best of all,Gabby gets her long hair back,after sleeping in Brunhilda's
flames for a year as Xena has a memory loss.
Odin does not appear to be a very powerful god at all. As the Greek gods
do,he tosses fireballs which are dodged easily.Xena bats them aside as a
The Valks are described as having "special powers",but the only one
shown to have this is Brunhilda,who can turn herself into a protective
pillar of fire to keep Gab safe while Xena tries to find her memory.
Remember,Xena kills two Valks who are pushed off their flying horses and
fall to their death. Beowulf kills a Valk,and Xena pushes one into the
flame to her death. There is no special power to save these
Valks,who,according to legend,are mortals who escort the dead warriors
to Valhalla.
Why didn't Odin try to get the Rhine Gold from the Rhine
Maidens....Xena,not a god,was able to do this and forge a ring.
Odin certainly would have been able to do this,as a god....
He doesn't seem to be much of a warrior-god....just rides around and
acts a little mean,esp. to his Valks.
Beowulf,last episode,The Ring,got stabbed pretty well with a sword
thrust from a Return,he gets stuck thru the body by a hand or
finger from the monster,who looks a lot like the monster in
Alien....same sort of general appearance,but seems to be made of a
wood-like substance.In any case,he bounces back in each episode as if he
was not hurt.
His young warrior buddy gets hit with a thrown dagger and goes down,but
is okay at the end of the episode.
These guys are tough!
The ending with Xena asking over and over for forgiveness from the
monster,and her asking forgiveness from the Rhine Maidens was
good.Remember in Forgiven,she didn't want to ask for forgiveness. Maybe
after all she has bee thru,she is changing and can really think she will
be forgiven this time.
A nice touch was the Sleeping Beauty scene where Xena finally kisses Gab
to wake her up.Notice,the two of them do not share a kiss.....Xena
kisses Gab.There is a difference(not that it makes any difference
between friends),but it reminded me of King Con,where the guy kisses
Xena----they do not share a kiss or Xena does not kiss HIM.
It still was a great scene,and seeing Gab with her hair extensions,as in
Season 1,until her real hair grew in, was great. Also,her outfit was a
little different.
I really hope they can get back to saving villages and kicking warlord
butt,as they always used to do. We do not need any more "growing".If
they haven't established who and what they are by now,they never will.
I give this episode an "A".
Here's hoping that the re-runs do not take too long before we can see
the next new ones.
Write if you have any comments
Return of the Valkyrie Part 1