chapter XIV
h o l d i n g m y b r e a t h

f o r y o u


c h a p t e r XIV

"This has been a long week," Nicky grumbled, and fell onto the Hanson's couch beside me.

"Yeah," I agreed quietly. We had barely said 5 words to each other all week. I had a feeling he was still mad at me.

"Have you seen Zac?" he asked. I shook my head. "Oh," he said quietly. "Well, do you wanna go do something, then?"

I gave him a puzzled look. "Do something? Like what?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. Video games?"

"What do they have?" I asked.

His brow puckered. "They've got XG2."

"The motorcycle game?" I asked.

"Yeah," he told me. "You in?"

I stood up. "Where is the 64?"

"In the basement," he said. "C'mon."

I followed him downstairs, and we played video games. Within 15 minutes, we were both arguing and laughing loudly. I guess it was the first time since we'd arrived in Tulsa that I'd spent time with Nicky. It felt kind of nice.

