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Hi... How should I start introducing myself?
Umn...Let's begin with my name.
It is TRI
I finished my Master Degree from a university in Australia at the end of 1999.
I found that living in an English-speaking country is not easy.
You know! before going there, I really hated English.
(Because I wasn't good in it.)
And now, my English is still bad. :)
You may be somenoe who can help me to improve my English.
Just feel free to e-mail me.

So...what do I do?
I'm a producer for a morning news prpgram presented in English.
I felt so good when I recieve my first time salary.
Although it's not a big amount of money, I'm proud of myself.

Oh...I almost forget to tell you that I'm now back in Thailand
I love Australia but I can't find a job there.
One more reason is that Thailand is my country. I love Thailand more.

The rest of my story isn't interesting much...It's very normal.
But there is something about my life.

I graduated from Thammasat University in 1997.
After that, I was a trainee of the M.C.O.T.,
Mass Communicaton Organization of Thailand.
The big change is in 1998 when I went to Australia.
I took 6 months to improve my English in an English Institute.
Actually, I hope to finish my degree in the year 2000.
Oh...I finally did!!!
The problem is how can I do it?

Anyway, about Melbourne Australia, I love it.
Melbourne is such a beautiful city.
I was so happy to be there once.
Then, I recommend people to study in Melbourne.

In addition, I didn't have many friends there.
U'Jump is one of them.
Let's see what is he would like to be.

Anyway, I joined VUThai - Victoria University Thai Student Association.
Find out more about VUThai at its web site.
My friend and I trid hard to create and up-date it.
Now, other people take charge.

Ok! If you want to know more about me, please contact me.
I really love to see your e-mail in my mailbox.
Or...you might see me somewhere because I'm ...addicted to chat...

Ps. If you can read Thai please click "HERE" for Thai version.

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Email: trio_th@hotmail.com