I thought since web pages can get pretty confusing, I thought
I'd make a Site Map. This page will include all of my pages on
this one site, sort of organized, so you'll always be able to
find them.
On each page I will have a link linking to this Site Map,
the Main Page, and my guestbook.
I hope by creating this site map it will make it easier to
go through my webpage.
Main Page- This page
has links to most of the different pages on my website, but not
all of them.
About Me- Is a
page about me(the creator of this webpage.)
A page with a Java Based chatroom! Stop by for a chat!
Catz- This is page
is about my adorible cats.
Elevator Antics-
This page has some crazy things to do on an elevator.
Grading- This is
a page full of funny ways to grade classes.
Facts- This is a
page with some funny, but true computer stories.
Links- This is a
page linking to other webpages.
ChatroomsDirectories and Search Engines