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They do not work, give it up. Read the main page.
"Encounter" from Metal Gear Solid
"The Main Theme" from Metal Gear Solid
"Main Theme" from Final Fantasy Tactics
"Main Theme" from Saga Frontier
"Zeal palace BGM" from Chrono Trigger
"Frog's Theme" from Chrono Trigger
"Dark Star" from Secret of Mana
"Zed's Theme" from Wild ARMs
"Cecilia's Theme" from Wild ARMs
"Prophecy" from Secret of Mana
"Shadow's Theme" from Final Fantasy III
"Rachel's Theme" from Final Fantasy III
"Midis" from Final Fantasy III (various)
"Icons" from Final Fantasy VII (animated)*
* I found these icons on the net. I do not know who they belong to. If they are your mail me so I may give you proper credit for them (or remove them from my site)

All songs are in Mp3 format....... The Down Load page will be updated when I get requests for files...............

If you have a request for a pice of game music please mail it to me and I bet I can get it........ICQ will work best here.............

ICQ# 11692001

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All SquareSoft items on this page are copyrighted to SquareSoft or their respective authors. If anything on my page is yours, please inform me so that I may remove it from my site or give you proper credit for it.