Negative E-mail responses to the Columbine Web Page - 3

Editor - Webster's Dictionary definition of "monster":
     "Anything monstrous, especially a person of unnatural or excessive ugliness,
     deformity, wickedness or cruelty.
definition of "monstrous":
     "Extraordinary on account of ugliness or viciousness. Shockingly wrong".

Note: There are several Web pages necessary to contain
all the e-mails this site has generated.....
Columbine Main Page / Positive e-mails

how can they say that murder is ok in the name of law but not in the name of people

Editor: I think it's because society, and its government, passed a law to that effect.

Well i thought i would have to put my two cents in. I can think of both 
positive and negative things to write about of this Tragic Situation. I think 
my comments tonight will most likely be placed in the negative section and 
EDITOR: feel free to put me where ever you insist. You are the EDITOR right? 
Everyones entitled to their own oppion and here is mine. Anyways here 
goes. These two so called Monsters as you want to classify them were living 
as out casts in school. "Shame "on the parents for not teaching their kids to 
take all of this bull shit that they had to put up with every day at school 
from all the Preps and up te do"s. The parents were wrong for sending their 
kids to school to be made fun of and to be giving the most dreeded school 
name by all the smart mouth students....being outcasts, low lifes, 
skanks,tra! shy people. I can remember being pushed around in school when i was 
younger, til i beat the shit out of the girls who were doing this to me. 
Takes awhile of being picked on but then once you get tired of it you learn 
to stand up for yourself. Be it your on judgement of how to give PAY BACK 
time. Maybe those who thought these Monsters were not there type should have 
backed off and just left them alone. Instead, the put daily pressure on these 
two kids and turned them into the monsters that they turned out to be. Maybe 
they are Monsters. Who made them that way. The kids in their school system. 
The teachers for not correcting other students for aggravating them on a 
daily basis. The parents of these monsters for sending them to school day 
after day letting them get made fun of and harrased. What they did was 
terrible but it was their way of Paying Back all those who did them in. They 
probally got some innocent ones in their payback ! time but thats expected in 
the way the carried out their plans. They are probally not in Heaven right 
now and are most likely in Hell but they are the ones who will have to deal 
with this. Why should we be even having this discussion on the matter. It is 
in the past and these things are continuing on a daily basis. Kids are still 
getting made fun of, beat up, committing suicide from getting made fun of and 
picked on. You dont see a person getting arrested in the news for making fun 
of a kid who committed suicide. Yet you see only the other side of the story. 
Storys that you try to make money off of. God bless all the kids that went 
to Heaven that day. Its sad but it happened. God bless those two monsters 
that did this that brought us here to this discussion. Im just wondering in 
my mind how many of the wounded or not wounded ones that made fun of these 
monsters are thanking the Heavens for not leaving the world ! to go to Heaven 
that day. Maybe they will think hard the next time they decide to call 
someone a skank, low life....ect.

For you to call any such people derranged is very frightening to me. I think you don't
understand what is going on here and you assume things when you cannot relate to
someone. Your assumptions and explaining of such individuals is pathetic and very
dangerous in it self. Saying Monsters, and Derranged is very pathetic of you, and I think
such people like you, who don't understand, will cause this type of thing to continue. These
boys also killed themselves, in case you haven't known, and their emotions were very real,
and their alienation was also. I think it would be best, for everyone who is still alive, if you
would shut down your website and shut your mouth also, untill you have a better
understanding of the true issues here, and maybe educate yourself on things that you have no
knowledge of. Untill that occurs, your opinion and message is irrelevant and careless.

