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Babylonian Magick

Online Translation,
Tentir: Babilu ša tanadâti u rišâti šarkaš!
Tintir: Babylon, on Whom Fame and Jubilation Are Bestowed!
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0. An Assyrian Magician's Manual - KAR 44 1. The Basics of Babylonian Magick 2. Self-Initiation 3. Ikkibšu Nakari - Uraš Gate 4. Izer Aršu - Zababa Gate 5. Šuaši Re'i - Marduk Gate 6. Ištar Sakipat Tebišu - Ištar Gate 7. Interlude - Ereškigal, the Gate of Hell 8. Enlil Munambiršu - Enlil Gate 9. Libur Nadušu - King's Gate 10. Adad Napišti Ummani Usur - Adad Gate 11. Šamaš Išid Ummani Kin - Šamaš Gate 12. Epilogue - Ea, the Gate of Wisdom
Appendix 1 - The Babylonian Religious Calendar
Appendix 2 - Tables of Syncretisms/Correspondences

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