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Temple of Nekhbet

Griffon Vulture

Nekhbet was usually represented in Egyptian art as a Griffon Vulture.

Welcome to the Temple of Nekhbet!

The original foundation of the Temple of Nekhbet here in Nekheb dates to about the fourth millenium B.C. Please feel free to explore the temple, where you will hopefully learn more about our city's glorious vulture-goddess.

Nekhbet was the vulture-goddess, who, along with her counterpart in Lower Egypt, the cobra-goddess Wadjet, represented the union of the Two Lands. She is literally the personification of the White Crown of Upper Egypt, and by extension, the patron goddess of Upper Egypt. 

The goddess Wadjet, also known as Buto or Edjo.

Because of this, the king's five names include the nebty, or "two ladies" title, symbolizing his dominion over Upper and Lower Egypt. This name was written with depictions of a vulture (Nekhbet) and a cobra (Wadjet) beside it.
Read more about royal titles here .

Nekhbet is usually depicted as a vulture with outspread wings holding a shen sign (the symbol of eternity) in her talons, often hovering protectively over the deceased. She is also sometimes represented as a woman with the head of a vulture or as a woman wearing the atef-crown.

Nekhbet with shen sign

Nekhbet's cult originated in Nekheb (her name means literally "she of Nekheb"), although her most important epithet was "The White One of Nekhen." Nekhen (Hierakonpolis), the cult center of Horus, is across the Nile from Nekheb. The two cities developed around the same time. Nekhbet's importance rose with that of Horus, but while his worship spread to Lower Egypt, she stayed firmly linked to the South.

Nekhbet was also associated with fertility-- she was considered to be the wife of Hapi, the Nile, who brought the water and rich silt necessary for agriculture each year. Because of this association with fertility, she was also thought of as a mother-goddess, protectress of childbith, and is sometimes described as 'the great white cow that dwells in Nekheb', identified with Hathor.

A pectoral showing Nekhbet and Wadjet surrounding an udjat-eye.

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