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It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. -- Ursula K. Le Guin

Silent Bear's Den

Animated Polar Bear THE PARABLE
Animated Polar Bear

The Road

Isaac Saldaña

I was walking home that warm spring afternoon when I decided to take an old forgotten road. It was overgrown in places but it was never completely gone.

I had not journeyed far upon the road when I was urged to stop. I looked around but nothing caught my eye. I nearly walked off but something held me back.

I looked down and saw him waiting for me there. I took him in my hand as I stared upon his face. It was somewhat old and weathered but not completely smooth.

I asked him what he wanted. He didn't say a word. I waited a short while longer but silent he remained.

I brought him with me encircled in my hand as I continued on my way. We traveled along together without exchanging words.

It wasn't long before I had to stop again but now I had a clue. I looked down and there she was waiting just like him. I left them there together without even looking back.

Up ahead I saw the redtail circle thrice. As it disappeared from sight, I knew the road was right.


Copyright © 2002 by Isaac Saldaña

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