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. . .My Photo. . .

When I had a happy time in Australia.

This picture was taken long time ago when i was about 17.
It was on my trip to New Zealand, my first trip out of Thailand.
Besides, it is my inspiration to leave Thailand and be in Australia right now.

When i went to Mt.Buller, i was so excited to first see snow.
Of course, Thailand hasn't got snow. This was my first time on snow.
It was so cold but cool. I love this trip very much.

Then, I've got another chance to travel to Tasmania. That was my latest trip.
I do love that quiet island. Moreover, the weather there was so nice.
It could be one of my great trips in my life.

(From left : I, U'Jump, P'Jood and P'Loh)
Wow! We are Four guys in four styles. Cool!
hope you don't shock by seeing my pictures...

Trio is so ugly, I must go back now.