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Final Anime Oasis

to Final Anime Oasis! This is an online portfolio that will feature my artwork in anime style, as well as finearts. You will find an assortment of illustrations, comics, sculptures, and figurines. Final Fantasy, and other anime fanart will still be the main focus of the site, so check around and see what you can find. Please enjoy your stay here. You discover that there's something for everyone here, hopefully.^_^

Major News:

After not being updated for 9 months, I finally got a revamp of the site. The site's layout is pretty much the same, but I have cleaned up, and added new sections. Hopefully this new approach in maintence will help me update more frequently. New things have been added throughout the site, so please check around.

Since: August 14, 1997
Updated Last: June 16, 2001


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E-mail:Richard Abril
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Richard Abril Copyright 1997-2001
*Reminder*: Final Anime Oasis is copyrighted by Richard Abril. Please do not redistribute, alter, or use anything off this page without prior notice.