Editor: Interesting. Murdering 13 and maiming 23 doesn't frighten you, but calling these monsters what they are does frighten you..... Very interesting!

how in that world can you sit there and call these boys monsters? do you
know them?? do you know what they went through? do you know how they
lived??? im sure you don't so why in the world are you judging these
boys?? you don't have the right and nether do i!! i personally don't
think it was there fault!! i mean yeah they held the gun and said im
going to kill you and shot whoever happened to be in the way. but did
you take into consideration what happened? they were mentally abused and
did anyone reach out to help them? no you sat around and let it happen!!
you cant tell me that you don't agree with me!! people on a daily basis
called these boys "fags", "skinheads" and "nazis". i know in my heart of
hearts that this was not right!! i know what they did was wrong and i
know that what the other kids did was wrong too!! nobody stuck up for
these boys when they needed it!! im not saying that i stick up for every
one but when someone is hurting someone emotionally or psychically im
not going to stand around a watch!! its not right under any
i don't agree with you calling these boys names when they are not here
to defend them so im going to stand up for them when nobody else would!!
these boys needed help!! they didn't get it! they needed friends and
nobody would befriend them!! well ill tell you what i think it was
pretty heroic what these boys did!! they saved those other kids from
what could have happened to them!! and in Rachel's case put her in a
much better place then earth could ever be!! you don't seem to
understand that these boys couldn't help what happened to them!! they
had to deal with scares of there own!! they couldn't walk onto school
grounds with out being picked on!! it is not right! and im here today to
say what i think!! 
thank you for your time

Editor: It was very easy to ascertain that they were monsters..... :)

You need to get your facts right and do your homework. I've read through your little webpage
and responses. What are you trying to prove? That you're some crusader who defends all and
speaks for them as well? Want to run down the list of errors? Let's go: 1) Neither Klebold or
Harris wore a trenchcoat at the time of the massacre, nor did they wear them on a regular
basis, so get the blame off the coats, 2) neither shooter was a member of the "Trenchcaot
Mafia", whose name was probably and inside joke. If you look closely, you'll see that they are
in no way, shape, or form, mentioned in the group photo. So stop blaming them, 3)The real
people to blame this on are the so-called victims. If they had just let up off the "freaks", then
they might be alive today. But, no, they had to be jerks and mess with them for kicks. Well I for
one say they deserved what they got. They got everything they gave to the killers, only they
got it in one shot. 
Also, you think just because you were in the army or nazy or whatever means that you deserve
respect? I hate all the armed forces and violence of any kind. Maybe you should take a look
at yourself and all the murders you committed "defending our country". You're a murderer just
as they are, so don't get all high and mighty. At least they weren't war pigs.

Editor: You really should get off whatever you're taking before posting another e-mail.... If you had a clearer head, you would know that three eyewitnesses in the library where most were killed reported that Harris and Klebold wore trenchcoats and boots. I never said they actually belonged to the Trenchcoat Mafia. In fact, sadly, your whole argument is naive, inaccurate, and uneducated!

Do your homework, you idiots. ON your website, you gave false information. Klebold and
Harris were not wearing trenchcoats at the time of the massacre. If you f****** morons knew
anything about it, you'd know that. Also, they were not in the "Trenchcoat Mafia". If you had
seen the group picture of them, you would see that in no way, shape, or form are they even
mentioned. And as for you "positive E-mails", you just want to hear a bunch of wimpy
bible-thumpers crying about God this and Jesus that. God had nothing to do with it,
trenchcoats had nothing to do with it. Do a little bit of research and try to understand
everything before you go blaming everything except for those who are really to blame. The
people gunned down weren't victims, they were a******s who were retaliated against.
However, you people don't want to believe that you could be the ones to blame. It's just so
much easier to point you finger of blame at a coat or someone who looks different or even a
music figure(i.e. Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, KMFDM). To sum all this up, if you can't say
what really happened, then don't say anything at all, you pigs.

update your website, otherwise it's an act of slander and is against the law. If you don't,
action will be taken.

Editor: Thanks for your fact filled post. See my answer to the above post.

I think that u calling them monsters is horrible

Editor: and I think it's horrible that you don't find what they did as monstrous.

Do you really need to glorify the monsters by putting THEIR pictures on the
first page of the web site?

