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Now that the semester has started I have a lot less time to answer email. Below I have tried to cover the bulk of questions I get. Please read all the information and follow the links to more information I have on the web site before asking a question. If you ask me something already covered, I will send you right back to my web page.

How do I care for my ______?
If there is not a specific section for the animal, check the Exotic Pet Links. If it's not covered or linked to from my web page, I don't know. The best thing you can do is look up your animal in a search engine. I have found Metacrawler to be the most helpful, it searches all the major search engines at once.

Where do I find a sugar glider or other exotic animal breeder?
All the reputable breeders I know about are already listed. Please see my Sugar Glider Breeder Listing. If you are looking for a different animal, also check this listing. Many of the sugar glider breeders also breed other animals. Be sure to check the Online Animal Catalog and Exotic Market Reveiw Breeders Directory links as well. If you can't find a breeder, ask your local pet shop to order the animal for you. If you are looking for something very exotic, try R-Zu-2-U.

Do you sell sugar gliders or supplies?
I don't sell sugar gliders, my four are strictly pets. All the males have been neutered. I do sell pouches and other acessories. Please see the Sugar Glider & Exotic Pet Supplies page.

I emailed you with a question and never got a reply. Why not?
Could be a number of reasons: Your email address is not correct and my reply was returned. If this is the case, check the Unsendable Email Replies page. If its not there, it either got misplaced or I am too busy to reply. If you don't receive a reply within two weeks it has most likely been lost and you may send it again.

Can I use your pictures and/or wording for my web site?
Maybe. You MUST ask me first. My pictures and text are copyrighted and I will pursue legal action if used without my permission. Before I give permission you must send me the following information: Your name, web page address, and a list of what you want to use and how. If you want to manipulate my pictures, you must ask permission for this as well. IF I do give permission, you must give credit. This consists of a caption next to what you are using that states "Pictures/text courtesy of Sugar Gliders & Exotic Pets"