A Few More Things That Suck
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...Other Sucky Stuff
  1. Senior Citizens with drivers licenses
  2. need we say more?
  3. Black Holes
  4. 97.5 FM and their crappy music
  5. John Travolita
  6. William Jefferson Clinton (Impeachment is COOL!)
  7. Lolita
  8. AOL
  9. That Old Navy Lady and her little dog too
  10. Manson
  11. Leonardo Di Craprio
  12. Puff Daddy (Somebody call the police, there's a music thief on the loose)
  13. Lewinski... literally
  14. Deion Sanders
  15. Rosie O'Donnell (You don't like guns? Well I don't like fat lesbians)
  16. All New York Sports Teams (Rangers, Knicks, Mets, Yankees, Giants, Jets)
  17. Spike Lee & Latrell Sprewell the Ambiguously Gay Duo
  18. Kobe Bryant (pass the ball you loser)
  19. Lamers
  20. Taking classes that dont have anything to do w/ your major
  21. Hanson and the Spice Girls
  22. N'sync, 98 degrees, Backstreet Boys (at least Hanson can play instruments...besides each others)
  23. Britney Spears' song, not her... (Somebody hit her already)
  24. Posers
  25. Homework
  26. Tutition increases
  27. Waiting in long lines
  28. Dumb people
  29. Brad Kolb
  30. People who drive 20 miles below the speed limit (Refer back to #1)
  31. People who say "U know what im sayin" all the time
  32. People who say "um....like, like, um...like, like" all the time

Stuff that woops ass
  1. Best Place in the World
  2. The BULLS before Jordan retired
  3. My dads belt
  4. Adam Sandler's the Goat
  5. Dallas Stars
  6. Baylor Baseball Team BIG XII Champions
  7. SportsCenter
  8. John Rocker (Quote about NY and their public transportation)
  9. South Park
  10. Kender, Jen2, Vixon, Losergirl, Nirak, Metallifan, Belial, and Poptart (frosted of course)
  11. dum dum dum dum...WHIPLASH
  12. Bud...
  13. weis... |------ Picture of Frogs was here--------|
  14. errrr!!!
  15. The theme song for the Jefferson's show "Fish don't fry in the kitchen..."
  16. Burgers so greasy you can see through the brown bag they come in
  17. Texas's execution record!!! (send your friends over, we'll take care of 'em)
  18. Baylor Girls
  19. Anna Kournikova...in spandex
  20. Dr. Pepper
  21. Homer Simpson "DOH"
  22. SirDuff
  23. The Princess of The Sea Monkeys
  24. Chemical Brother
  25. Led Zeppelin
  26. Sweet Home Alabama
  27. Connan O'Brien Connans head

Links that don't Suck
Jens Page
SirDuff's page, Go and Check it out
Princess of The Sea Monkey's Page....a SEXCELLENT page
Half Kender Link, come see the New haircut and color.
Corpse's page, a must see page
Niraks page
Stuff you wanted to know about Bert
Metallica Rules!!!
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