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The Webring Page

This Ring of the Silence Glaive

site is owned by Lindsey.

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This Moonlit Dream Ring site owned by Lindsey.

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[A SM Ring] This A SM Ring site is owned by

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Chibichibi's Sailor Moon Serenity Ring
This site is owned by Lindsey
Want to join Chibichibi's Sailor Moon Serenity Ring?

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This Silver_Moon Sailor Moon Ring site is owned by

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Want to join the ring? Look below.

So you want to join my ring? Well, in order to do that you have to fill out a couple of things first. After that, you need to copy down your HTML fragment.

First, fill out this stuff.

Don't forget, the picture must link to this page! The Silver_Moon Sailor Moon Ring : Site Submission

Submit site to S.M. S.M. Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

The S.M. S.M. Ring made possible by
the Webring.
Now, add your HTML.

Please keep in mind that I have to sort through these submissions and it keeps me kind of busy. Once I review your site, I may/may not add it to the ring. Go ahead and add the HTML anyways. To help you get publicity, you might want to ask some of the other members to link you.