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For those of you who are sadly uninformed, The Sad & the Pathetic is a t.v. show that I have created. It is about my life and those of my friends. I have a feeling that it will be bigger than Seinfeld. I just need time.

This page will be updated whenever possible. For now you will have to take what you can get and that would be to look at my friend's site on which quotes from it are being recorded.

Below I have added some issues that I started writing in the summer. Mostly they are just silly thoughts that have gone through my head, but you never know when something serious will pop up.


Genesis & Exodus

2nd S&P

S&P3: Yeah! It's the Third One!

S&P4: Could it be? Oh my God it is!

S&P6: Uh Oh Folks. . .

S&P7: Come va?

S&P8: Hey Y'all

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 9

S&P10: Well Hello There

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 11

S&P12: Bitter? Me? Nah. . .

S&P13: Oops

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 14

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 15

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 16

S&P17: Woohoo 17!

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 18

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 19

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 20

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 21

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 22

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 23

S&P24: hmm. . the 24th? S&P? My, my. . .

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 25

S&P26: I don't know. 26th? Oh well. . .

S&P27: What up foo?

S&P28:28th. . and counting. . .Y2K. . . S&P. . . YwhoCares?

S&P29:Sheesh. . Another one? 28th? 29th?

S&P30:Sad and Pathetic. . . I don't even know anymore.

S&P31:31st. . . read it and weep

S&P24:. . .Madame President. . You called?

S&P33: Mmmm. . . blueberry pancakes

S&P34. . It's a "special" issue

S&P35:. . Seemingly so Innocent

S&P36: You're not old. . just ripe

S&P37: . . Mary Katherine Gallagher watch out. Superstar coming up!

S&P38:38th. . May I suggest a head check?

S&P39: Yin and Yang. ..

TS&P40:You're my flavor. .Mmmm marshmellowy . .

S&P41: Cabana boys and Creampuffs. . a perfect pair

S&P42:Two sweaty guys and . . .me

S&P43: Is the pocket half full or half empty?

S&P44:Yeah, my truck. . . zzzz. . .

S&P45:What lies beneath. . .

S&P46: Marshmallowy goo

The Sad & the Pathetic: Issue 47

S&P48:New and improved. . sure, sure

S&P49:Aging megadorks. . .

S&P50:All I have to say is. . . WHY??

S&P51: Viva le Lame!

S&P52: Limone and Tennis and Bekks, Oh my!

S&P53: Greece-We’re men...we’re men in tights, tights! tights.

S&P54: Greece2-International Mosquitoes of Mystery

S&P55: Potent . . Potential. . .potentially miserable.

home my art Dad's Pics Family Friends S&P Isn't it just like me?