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Updates Log

Like the title implies, this is the Updates page. It is best that you check here regularly because I don't usually post all my many tiny updates on the Major New section on the main page.


It's been well over 9 months now since I last updated my webpage. I should be ashamed of myself I guess, but I look at it this way: finish up school and worry about webpage later. I'm very pleased to be out of high school now, and so a new life begins for me. To those who visited, thank you so much for supporting my webpage. I know I lost a lot of visitors because I haven't updated my page in so long, but I hope that I can win back their attention. A lot has happened to me in the last few months that make me look at things a lot differently now. The majority of this page is still the same as it was about 4 1/2 years ago, when I first revamped it. I don't really have much time to do an intricate layout, and figured that a simple one like this is more effective. As I got back into the internet scene, I noticed that there are many artists that use to have blooming pages that are not on the internet anymore. It's sad that many artists have shutdown their pages. I SERIOUSLY thought about closing my page down for good... but there were many reasons that made me just put my webpage to a temporary stasis phase.

Yes, I have gone throught a substantial amount of tough times through my webpage. I remember my page being just a simple one with small Final Fantasy icons. I didn't have as many visitors back then, but I did have less negative response to me. As I revamped my page into frames, I began to gain more visitors. With the help of my partner in art, Emily Gregg (who I have not heard from in YEARS), I was able to gain mass publicity. In with this publicity was the advent of negative visitors. They say that words don't hurt, but in reality, they sometimes hurt more than the physicality of a punch. Call me overly sensitive if you want, but I just don't understand why one would say hateful things just because they do not like, agree with some of the things I put up on my page. After all, these visitors who have harrassed me about say the infamous "N'Sync" fandom I have do not even habor a clue as to how much time I spend on my page and artwork. Perhaps I should just ignore it, but when you e-mail box is full of just ignorant remarks about just a particular subject, you become a little calous about that. In any case, after having this page for several years, I learned that you really can't make everyone happy. Sure, I can draw what everone wants to see, but then that strips away an artist's creative expression. I think that's far more important than to draw for others so you can please them and be unhappy yourself. If you're still reading this, I apologize for rambling on about this subject. After this revamp, I will just forget about people's harasssment and just let it be.

I think the most blarring statement I've ever had was when someone questioned what I can and can not do. I was shocked when someone said that I was a "freak" because I can do anime/manga art for final fantasy, and other anime, as well as N'Sync, and still be able to appreciate gymnastics and do fanart for that. Or how I can't listen to Eminmen and appreciate Maya at the same time musically. Or how about me not being able to go to clubs and dance my butt off and go home to trim my bonsai tree into shape the next day. Why am I listening this you may ask? Well, the point of it is that you can't simply assume who I am by what I put on this page 100 percent. I may do art, but I like to do many other things that may seem like parodoxes(extreem things contracting each other) to each other. Ask any of my friends on how I can't seem to stop wanting to master some new skill, whether it be playing hockey (I play foward position) to folding a thousand paper cranes (I'm up to 60,000 cranes toward my goal for a million in less than 10 years). So for one to say that it's not right that I can suddenly shift interests in a particular subject (like from Final Fantasy to N'Sync, to original characters, to gymnastics, to clubbing, to etc.) should really think twice because not everyone is a a stereotype. It may work for other artist personel-- the person how just draws all day and maintains a webpage and lives in some anime/manga world-- but actually most people aren't like that. I guess you can see that I just went on and on about rambling, but I figured since this page is being revived again, I would like to start on a clean slate, and I hope people respect that as well.

Now that I am done complaining about the stupid stuff that seems so trivial now, I want to just say few things that I have enjoyed with this page.
First I'd like to thank all the visitors who appreciated the page for what it is, and didn't expect everything to be perfect. You were the ones who saved me from closing this page down for good.

To those who sent pleasant, respectable e-mails, I'd like to let you know my extreem thanks. I was beginning to think that the internet was just full of self-centered, disrespectful, people. Your pressence will always out weight the negative.

To my webspace provider, K-Chan- thank you for allowing me to use unlimited space on your server. I can't tell you how much my page has grown with the extra space. People as kind as you will be reward in life somehow. Just take care of yourself!

To Angelfire- What can I say? This provider has been great to me. They haven't deleted my page or anything of that sort and they still provide me ample amounts of space.

I guess that's that. I still have a long way to go with this page. I have so many projects I'm working on, but so little time. One thing you must forgive me is me making promises to finish a certain project and not doing it. For now on, just believe in the project when you see the final product ^_^;;;;;. Heh. Yeah, it's really irresponsible of me but... you get caught up with other things in life. Well, there are several updates so check everywhere. I'm sure you'll find something you would like to see. Oh, I recommend my new section, the Fine Arts place which shows some of the stuff I did in the past 9 months of stasis phase.

Free Talk: Namingway [ 6/10/2001 ]

Names can pay a crucial role in how we perceive an individual. This is better demonstrated in the Final Fantasy games that reached US shores. Although I am usually against changing features from the original Japanese version, I feel it may be necessary for some character name changes. Don't get me wrong on this because I think the original names are fine, but could be better for certain situations.

One of these situations is the leading heroine, Terra Bradford from Final Fantasy 6(FF3 US). Originally, her name in the Japanese version was "Tina Bradford." Even though Tina is a nice female name, it doesn't seem to enhance Terra's character of "Being the only one who could save the world."

"Terra", in Latin means Earth, or world. Since her role in the game was to be the only "ray of hope" for the world, Terra seems to be a better choice as far as her character's name is concerned. We can make a connection between the root word of "Terra" to her character's role in the game, rather than "Tina." Thus this evokes more of a "only hope" atmosphere for Terra's name to be changed to Terra instead of keeping "Tina".

Many people complain about changes made during the game's shipment to the US, including me, but I must say I'd like to give a few good props for those who thought of these name changes. Sometimes the names in original version sound silly, and sometimes take away from the character. Another example of this would be Sabin, from FF6 (FF3 US). His original name is "Mash." Now, I know his character likes to break things but his name sounds to silly to be the twin brother of a king.

Although most of the name changes have benefitted the character's role, and personality, sometimes even those who change names mess up. Like all things there has be a positive and negative side. In this case it would be the mistakes of the translators who decide to change a character's name when it is not necessary. They've done a great job so far, but just recently they changed an important FF character's name when it was not necessary.

Originally, Aeris' (FF7) name in the Japanese version was "Aerith." Now, for her character in the game it seems ironic, and almost a oxymoron for Aeris' name to be sounding like the "God of War." Her character is far too kind, peaceful, and delicate for her to have such a closely reminiscent name to the Greek "God of War". In this situation, Aeris' name was not necessarily changed for her character's benefit. At this point, I'm not really sure why the translators changed her name.

I know it's hard to make everyone satisfied, but what I'm trying to say to those who are in charge of changing names, or are thinking of character names for their own characters, make sure it contributes to the character's role in the plot. Not only will it further enhance the character's personality, but it will also show the time and character you put into the character. Squaresoft has done an excellent job with names so far. There are just a few that could be better. I never said they were bad choices, but I just thought that they could be vastly improved with a name change. But even then, name changes can also take away from the character, hence Aeris' name in the US version.

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