The Envelope

Here's the back of the envelope:

Awww, they want Jesus to bless my hands! That's so nice! They even put it on the envelope so I would know that my hands are blessed (or at least know they tried). It's so much more personal to print the blessing on the envelopes. I remember back in the day when churches would do bulk mail blessings before the letters were sent out, and the recipients didn't even know they were blessed! What kind of crap is that? Now I know this is a quality church because they have the fake handwritten blessing right here on the envelope.

They also prayed over this letter. Wow. That's amazing. I can just see it. A group of Godly people kneeling around this envelope, speaking in tongues, knowing that the Lord will find this letter in His favor. This is some letter, I tell ya. I can't wait to look inside!

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