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One of my personal favorites . . .


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The fort battles at the Gulf War have a fair claim to include the greatest use of missile weapons of any SCA fighting.  The marshals estimate there are between 3,000 and 4,000 missiles shot during each fort battle.  That includes arrows, but the larger weapons are very much in evidence.  The fort battles at the last war included just about every kind of non-gunpowder weapon there is, and the next will see even more artillery in use (I guarantee it).

There are two venues for artillery:  the siege weapon tourney on Friday, and the fort battles on Saturday.

Marshals can and have forbidden weapons because of possible safety flaws in their manufacture, and because their appearance is too blantly non-period (day-glow colors on parts, etc.)   To check the rules about siege engine construction and ammunition types, follow this link.

In the photo from GW VI at right, Gnith draws down on some Trimarans with his ballista ''Jezebel.'' In the distance, Sir Corwin's wardillo can be seen moving in to attempt to force open the gate.

The rules published on the event web site will not cover all possible points concerning individual weapons, such as how powerful a particular weapon is or how many shots it would require to destroy a fort tower.  Some such matters will not be settled until the devices have been examined and discussed between the kingdom marshals. Those decisions will be announced at the fort before the first battle begins.

If you want more specific information about using missile weapons in the fort battles on Saturday, follow this link.

If anyone is inspired to try their hand at building a siege weapon, check on the design links on the first page, or try one of the sources about siege weapons included in the Grey Company's trebuchet links.