Here they are in no particular order and 13 because we couldn't decide on ten.
- Goose Island and Copano Bay Fishing Pier - if you love to fish, here's the place...
- Lake Mineral Wells - rockclimbing, small canoeable lake, pier, store, humongous carp, hiking, gotta love this small park...
- Caprock Canyons - unbelievable beauty and less crowded than Palo Duro
- South Llano River - wild turkeys, great hike, tubing on the river, a newer state park...
- Caddo Lake - Texas's biggest natural lake, cypress & moss, canoe heaven
- Lost Maples - no electrical hookups but gorgeous hike
- Sea Rim - you can camp with hookups or take a drive down this deserted beach and rough it...
- Davis Mountains - near Big Bend country...
- Enchanted Rock - it's just a big rock, a really big rock...
- Copper Breaks - not particularly scenic but in good location in northwest region and not very busy...
- Mission Tejas - if you like history and trees...
- Hueco Tanks - near El Paso where Native Americans and settlers have left their marks, literally...
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