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ATree's Tarot
Tarot Ethics

Ethical questions arise in Tarot reading when you are doing a reading for someone else, and cards show up in the future that show unpleasant things happening. I can't tell you what to do when this happens; you have to make up your own mind. But, here are some things I consider and that I personally practice.

When I read Tarot, intuitively or Color Auras… I do so in the first place to help and heal. I hope you do too.

As such, I consider it the responsibility of the Reader to let the Seeker know what you are "seeing" and "feeling". After all, that is what he/she has come to you for. But, you must do so in as gently and in as lovingly a manner as possible.

Remember to point out that the cards don't say what is going to happen. They say what is likely to happen if nothing in the path of the Seeker changes. It's like standing at the crest of a hill, and looking down a road. If someone is coming up that road, they can't see over the hill. You might call to them, and tell them a car is coming. But if they turn when they hear you say that, or if the car turns into a side street before they get here, they won't ever see it. That doesn't mean it wasn't there. But things change!

Personally, I have never seen spiritual death is Tarot reading or any other reading for that matter. (They don't seem to care.) Remember that the Death card means sudden change and that even physical death is only this… sudden change.

I suggest talking a bit with the Seeker before you begin the reading, and make sure he/she really wants to know, and that he/she knows this isn't a game. (If they want to play around or "test" you, try doing something else.)

Try never to frighten people who are coming to you. That doesn't help people to change very often. Usually it simply makes them stop listening to you. If they become frightened because of how much you know, or how accurate the reading is, simply downplay it. I usually make a joke, because it's hard to laugh and be frightened all at once. You will have your own style, but be gentle and calm. Try never to lay out the cards, gasp, and say, "Oh no!"

I usually see if I can get the Seeker her/himself to tell me what is wrong. If you hint, and if you have established that you expect him/her to work with you before you start, she/he usually will. People normally know exactly what dark clouds are looming ahead; they just hope they'll go away on their own. And, I've found it's a lot less frightening for the Seeker to tell than to be told. As I have mentioned before, the reading should be confirmation (and can even be comforting) to the Seeker.

Be sensitive to the mood and body language of the Seeker as well as yourself. Don't push; you don't want to create either resistance or blame here.

I recommend that you not be critical or judgmental, either. This also creates resistance, and doesn't help anyone. Sure, we are responsible for ourselves; but we also all make mistakes. Personally, I consider "mistakes" as learning steps and without these "mistakes" we are not able to move forward in a clear and positive manner if they are looked at in this way. You don't want to be slapped around for yours. Assume the same about the Seeker.

It is also wise not to try to "tell" anyone what to do. If you do, there is a tendency for them to do the exact opposite if they don't "believe in this" or follow blindly and blame you if anything goes wrong. Neither action helps anyone. Making gentle suggestions is a better route, give them food for thought, but don't dictate even if they ask you to. They have to make their own decisions and their own choices.

Remember that everyone already knows the best path for themselves, at some level. Even if they seem to be bent on doing something foolish, that may be something they need to live through… a lesson, if you will.

Give the Seeker room to find that inner wisdom, and emotional support to take the needed steps and trust her to find her own way on the path that you have illuminated for her!

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