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Foxfire and Afira's Handbook to Role-Playing

So you find yourself walking to the bathroom, when you hear your fellow gamers talking about your character for your next campaign. Hopeful to hear some good input on your solid, sturdy character that you've refined perfectly over the years, you stop and listen to a conversation that goes something like this...

Player 1: "Oh my God, that's the eighth Warrior he's played this week!"
Player 2: "Isn't there anyway to prevent him from playing his character sheet from Rocke Steady again? I hate that name." ((Hey, you thought of that name all by yourself!!!))
Game Master: "I can't prevent him from playing that character. You all will just have to deal with it again... and again... and again."
Player 3: "But he just erased the name at the top of the sheet! Can't he at least redistribute those points?"

The Breakdown of Stereotypes
If you find yourself in familiar territory here, it’s time to look at stereotyping. For gaming purposes, at least three types exist:

Character Character stereotypes are conventional or expected repetitive patterns that develop from conforming to a known behavior, psychological disposition, verbal word choice, or physical appearance.
Storyline Storyline stereotypes originate from simplistic or unimaginative plot building by the storyteller.
Mechanical Mechanic stereotyping is derived from either the abuse of standard game mechanics or the overuse of game mechanics, this can either be a perceived or a real abuse.

These three are explored further in the following pages from the player's perspective and the game master's perspective, along with helpful tips on avoiding the usual pitfalls that affect even the most hardened troops. Please click on one of the above links to be escorted to the page that best suits your needs.


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