The Name Generator-Fantasy Names-Neutral Alignment-Male
Click here to view a list of all male fantasy
names. This will take time to load.
Quick tips on choosing names for neutral alignments:
1) Choose hard or rough sounding letters to start your names. C, Ch, K, and T,
are all excellent letters for neutral names.
2) Use names that tend to incorperate strong or definative endings, like -gar,
or -nar.
4) Remember that breaking a stereotype in choosing your name does not justify
the name: Lighthearted Breeze or Gutted Victemizations as a name for a neutral
alignment without some serious justification.
5) Remember that these are just suggestions and should not limit your creativity
to create or choose your names. Your characters are individuals who are alive,
not a bunch of rules some crackpot dreams up while on the toilet. We hope.
Male Neutral Alignment Names
Alternate Spellings
"When their numbers began to dwindle from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began
to suspect Hungry."