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Problem Solving Tips

For Garden and Lawn


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If you can’t live without spring bulbs, try refrigerating Tulips
Narcissus Daffodil,Crocus and Hyacinth bulbs
for forcing in late fall and winter. (Do this in October)
Put the bulbs in the salad crisper, hold until January
then plant out.


November’s a good time to re-new any mulch that needs replacing
to give extra winter protection. Any organic material will do
try dried grass clippings or dried leaves.


Get a head start on insects by mixing insect repelling
plants in with your vegetables and in your flower beds.
Nasturtiums, Feverfew, Artemsias, Lavender, Daisy and Mint all repel
insects. Most herbs are free from insect attacks and garlic
is never attacked by them.


Got a problem with slugs? Try putting out a saucer full of beer
they can’t resist it and can’t escape it once drunk.


Rabbits are a problem?, but you don’t mind cats
try planting catnip. This will encourage cats to visit
and rabbits will stay away.


Cats digging up your prize flowers?
try scattering orange peel around your beds
they hate the smell.


For a mild case of Rose blackspot, try adding half a cup
of baking soda to a 5 gallon hose end sprayer.
(Baking Soda...Ain't it great!)


Need ideas for a shady spot? Try Bleeding
Hearts, Hostas, Columbines, Impatiens,
Ferns, Caladium or Coleus for a colorful display.


For a pest and disease resistant shrub try
Forsythia in full sun or partial shade.
And the pest resistant Licorice Plant will
also deter mosquitoes.


No room for a compost heap? Why not mix
your kitchen waste such as vegetable peelings
and coffee grounds in your blender with some water
as a quick and easy plant tonic.
(Never use fats or any meat products.)


A couple of tips when planting vegetables; Lettuce seeds need
light to germinate, so pat them into the soil, don’t bury them.
To improve germination for Okra and Pea seeds, soak them
in water overnight before planting. Make sure to plant sweet
and hot peppers at opposite ends of the garden to avoid
cross pollination.


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