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Four Years

Dearest Mark,

My precious Son, here we are again ever missing you, forever loving you, still rich with the memory of the sound of your laughter and the radiance of your smile. In part, feeling disbelief that it could be possible that you've been gone four years, yet in another way, it seems forever since we've felt those wonderful, enveloping hugs.

I so hope that your surroundings are as beautiful as I imagine them to be and that you are happily in the company of God, Jesus, and all the angels, those in our family lost before you and since, and the children of so many Moms I've come to know through this journey. Like me, we are all comforted by what we imagine and the thought that our children reside together in the everlasting light of God in Heaven.

We all so look forward to the time we are called and see those cherished faces once more and forever more. Your memory vibrantly lives on in the hearts of many and is forever embedded in mine!

Loving you forever,


Mark's last photo

This photo was taken just hours before Mark's accident.

At the ranch this year on the evening of the anniversary date, I was sitting on the deck after heavy rains in the area, feeling somewhat discouraged that it was too flooded to visit some of the areas I knew to be some of Mark's favorite childhood spots at the ranch, when the sun began to shine a bit and I glimpsed over and saw a rainbow. By the time I retrieved my camera and nabbed this shot, the rainbow began to fade just a bit, but it was there nevertheless. I just said, "Hi, Mark! I love you! Thank you, Hon!"


May peace be with you always.

Written by Natalie for this date...

The Heavens Cry

The Heavens cry for you,
Because you're not here with us today.
The sadness is in us all,
For we love you so!

The better place in which you reside
Makes our hearts happy in a melancholy way.

I remember this day and talks of love and marriage,
The happiness in your heart and in your smile.
You were out to conquer the world that very night.
And you did!

The love you felt was so profound that
The material things on earth were no longer your bounds.
You soared the highest of heights, and faster still, and left us
Crying on this and many other days.

The Heavens are not the only ones who cry
For we are happy for you on the other side.

Love, Natalie (Copyright, 2001)

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