You ought to check out daily stats which are much more important that this kind of stuff. We're just girls and math is hard so we can't figure out these things(note sarcasm).
To learn about former Stars players go here.

players are ordered by number

#2 Derian Hatcher, defense
#5 Darryl Sydor, defense
#6 Sami Helenius defense
#9 Mike Modano, center
#10 Brenden Morrow, left wing
#13 Bill Guerin, right wing
#14 Jon Sim, left wing (Utah Grizzlies/IHL)
#22 Kirk Muller center
#24 Richard Matvichuk, defense
#26 Jere Lehtinen, left wing
#27 Manny Malhotra, center
#31 Ron Tugnutt, goalie
#33 Scott Pellerin, right wing
#35 Marty Turco, goalie
#43 Phillippe Boucher, defense
#44 Jason Arnott, center
#48 Scott Young, right wing
#56 Sergei Zubov, defense
#77 Pierre Turgeon, center

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