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GULF WAR IX:  2000--Tuesday, March 14 through Sunday, March 19

War Bulletins and Updates
Updates of This Site

A few pictures from previous wars (still adding) Please send your suggestions for this site

From Tomonaga:
     I set up this site because I really enjoyed the Gulf War, and I want to help Ansteorrans who are unfamiliar with the War get ready for fighting there.  This site will be updated as new information comes in.  It is intended mainly for those interested in missile weapons and heavy combat, and covers nuts-and-bolts aspects of the event and the site that are not spelled out in the host kingdom's publications.  People who are seeking information on non-combat activities, or about Gulf War rules, are advised to follow this link to the Gulf War web site.
     Most of what's written here comes from my own observations, and is admittedly subjective.  If you want to advance different ideas, great!  Send them--I would like to see this used as forum for people to trade experiences and ideas about the War.  If you have any useful information that you want to see added, or if you find a mistake that needs correcting, please use the link above to let me know.

Many of the small images on these pages are linked. To view them full-size and to know where they come from, click on them.


Arms And Armor
Therion's Arms and Armor Links is perphaps the best collection of links to armor and weapon suppliers that I know.
Getting Bows and Crossbows
Places in Ansteorra that sell bows legal for war
Web sites of companies that sell bows legal for war. (If you want bows for non-combat target shooting, check out these sites; they all sell heavier bows.)
Making your own weapons - Plans and tips on how to construct bows and crossbows
Warheads for arrows
Making Markland Arrowheads
Making Crane Beaks: - Markland-type heads that can be reused
Buying Baldar Blunts
Heavy Tactics and Training
Duke Kein's essay on tactics
Research References
Period Designs - Devices that get their power from tension, torsion, or traction.
The Spruce Moose - pictures and plans for a ballista designed by Oznog.
Ken's Ballista - Link to a site created by Marcello daDonnici, Deputy Marshal for Siege in Artemisia. No plans, but LOTS of informative pictures.
Simulations - Devices that use springs or surgical tubing for power.
The Bungeellista - how to build a sort-of ballista using surgical tubing.
Other Artillery Information
Design ideas, how to make ammunition, etc.
The Grey Company's Trebuchet Links - an Australian group's links to sources about siege weapons.
Even More Artillery Links - other sources of pics/info about siege weapons.
Other Siege Devices
Cloth Pavises - arrow stoppers that are cheap and light.
Other plans will be added as they become available.

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