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Dividing Bar

A man who as a physical being is always turned toward the outside, thinking that his happiness lies outside him, finally turns inward and discovers that the source is within him. -- Soren Kierkegaard

Silent Bear's Den

Animated Polar Bear THE PARABLE
Animated Polar Bear

Isaac Saldaña

I felt your head rest wearily upon my shoulder. I smiled slightly because I knew a question was coming. It was one that had been asked before by others in just the same way.

You shifted slightly as you gathered in a breath. In a tired voice you asked, "Brother, can I have some of your strength?"

My smile faded a little because of the answer I had to give. "I'm sorry, little one, I need all the strength I have and don't have any to spare." My smile disappeared completely as I saw your head begin to droop.

"Don't lose heart, little one. I know where you can find the strength you need." I could feel my smile returning as you looked up at me and excitedly asked, "Really? Where?"

I nodded as I answered, "In the same place I find mine... In the mirror."


Copyright © 2003 by Isaac Saldaña

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