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This is our Happy Family ~*~ 1993 ~*~

Wayne is the ol' guy, I'm the ol' girl, then there is Cody our oldest (top leftside) Then there is John the 2nd son (top middle) Ryan our 3rd son (bottom right) Last but most definitely not least our only daughter, Ashley.

Here is Wayne in uniform (Cheif of Police) and my hero. I never knew being married could be so wonderful, but when you marry your best friend it can be. We spend all our time together. We have so much incommon, that we do everything with each other. I feel like I'm so lucky to have him. He is the most caring husband. If at anytime I need something, he is always there.

Well this is me again

Daddy's little girl. I was the one who want a girl so bad!

This is the heart breaker of town

The 1998 Senior, YEA!!!!

The Computer Kid

Background By Lori's Background Boutique

This page was added on Jan. 1st 1998

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