First of all, if you want to find "Hitlers of the future," then you 
should make a site about Saddam Hussein. He, like Hitler, was a master of 
propaganda, and is a Jew hater. The crimes that these two boys committed are 
small compared to those of Saddam and Hitler. Do not call these boys 
monsters, because they had mental problems, and are not responsible for their 
actions. Their community failed to respond to the warning signs, they pay the 
consequences. Our society - and human imperfection - has caused the minority 
to feel left out. "Do weird dress and manners increase the incidences of 
discrimination by other students?" What exactly is weird? The minority of the 
students who are different from majority? Is it so wrong that adolescents 
simply want to find themselves? 
I dislike your dramatic attitude towards all of this. ("Could anyone 
have stopped this senseless, horrific catastrophe?") If you want drama, than 
you should look at other problems. Just look at people like Timothy McVeigh. 
He makes Harris and Klebold look like baby bunnies. Columbine was not the 
first school shooting that had ever happened. The Post-Columbine Era casted 
an air of paranoia that sickens me. Millions of dollars were spent on 
security guards, metal detectors, and security cameras. Kids were even 
suspended for bringing scissors and fingernail clippers to school. How stupid 
are people? Oh my goodness, watch out! I'm gonna poke your eye out! 
From your way of thinking, I would say you must be a religious mom, 
maybe Republican. Those tend to be the overreactive, dramatic type.

Editor: Sorry, but your deductions are all wrong. I'm not a religious mom, or a mom of any kind, not a Republican nor very reactive.

i noticed you did not directly point out the popular cliques and say they are 
to blame, but you were quick to blame the trenchcoat mafia clique, but you 
also said they weren't really accepted by them. a little bit of 
contridicting yourself there huh? i don't know you at all, but from what i 
read, i assume you to be part of those cliques that tormented them. are you 
saying that if they would have dressed more "acceptable" to your terms that 
this horrible tragedy wouldn't have happened? and how can you blame this on 
the parents? they already are tormented by knowing what their children(no 
i'm not saying children as the innocent kind of way, i just don't have a 
better word) did to so many other people. why do you have to inflict more 
pain upon them? from this experience that you have gone through(i don't even 
know if you were at the school, i'm just assuming once again by what i've 
read) and the pain that was inflicted on you, why would you want to inflict 
that same pain upon someone else. feeling that pain, i would think, would 
make someone not want anyone else have to feel that? how do you know 
anything about their families? how do you know that their parents didn't do 
anything? with the kip kinkle case, his parents tried everything, but he had 
mental problems that couldn't be fixed. how do you know that that isn't the 
case with them? okay, maybe the parents could have done something more, but 
just because they didn't, does that make them fully responsible for it? well 
i'm done voicing my opinion now, do with it as you want, delete it, put it on 
the site, print it out rip it up and stomp on it, whatever floats your boat. 
but i just wanted to let you know what i thought since i found your site and 
found out what you thought. hope it made you think.

Editor: I think you must have read what you wanted to read. I most certainly did not blame the Trenchcoat Mafia, and there is no contradiction there at all. In fact, the school called an assembly, and members of the "T M" were allowed to speak to the student body stressing that they were not associated with Klebold and Harris. Were there any doubt that the "T M" was involved, this would not have happened!

  Hello, I want to know what you were thinking about when these people
  wrote these emails to you. You know from my point of view your doing the
  same thing. People write you something, then you write something stupid
  after their email, meaning something negative. When the one guy said they
  were not monsters and he said for you not to call them that, you wrote this
  "or else... what?" We dont need those people like that in society today, so
  grow up and act your age. Innocent people died at that school, because of
  two depressed individuals that wanted to hurt others for fun. So you should
  think of what happened and not sound like some b.s. reporter for the local

Editor: Like most of us, good or bad, I did this page for myself, as a result of the impact that Columbine had on me. Although I have endeavored to keep the "reporting" factual, I still feel very strongly about the ramifications of these events. I did not "advertise" this page anywhere; the search engines found it on "their" own. That others have visited this page, and had a reaction to it, good or bad, is very gratifying.

why must our society always blame the music.  why do u feel that mansons
  music helped contribute to this .i feel that u should change the title  
  because it is so hateful  


Editor: I didn't say I blamed the music. Mr. Manson, himself, was shocked and saddened by these events.

Note: There are several Web pages necessary to contain
all the e-mails this site has generated.....
Columbine Main Page / Top of page / Positive e-mails / E-mail

ATTENTION: To those who are doing research on the Columbine tragedy,
click here for additional information.

copyright Skeesis 1999, 2000
launched - 05/17/99
Last Updated: Wednesday, 25-Jul-2001 05:50:15 EDT