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Dividing Bar

The key to the universe is that you can choose. -- Carl Frederick

Silent Bear's Den

Animated Polar Bear THE INVITATION Animated Polar Bear
Isaac Saldaña

She stands on a grassy knoll
In an endless prairie
Her raven waist-length hair moves
In rythm with the fringe
Of her white bucksin dress
As it ripples gently
With the breeze

As she looks out
With ancient vibrant eyes
She wears a knowing smile
On her pre-pubescent face

She gestures invitingly
With a slow-moving arc of her left hand
Towards a pair of long cedar staffs
Planted firmly in the ground

The two poles stand silently together
Like a portal to another time
Each shaft lovingly decorated
From top to bottom
With multi-colored medicine wheels
Of various sizes
Not one like another

As I stride expectantly
Approaching the staffs
I must decide
Do I pick one over the other
Do I take them both
Or do I simply walk between
To experience what awaits beyond


Copyright © 1999 by Isaac Saldaña
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