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Welcome to WolvesWithin!!
Please be patient with me. I am new to the art of Websites. This page may take a little time to load...but I think it is worth the wait. I will add more as time goes on. But for the time being my site remains...

I have always been attracted to wolves. Ever since I was a child washing dishes in our kitchen watching the creature lope across the field, or laying in bed listening to them howling from across the river, they have always fascinated me.
Being an animal lover I have been grateful enough to work with animals since the tender age of 13. During that time I have had the opportunity to work with wolves, whether it was a concerned motorist bringing in a wolf that was hit by a car, or working on vaccinating them in the wild. I am glad for any and all experiences I can have with the wolf.

Are there really Wolves Within??

Today, most authorities agree that ALL dogs are descended from Wolves. Controversy remains over where Wolves were first domesticated. Some experts believe that domestication first occured in the Near East 10 000 - 12 000 years ago. Impressive in size and strength, Wolves were easily recongnized as the largest memebers of the wild dog family. From tip of nose to tip of tail, "man's best friend" averages 5 feet in length, stands 2-1/2 feet high at the shoulder and weighs up to 155 pounds or more. So next time you are with your dog, look closely at him and see the Wolf Within!

Click the picture below to get some more info on the WOLF

Web rings and a Few...

Lite Wolf Info
Some Quotes and Poems...You have to check this is beautiful!

Click the running wolf to be taken to my WebRings...........

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June 20/01