Welcome to the City of Nekheb!
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Welcome to the City of Nekheb!


Map of Upper Egypt

Em hotep! Welcome to Nekheb (el-Kab in modern times), capital of the 3rd Nome of Upper Egypt. Nekheb was one of the first major cities of the Early Dynastic period, and is home to the cult center of the vulture-goddess Nekhbet.

The main buildings here in Nekheb are all situated inside a huge mud-brick enclosure wall. The wall dates from the Late Period and encloses an area of about 250,000 square meters. The main temples, dedicated to Thoth and Nekhbet, are located in the center of the town, and smaller temples to various gods are located along the edge of the desert.

Tombs of nomarchs from the New Kingdom, including those of Ahmose son of Ebana, an admiral in the wars of liberation against the Hyksos, and Setau, a priest during the reign of Rameses III, are located to the west outside the city walls. Prehistoric rock carvings at "vulture rock" and the chapel of Amenhotep III are located to the east of the city.

Feel free to explore these and other attractions here in Nekheb, and enjoy your stay!

To the TempleVisit the Temple of Nekhbet

To Hieroglyphs PageBasic sentences in hieroglyphs

Attention, all citizens of Egypt!

The city of Nekheb is open for residence! Anyone who would like to call this city home, please either drop by my home at AS and leave a message, or e-mail me. I would love to hear from you. I'll add your names to the citizens' directory and provide links to your homes and any pages you may build. Please, if you're not already a resident of some other city, consider Nekheb. It's a great place, and it's growing! Thanks!

A mayor is needed for the city of Hefat-- an interesting little city in the 3rd nome, about 25 km upriver of Wast. Anyone who's interested should leave a message at my home at AS or send me an e-mail. Knowledge of HTML is not necessary, nor is any previous knowledge about the city. A mayor's duties consist of researching and promoting the city, and trying to encourage people to live there. It's not hard, and the webpage-building can be delegated. Please, if this sounds interesting, drop me a line!

--Iset Meritamen, Mayor of Nekheb

Nekheb-Related Links

Admiral Ahmose Relates His Deeds
An interesting site for anyone who can read or is learning to read hieroglyphs. A short extract from the biography of Ahmose, son of Ebana, a military hero from Nekheb.

Oakland Zoo: Griffon Vulture
Information about the Griffon Vulture, which is the vulture most often depicted in Egyptian art. Nekhbet (patron of Nekheb, see the Temple of Nekhbet), is almost always shown as a Griffon Vulture.

King's Names
A page describing Egyptian royal titulary, with examples and explanations. Includes the nebty name, which links the king to the patron goddesses of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nekhbet and Wadjet (see the Temple of Nekhbet).

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