Positive E-mail responses to the Columbine Web Page - 4

Note: There are several Web pages necessary to contain
all the e-mails this site has generated.....
Columbine Main Page / Negative e-mails

My name is Mark. We were in New Mexico at the time of the deaths. It was a very senseless
act. When we argued at school we settled it with words or with fists. I never saw anyone solve
it with bullets. It is sad that this is continuing even after Columbine. The students at Clovis
High sent a giant card to those injured.(and to) to all those in the hospital. I could not imagine
if this were to happen to my children. God Bless all those involved.

Were do I begin? I am a 23 year old freelance artist and recent nurse graduate. I am 5'11",
blonde hair....blue eyes....but no Claudia Schiffer. However, I am an attractive girl, with a
great life (NOW). I am hoping that some of your readers may identify with this, and know that
there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
To avoid sounding like a melodramatic drama queen, I will sum up the first 18 years of my
life. My first memory is of me being molested by my father. That's were it started. He always
put me down, by calling me pretty vulgar names, telling me I had a big butt, was fat and
groping me like I was some piece of meat. My mother never knew. I never told her. During
school, my low esteem was intensified by my peers calling me names, ignoring me, playing
tricks and so on. So....I turned to my art as a vent, I wrote poetry, experimented with drugs
and sex....and rebeled when I could. When I turned 18, I confronted my father about the
molesting (which he adimantly denied) and moved out of my parents home, into a house with
my brother. Now, my brother is a very right wing conservative cop, I on the otherhand had a
tattoo and 2 piercings by this time. So, I again suffered ridicule by him...calling me a freak
(which he still does today...but I think it's more out of envy than anything else.) When I was
19 my father had an affair, left my mother and disenherited my brother and I from ever
receiving anything from my grandprents who worked their whole lives, to provide for the
family when they were gone. Over those next 3 years, I drugged, sexed and wrote my way
into a pretty numb area of my own little world. I was living alone, eating ramen noodles,
because I had no money for food. I had a job.....but no education aside from my HighSchool
diploma. I met a guy who I thought I loved...and moved back to my hometown to live near
my mother. This,,,is where everything changed. My moth3er and I started to seek
counseling, where I would eventually confide everything that happened inmy childhood by
my father. My boyfriend at the time told me that molestation was a very "gray" area. 
Um....hello? LOL...yeah...so anyway, she and I became very close, and after becomming
suspicious of my lover, she decided to run a background check. WELL....it turns out that I was
with a pathologivcal liar for 3 years....who in a matter of 12 hours was packed and gone out of
my life.
Present day- I graduated nursing school...moved to a big city....have great friends, two great
dogs...a beautiful home, new boyfriend, and more esteem than I can handle. HOW? I
NEVER gave up that I was a good, decent, person, with a l;ot of talent to offer this world, and
I knew that even thoguht I was a black sheep....and perhaps a freak at times....that I would
make it. It took some counseling, and a few years of being real low....but here I am. One
more thing too: I always remembered the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have
them do unto you. That one helps! Take care- good luck in your efforts...I am glad to see
that someone is remembering the VICTIMS rather that idolizing the two monsters that lacked
courage, compassion and heart. 

Hello my name is Megan and i live in canada i have a responce to the
school shootings one part of it is positive and the other not. i can totaly
understand why they did what they did sometimes i even feel that way (well
maybe not as bad) the hummiliation, the hatred, the harrassment, the
groups/classes, the being teased everyday and it never stops no mater ow
hard you try but it keeps building and building untill bam it is all over but i
also feel that it was one of the biggest tragetys ever done by a teenager and
will efect the rest of our lives but what were they to do tey felt i bet as if
there was no other way out now we already have laws protecting teenagers
from guns what else are they exposed to do u say well to tell you the truth i
think there is noting to do games with violence in them is now protected
aggainst teenagers as if the get that s*** from f*****g games it is from stress
it is from hatred aggainst them with was then reflected all at once all you
can do is to stop the hatered and stop the name calling or else more things
like this will happen only the once adding to the anger are the ones
causeing it so in columbine do not just blame the killers blame toes who did
thoes tings to them to and i bet they payed for it didn't they 

I never really read into the shooting at Columbine even after a group of 
students from Columbine high school came to my high school in Florida. 
Now that I am in college I am writing about Violence in our schools and came 
across this Web Site 
After reading it I wanted to cry. I never knew that such a killing spree 
would happen.

Hi. Just last week after the 2 shootings in Santee and Pennsylvania( and a 
bomb threat at my high school in Key West), I became concerned about the way 
us, as teenagers, are reacting. I don't really think it's the people that 
tease them or make them outcasts; I think its them. I'm not pointing fingers 
at anyone being at fault. All I'm saying is that it's not always the preps, 
or the jocks, or any other clique that sends kids into killing sprees. As a 
person that hasn't always been popular, and was teased, and called names, I 
haven't ever felt the sensation to kill anyone. Yes, maybe it's how someone 
takes it personally, but no one can help that, unless they stop teasing. But 
that's never going to happen. The reason being: we are teenagers and we are 
human, and the teasing is bound to happen. No matter how nice, or how quiet, 
everyone teases or is teased by someone else sometime in their life. However, 
I do think that teachers and parents and peers and the community as a whole 
should take into consideration that not everyone is the same, and that 
everyone is different. If this happened, I think that maybe, lots more 
"misunderstood" teens would be more understandable. I just keep thinking that 
maybe one day, everyone will be able to be equal to one another, and they 
won't be so judgemental. This email, is just to put out thoughts and 
feelings, and is not to offend anyone. I just wanted to be a part of some 
kind of awareness for school violence, and I'm too shy to speak in front of 
my school, so this was the next best thing. Thank you for reading, and 
hopefully understanding my point of view. 

i was just wondering if you created the page monsters among us

Editor: Yep.

Hi my names k****... i think ur website is really nice, i also think that 
the killers too are monsters!... NO one .. has the rite to go KILLING 
PEOPLE!.. becuz they were "picked on" they could of done 100 things to 
prevent it.. go talk to some one, get a clue and get better .. s*** even talk 
back .. but killing?! TAKEING THERE LIFE!!!??? thats just WRONG and sick and 
outragiously SAD!! the victoms had no rite to pick on them.. no one has a 
rite to.. but the killers must be low lifes if they think killing people will 
solve there problems! 

Note: There are several Web pages necessary to contain
all the e-mails this site has generated.....
Columbine Main Page / Top of page / Negative e-mails / E-mail

ATTENTION: To those who are doing research on the Columbine tragedy,
click here for additional information.

copyright Skeesis 1999, 2000
launched - 05/17/99
Last Updated: Wednesday, 25-Jul-2001 05:50:02 EDT